Playstation 4 vs "Durango"

Interested in which?

  • Playstation 4

    Votes: 59 68.6%
  • Durango

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Barrel Roll / Wii U

    Votes: 9 10.5%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 29, 2006
With what we know and what are reasonable guesses with Durango which are you more interested in and why?

Some key points imo are;

(assuming these are true)

GPU differences 18 CU (PS4) vs 12 CU (Durango), how will this affect cross platform games? Will it be obvious that one is blatantly slower/weaker than the other?

If the Playstation 4 does not include any form of DVR functionality would that be a cause for concern given the unified approach to most all settop boxes these days?

If you were a huge 360 fan would the rumored "Always online" kill it for you, or lead you to look at Sonys platform instead? (assuming they were talking about playing games and not just a hibernation state for DVR functions)

Would a forced implementation of Kinect/Move sway you to either side?

TBH I am actually more interested in Durango because of the rumored DVR functionallity. I honestly believe they are going this route after their attempt to enable FIOS live cable with Live. It was a very early attempt but if they worked it out and allowed the ability to pause games to switch to live TV quickly and vice versa that would be awesome.

I'll be buying the Playstation 4 because of the exclusives (I think Sony will take the lead here again). Naughty Dog along with a few others are simply brilliant teams and I can't wait to see what they can accomplish with new hardware.
The Xboxs still has the stupid pay monthly (with ads) peer to peer multiplayer. Which makes it a crap idea, especially with their SimCity style (it runs off the same service) plans for always online... Seems like a completely crap idea.

the HDD is probably going to be locked down, so no cheap upgrades,, and Microsoft will find 5 new ways to extract tiny bits of money every 5 minutes (more ads, more ingame ads, not including wireless or batteries or an internet browser etc. etc.).

The Kinect is crap for games, and the creepy always on camera sounds like a DRM measure, o something that will likely become one. The DVR stuff, if it does happen, will likely be an additional cost, something like a Platinum package including peer to peer networking and 5 shows a month, In addition to your cable bill. Both of the competitors include stuff like Netflix and Amazon video, whereas on the Xbox you have to pay to use this paid for service...

As always, Xbox exclusives will be generic and boring. I can't remember a single xbox game that either wasn't on PC, multiplatform of just generic corridor shooting, cover shooting, driving, so it's not really something worth owning, especially with the monthly fees.

Plus it has a very silly codename. There is also not all the details about how they are screwing the customers out yet, so expect a few more before release. Likely all the "good" points have already been released. It might be cheaper than the PS4, but will likely be so by not including things (like having no HDD, wireless and no batteries for the controller) whereas the cheaper options for the WiiU/PS4 will likely be complete packages. But consumers are kind of stupid.
I'm interested in the "Durango" so I know what it actually is and whether it's going to come with crippling DRM or not.

In terms of purchase, I'm leaning heavily in the PS4 direction.
There is nothing other than hardware known about Durango so this poll is kind of moot...

Last time I checked the PS4 was rumored to be always-online before it was officially announced. Who is to say it won't be the case with Microsoft...
There is nothing other than hardware known about Durango so this poll is kind of moot...

Last time I checked the PS4 was rumored to be always-online before it was officially announced. Who is to say it won't be the case with Microsoft...

But there's a difference. Sony came out and disclaimed the rumors which were never related to the console directly, and stemmed from a patent (for some kind of disk authentication which people thought meant no pre owned games, nothing to do with always online). Which kind of killed things there.

Microsoft's rumors came direct from the developers using the prototype consoles (direct association) who noticed it wouldn't work without a constant connection. Now at this point it would have been easy for them to say "no it's just part of the test units" and then everyone would be happy. Instead they've committed, and be in full knowledge that they were committing public relations suicide. So there's 2 possible things going on. 1, they just don't understand PR and what damage it's causing, or don't care, or 2 its because this is a feature they are going to have and they hope this becomes mundane by launch.

then there is the fact the 2 different high level Microsoft employees have spoken about it, the 3 minute claims and a bunch of other things. They are definitely not acting like an innocent party, and there's no reason for them not to deny something if they never had any plan of doing it.
I'm interested in both of them. We know pretty much nothing official about Durango, so I guess I'm interested in learning something/anything about it.
It's obvious MS doesnt care about their current customers, with their current attitude and rumors surrounding the Nextbox. Sony, on the other hand, came out and straight up said that PS4 is about the games. Sony is catering to the market, MS is trying to FORCE the market.

Don't even care about the hardware at this point. They have put a horrid taste in my mouth already.
It's obvious MS doesnt care about their current customers, with their current attitude and rumors surrounding the Nextbox. Sony, on the other hand, came out and straight up said that PS4 is about the games. Sony is catering to the market, MS is trying to FORCE the market.

Don't even care about the hardware at this point. They have put a horrid taste in my mouth already.

