Possible to swap mobo?

[H]ard On

Jan 24, 2005
Hello all. I currently run an athlon 64 3500+ in an asus a8v deluxe with a geforce 6800gt. I'm switching to pci-express, so I'm picking up an a8n-sli premium and a 7800gt. It's highly doubtful, but I was wondering if it would be possible to keep my current install of windows and just swap the motherboards without reformatting. It's school time, and even if I back everything up I'd be losing precious study time to reinstall all of my programs, and that's time that I don't really have. I know the boards use different SATA controllers, but I'm not running a RAID or anything, so I figure as long as I have the necessary drivers I can just boot and supply them when necessary. Or at least I'm hoping. Any help or insight here would be greatly appreciated.

P.s. - I know formatting would be ideal, but I want to know if I'll be able to get away with not doing it, at least until christmas break when I'll have time to do all that stuff. Thanks a bunch!
you more than likely can get away with it, but stability would be almost non existant more than likely...

just buck up and reformat...

PS: this is why i have seperate partitions for my programs/windows
Oh I'll reformat, I just need it to live until the first long weekend I can find. Otherwise I guess I can always stay up all weekend and git 'r done. Hopefully it'll work this way. Thanks, later guys.
Repair install...keep your programs and get new system files. Going from Via to Nvidia is going to require a repair install minimum. Won't boot off your HD otherwise.

Assuming WinXP of course ;).