poor agp performance on asrock dual sata2


Feb 14, 2006
have big problems with the 3d performance on my new sata2 motherboard. I only get 1200 in 3dmark06 points compared to the 1500 I got with my pentium 4 2600 cpu and the same graphics card.

My rig consists of
amd x2 4200 cpu
msi geforce 6800 agp
2x seagate 7200.7 sata 120 gb
2x 512 mb crucial ram

I updated with 2.30 agp driver provided by ULI and asrock (two differen clean installs) after a clean windows xp install. Then I installed the new nvidia 8xxx graphics driver.

I managed to run 3dmark in xp 64 only with 7xxx nv drivers. I was not able to install agp drivers from asrock, had to use the xp 64 included ones. I still got only 13xx points

The asrock and uli drivers are supposed to be the same graphics driver. However, in the control panel the uli is listed as pci to agp, while the asrock is listed as agp driver.

Guess i have to wait for a bios or chipset driver upgrade and when i am tired of that buy a new pci-e board.

No reply from asrock support either, too bad

I tried different agp and graphic card drivers with no success. I also tried the ms amd x2 hot fix.

I would be grateful for any help on the subject
Apparently this can be quite a common problem with that particular mobo, i would suggest try not installing the Uli AGP driver, just the Forceware due to a possible conflict between the nvidia software and Asrock's - some people also say setting the AGP to 4x might do the trick, but then i've also been reading that alot of other people so far have not experianced this issue at all - so u may just have to rma it. Also as a last ditch thing u could try - an ATi graphics card.
Tried this now as well.
No success
Guess its an issue with my card and asrock.
I probably buy a new pci-e card then after waiting for a while for new drivers
I learned this from my post at amdmb
I was told at NV News that it could very well be my PSU, My PSU is an AOpen 400w with 12v rail rated at 16A. I was told that with newer mobo's and CPU's you need at least 20A on the 12v. Any one else having these problems on a weaker PSU?

I have a 350w fortron source psu. My computer i fuly stable. But maybe this is the reason for the lousy performance?
Think there are issues with higher versions of nvidia drivers and Windows X64. Haven't seen much to convince me that Windows X64 gets you anything over plain jane XP other than driver headaches.

I once had issues with the asrock / uli agp driver / gart (tried switching from the asrock version to the uli version and "broke it" and video performance crapped out - lots of graphics in games went black & aquamark3 wouldn't show backgrounds properly). It took a clean install of windows (repair install didn't work), then an install of the asrock agp drivers, then forceware video drivers (in that order) to fix it. The Nvidia control panel says 8X for card and chipset and only 2X for OS, but I've been told that's a "typo".

With my FX-57 wannabe OC'd 3700+ SD (running at 2.816ghz) and my overclocked 6600GT agp, I get AM3 scores of 8,880 for gfx and 12,319 for cpu for a combined score of 65K. Works for me until I can score a 7x00 PCI-E card.

With my amdx2cpu running at 2200mhz I get in am3 8.9 gfx, 6,5 cpu and 54 total. I followed the exactly same driver installation procedure as you. I have an unlocke d (16 pipelines) unclocked geforce 6800. Isn't that a too bad score?
ywytyr said:
With my amdx2cpu running at 2200mhz I get in am3 8.9 gfx, 6,5 cpu and 54 total. I followed the exactly same driver installation procedure as you. I have an unlocke d (16 pipelines) unclocked geforce 6800. Isn't that a too bad score?

That's about right I'd say. I get about the same score with my vanilla 6800.
Thank you! Maybe this is an issue with 3dmark on my system then. Do you have a 3dmark06 score for your vanilla card?
No, it's now in my brother's computer ;). Don't have access to it anymore.