I would like to point out that the language used in their press conference wasn't talking to gamers, but to developers. Go and listen/read some of the snippets (which I'd link but blocked atm), they are talking to the game makers, not the players. Whether that is significant or not, I don't know, but "the market" to them (and MS) is the game developers, not the gamers. The devs will ultimately decide which is the lead platform to be on, which system will get better sales as an exclusive (which I don't see anything staying exclusive for longer than a 6-12mo, aside from 1st party titles). Since PC, PS4, and Nextbox are so similar; it won't really matter. I'd definitely leaning towards PS4 and have advised my less-techie coworkers that it will probably be the one to get. If the MS reverts on the "always online" idea, then it won't matter, they'll be virtually identical systems with virtually identical end-user performance.
Wired had a nice article talking developers and how they love the treatment they are getting from Sony over MS.

A recent survey showed that 53 percent of developers self-identify as independent, and Sony is angling to get as many of them on PlayStation devices as possible. And to hear the developers tell it, the reason they're flocking to PlayStation is due as much to what Sony does right as to what Xbox maker Microsoft is doing wrong.

"Microsoft treats independent developers very badly," said Jonathan Blow, creator of the breakout indie success Braid. Blow appeared at Sony's recent PlayStation 4 announcement event to show his new game The Witness. He said in an email that Microsoft's stance on relations with independent developers is to "put you through as much pain as you will endure in order to extract whatever [they] feel like this week."
More than anything related to what we know about Durango, I keep looking at Microsoft as a company right now. Short of Windows 7 which they've "replaced" with Windows 8 - they haven't made a lot of great moves since the 360. Even when they do have great products, it doesn't seem like they know what to do with them.
I would like to point out that the language used in their press conference wasn't talking to gamers, but to developers. Go and listen/read some of the snippets (which I'd link but blocked atm), they are talking to the game makers, not the players. Whether that is significant or not, I don't know, but "the market" to them (and MS) is the game developers, not the gamers. The devs will ultimately decide which is the lead platform to be on, which system will get better sales as an exclusive (which I don't see anything staying exclusive for longer than a 6-12mo, aside from 1st party titles). Since PC, PS4, and Nextbox are so similar; it won't really matter. I'd definitely leaning towards PS4 and have advised my less-techie coworkers that it will probably be the one to get. If the MS reverts on the "always online" idea, then it won't matter, they'll be virtually identical systems with virtually identical end-user performance.

Which is exactly what we need. The developers make the games, they better cater to them first, which I must add is a big change for Sony who has been known to be difficult in the past. MS is doing nothing but burning bridges and not confirming rumors. So, we have unhappy developers and customers that feel they aren't being told the truth. I don't need much else to know that MS doesn't want my business.

Pathetic. Businesses MUST respect their customers. There isn't a single product in this world that will change that fact.
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To answer one of the questions, I think the differences in multiplatform games will be clear as day. The hw on each console is very similar. Nobody will have to go out of the way to take advantage of a 50% more powerful GPU. The game engines will simply scale up or down depending on the system.
If I get any console at all next gen it'll be a Ps4.

As far as I'm concerned Microsoft jumped the shark and I'm done with them until they change their tune on a lot of shit, especially paying for online play. They are now the epitome of nickel-and-diming.
based on rumors, PS4 without a doubt.

As much as I dislike Sony, with the 360's track record or nickle and diming customers... inept media playback... paid online service... ridiculous amount of ad's and treatment of indie developers (not to mention the whole windows 8 metro interface bullshit), I really don't plan on buying another Xbox. My current 360 will be my last.

(EDIT: forgot to mention MS's anti-competitive practices luring developers into timed exclusives as well. They can get bent)
Am I the only one that's never heard of Durango?

Yar, the Xbox codename has been used quite a bit from multiple games sites. Although 'Durango' still reminds me more of a Dodge SUV than a games console too.
Without knowing much about anything I would lean towards Durango. I can't stand the dual shock controller for any games except some rpgs and fighting games. It works okay for sports games, not racing, as well. I also hate that you cannot zoom/stretch and just the setup of the video player on the PS3, which is very similar if not the same as the PS2 version. I see no upgrades in that department and with a very minor adjustment to the dual shock I will definitely pass on the PS4 for some time to come. That doesn't mean I will buy the durango either, as most likely I will sit out the next 2-3 years and maybe skip this generation altogether unless one has a very good dvr and is less than $400 or so outright.
DeathPrincess i take offense to the fact that you called the SimCity and the Durango service the same!

SimCity allowed you to play upwards of 19 minutes disconnected, versus the alleged 3 of Durango, making it the superior choice! :p
DeathPrincess i take offense to the fact that you called the SimCity and the Durango service the same!

