Poor peformance with 6800Gt

theelviscerator said:
according to the scribes its all user error.......def sounds like mobo chipset issues.

Thats what I was thinking, but people with VIA, INTEL and other chipsets are having the same problems....
rayg said:
your processor is too slow, multiplayer games like joint ops and ut2k4 are extremely cpu dependent, you could put AA/AF on and youd still get the same fps most likely

I played joinops last night with my oced x800xt, at highest everything, and was getting around 10-30 fps.... this is on a 2500+ at 3200+, i turned down quality and still hat he same fps... maybe a little bit of a difference but not noticable....i bet if i had better memory and a higher oc, i could get a lot better fps....
ok.... i got about 12k in 3dmark03 with 2aa and 4 af(it wont go any lower for some reason, i must have missed the turn off aa and af switch) oced to 594/ 570
Jointops.... 6xTaa and 16x af, highest on everything(i have to keep one set to a lower quality because if i dont, everything looks black, like im in teh dark, and nightvision works, it wierd...12x10
Anywhere from 7-35 fp but usually its 25 or so....
Ut2k4, 12x10, holy shit setting :p, it is at around 80 or 65 fps, but can dipp here and there...
Halo, i have no clue hwat fps im getting, but max everything, and its sweet!
CoD, i feel as if there is some lagg here and there, but i guess its my cpu as well as joint ops...
64k aquamark? That dont sound right to me..
MoH AA runes very well, i dont use fraps, anyoemn know where i can get it?
desert combat is smooth as silk, when my last card was edgy while flying a plane....
Didnt try cs, but im guessing aroudn 200 fps :p
I gotta download AA and check it...

Btw, for only 35 fps in joint ops, it runs amazingly smooth till about 19 fps...

I cant complain, i had a 5200 card before, and i wanted to shoot myself...
^^^ what motherboard are you using?

I wish I had an extra one laying around to test.
I would reset you bios to all defaults, then make sure fast writes are off. Then I would turn off the OC on your GPU and CPU. You never know, OCs can do some wierd things sometime. Then I would 100% NTFS Full format your HD. Install the latest windows updates, chipset drivers, video cards drivers, and sound card drivers. If that dosent' fix it, you have a hardware problem.
jon_k said:
I would reset you bios to all defaults, then make sure fast writes are off. Then I would turn off the OC on your GPU and CPU. You never know, OCs can do some wierd things sometime. Then I would 100% NTFS Full format your HD. Install the latest windows updates, chipset drivers, video cards drivers, and sound card drivers. If that dosent' fix it, you have a hardware problem.

Ive done all of that, I guess its a hardware conflict or the card is bad...

The strange part is, if I turn off ansio filtering, the framerates are what they should be, even with 4xAA.
I'm in the same boat. My GT at ultra speeds is not performing as I would expect. I'm running a XP-Mobile at 2.5 ghz.

I discussed this in another thread:

When I look at Anand's cpu comparison for doom 3 and see that an XP at only 2.2 ghz with a GT ultra is performing similar to my XP-M at 2.5 ghz and GT at ultra+ speeds it tells me there might be something amiss.

I'm also "only" getting 9,441 3dmarks with 3dmark03.

I'm going to do some testing tonight with card settings and bios to see if I can figure it out.

Strategy, how do you turn off ansio filtering?
Ok. Lets try this:

Take everything back to stock speeds. Drop the overclocks, dropt the voltage increases. STOCK speeds.

Then try. Report back.

I have a hunch,
I've tried all the suggetions here and no luck. Clean format, correct drivers, stock speeds, I'm not running raid, no DVI. When I used default clocks, I just got lower framerates and scores.
Something is definitely up...with both the cpu and vid card overclocked, these are my 3dmark scores:
3DMark 2001 = 16661
3DMark 2003 = 11244

I mean if my 3DMark 2003 score is 11244...my 2001 score should definitely be a lot higher than it is.

By the way, I'm using an MSI KT3 Ultra2 motherboard.
lopoetve said:
Ok. Lets try this:

Take everything back to stock speeds. Drop the overclocks, dropt the voltage increases. STOCK speeds.

Then try. Report back.

I have a hunch,

Done that, still no dice.
Right click desktop, settings -> advanced-> 6800GT tab, Ansiotropic Filtering, turn it to application controlled.

Leave your anti aliasing at 4x, with ansio off and tell me if it fixes your problems.
Try and search for a beta nVidia driver, newer or older than the 61.77/61.76. Run Drivercleaner, IN SAFE MODE, then install the driver and see what happens.

Also, as always, Rivatuner is your friend. Use it. Monitor the heat output and the core/mem clocks with Rivatuner. It's much better than the built in stuff in the nVidia drivers.


I did a clean install on my system and UT2004 was playing choppy. I found out that the drivers were not sticking the core/mem clocks that I set it to. I found out using Rivatuner. Once I put it back to the clocks I wanted, BAM!!! Everything was nice and dandy from there.
Do you guys have bad airflow in your cases? I know that nvidias automatically throttle themselves down if the temps get too high
Riva Tuner is showing that the card isnt underclocking itself or anything due to heat.
Dagoth said:
my system is a similar Spec:

AMD Athlon 64 3200 (Socket 754)
Asus K8VSE Deluxe (Socket 754) Motherboard
Corsair 1GB DDR XMS3200LL Pro TwinX (2x512MB)
XFX 6800GT 350/1.0
Samsung Spinpoint 160gb SATA RAID 0
380w Antec PSU

in UT2K4 I get on average 60-70fps @ 1280x1024 2x/8X

Farcry and Doom run really well at high settings (farcry using SM3.0)

my 3d mark 03 was 10,000+ (using 61.21 drivers & DX9.0b)

I'm currently using 61.77 drivers and DirectX 9.0c Windows SP1

so you should be looking at similar scores...

I have an "old" Athlon Mobile XP running at 2380mhz, 1gb dual channel, and a 6800GT at Ultra speeds, on an NForce2 mobo. I am pretty comparable to your speeds in UT2K4 (same settings), Far Cry is nice-n-smooth at 1280, and Doom3 is right on target for my cpu (25 min-60 max fps, avg of 50 or so). I score 11,600+ in 3DM03 though, don't remember my Aquamark scores...I am using 61.77 and DX9C as well. I have spent alot of time tweaking this rig nad performance is nice, and I think I am maxed out until after QuakeCon, I am going to sell my mobo/cpu/ram and hop on the Athlon64 bandwagon...no way I am going to try and set up a new rig in less than a week and get it all tweaked out... :rolleyes: :D

Initially I was having slow ass UT2K4 speeds, I ended up formatting and reinstalling everything, worked great after that. Definitely sounds like these guys are having chipset driver issues....
ThunderGod66 said:
Something is definitely up...with both the cpu and vid card overclocked, these are my 3dmark scores:
3DMark 2001 = 16661
3DMark 2003 = 11244

I mean if my 3DMark 2003 score is 11244...my 2001 score should definitely be a lot higher than it is.

By the way, I'm using an MSI KT3 Ultra2 motherboard.

For a 2.4B P4, your 3DM01 scores are actually right on. 2001 is cpu limited with the newer cards, with my XP running 2380mhz I only get mid 17k's in 2001. 3DM03 I get 11600's+....really, you are right on in those benches.

You get 11,600 and I only get 9,441 3dmarks in 3dmark03 and we have similar setups. I'm running my xp-mobile at 2,500 mhz. and 6800 GT at 410/1150.

I wish I could figure this out!
hmm my ut2k4 at 1280x1024 maxed out runs in onslaught in the 30-50 fps range. Something feels like its holding it back. I just defragged my hard drive which was heavily fragmented.
wilson502 said:
hmm my ut2k4 at 1280x1024 maxed out runs in onslaught in the 30-50 fps range. Something feels like its holding it back. I just defragged my hard drive which was heavily fragmented.

RAM + cpu.
lopoetve said:
RAM + cpu.

I dont think so because mine is getting almost the same performance as his. Its like something isnt working right together.
agp sideband addressing were enabled and fast writes was as well, should i disable it?
Onslaught mode (along with assault) is DEFINITELY a cpu limited game mode though. And lets be frank, his 2.4B (533mhz bus) isnt exactly cutting edge these days....
well, should i buy a more o/cable 533fsb chip, i heard the 3.06s can do 3.4-3.6 on air.
Strategy said:
I dont think so because mine is getting almost the same performance as his. Its like something isnt working right together.

in 03 or 01? 3dmark03 doesn't care about cpu, 01 and games do.
TheRapture said:
For a 2.4B P4, your 3DM01 scores are actually right on. 2001 is cpu limited with the newer cards, with my XP running 2380mhz I only get mid 17k's in 2001. 3DM03 I get 11600's+....really, you are right on in those benches.

Hey Rapture, you got me confused :) I should've posted my cpu again in my 2nd post.
I'm using an Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2411mhz.

I guess I'm in the same ballpark as you but my scores should be slightly higher...any tweaking recommendations?

Also, Doom 3 will not go over 55fps for me, even @ 640x480 Low Quality.
Granted, I'm still getting 53fps @ 1600x1200 Ultra and High Quality...but Anand's Athlon XP 3200+ @ 2.2ghz is CPU limited at 68fps. I should at least be able to get to that.

Anyway, I'm going to try everything else mentioned here since my previous post when I get home. Hopefully it works.
By the way, thanks for the help everybody.
u guys think i should do a cpu upgrade, like to a 2.8, or a 3.06, which is the fastest my mobo will support. Or should i wait until the end of the year, and get a say amd 64 3400+, cause the 4000+ r gonna be out soon.
im using a x800xt nit a gt, but i need the same help... i used atitool to get to 590 and 565, but i dont think its staying that high for some reason..... in the bios, cpu throttling is 50% and fastwrites(wtf does it do) on....im getting around 11k in 3dmark03 but aa and af were on.... it doesnt have teh slider option to off.... still get around 15 to 30 fps in joint ops at full everything... and if i turn down the game quality, i get teh same fps....
joint ops is horribly unoptmized im thinking or need a REALLY fast cpu like an amd 3800+ o/ced to 4000+ speeds or something.
maybe try disabling vertical sync in the control panel and in the games/applications...
wilson502 said:
joint ops is horribly unoptmized im thinking or need a REALLY fast cpu like an amd 3800+ o/ced to 4000+ speeds or something.

I dunno about that, because when you watch the fps counter in JO the cpu seems to hardly ever get used. Now that i got my 6800gt gig of ram and A64 2800+ i can run all high with 4aa, beautiful game its a steady at 40, but tends to drop to 20 when about 50 people are on screen once, still playable though, suprisingly just a lil slow but the AA is a must in JO you need to tell if that guy 1km out is a guy or a tree branch because of the aliasing, if i play on a max 60 player servers my fps stays around 30 at lowest. I love that game now that i got a system that can run it.