SimCity allowed you to play upwards of 19 minutes disconnected, versus the alleged 3 of Durango, making it the superior choice! :p

But both run off DigitalRiver! :eek:

But I apologize to both EA and Maxis, your service is much much better than the proposed Xbox service, and shall probably make customers much happier than Microsoft do. :D

I wonder how Kinetimals whatever will become an MMORPG..
I can't stand the dual shock controller for any games except some rpgs and fighting games. It works okay for sports games, not racing, as well. I also hate that you cannot zoom/stretch and just the setup of the video player on the PS3, which is very similar if not the same as the PS2 version. I see no upgrades in that department and with a very minor adjustment to the dual shock I will definitely pass on the PS4 for some time to come.

I've read they did some big improvements to the controllers for PS4. Supposedly the sticks will be more precise. The PS3 controllers were pretty sloppy for precise aiming in FPS games.
PS4 hands down

- Better exclusives
- I love the dual shock controller, never really liked Xbox controllers
- No always online requirement
- Free service (Most likely)
- Used games will work
- Playstation Plus
- Can play PS4 games on PS Vita
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I prefer xbox. I like the controller better, games feel like there is less input lag.
Also prefer xbox live to psn, free or not. I also think xbox handles updates better with less clicking ok and accept. Since nothing besides hardware specs have been released all I can go on is past performance.
PS4, I like the sony exclusives more than microsoft, and I love the free online.
I wish that Microsoft would just come out with it already so we know absolutely what hardware will be in Durango.

I will buy either a next-gen Xbox or a PS4 but as a PC gamer let me tell you this: the hardware of those two consoles will probably be so similar that there will be no performance or audio/visual difference between the cross-platform games. Currently, PC versions of cross-platform games rarely get high-res textures that PCs can handle; we get the exact same audio/visual experience that the console gamers get. The likelihood that a cross-platform game gets special treatment for the more powerful console is slim.

It's going to come down to exclusives and non-gaming content. While I did like a couple 360 exclusives (Dead Rising 1, Alan Wake), I'm really tired of the crap on the dashboard and I think that paying for Gold to use apps is ridiculous.

Currently, I'd tell you to buy a 360 to get the best experience from cross-platform games due to how the PS3 splits up its RAM but that issue will be gone with the PS4 and with Sony saying it's working on how the patching process works I think they'll have a good product on their hands.

Leaning towards a PS4 right now.
Wired had a nice article talking developers and how they love the treatment they are getting from Sony over MS.

and How Microsoft is trying—but failing—to court indie game developers It's not just the Xbox which is failing to get indie developer. Windows Phone, RT, and the Windows 8 store are all being shunned by developers.

XNA is dead,
I will buy either a next-gen Xbox or a PS4 but as a PC gamer let me tell you this: the hardware of those two consoles will probably be so similar that there will be no performance or audio/visual difference between the cross-platform games. Currently, PC versions of cross-platform games rarely get high-res textures that PCs can handle; we get the exact same audio/visual experience that the console gamers get. The likelihood that a cross-platform game gets special treatment for the more powerful console is slim.

There were performance differences with many games this generation, and without nearly a 1.5x GPU advantage for Xbox360. PCs get largely the same experience because most multiplatform sales are heavily tilted to consoles, so most multiplatform games don't cater to PC and that won't change next gen, but the bar will be raised quite a bit going from 512MB consoles with DX9 class GPUs to 8GB consoles with DX11+ GPUs.

The beauty of PS4 and Durango having such similar hw is that the more powerful system won't need special treatment to show its stuff. A 50% advantage is considerable. It's not like the same game will be 720p 30fps on one and 1080p 60fps on another, but even at the same res and IQ, PS4 should be considerably smoother, for instance rock solid 30fps vs a fluctuating 20-30fps on Durango. Or another game might run the same on both but PS4 will be native 1080p and Durango will be upscaled.

They won't leave an extra 600Gflops on the table doing nothing. My hope is PS4 establishes itself early and developers make use of its superior GPGPU abilities and we'll see things like cloth physics that can simply be omitted to get it to run on Durango, instead of only frame rate or IQ differences.

There is no way there won't be differences. How large it will be is debatable, but I think it will be more noticeable than 7th generation and should consistently favor PS4 over Durango throughout the gen, unlike X360's early port lead that diminished as more 3rd parties learned to use Cell to assist RSX.
Something I forgot to mention that will possibly be a deciding factor, and not sure if anybody else has mentioned, is hard drive speed and loading times. Playing games with lots of loads on the PS3 atm is tedious. I love MLB the show but I spend more time loading the game to play my closer than actually playing(and that usually is almost always the case). The 360 was hands down faster for the majority of games. I'm hoping that this generation is much faster in this regard and hoping there isn't a significant difference between the consoles like currently. Playing fallout 3 on ps3 vs xbox was a lot slower with the ps3 longer load times.
Neither. At least until it's confirmed that neither will need to be online to play games.
Something I forgot to mention that will possibly be a deciding factor, and not sure if anybody else has mentioned, is hard drive speed and loading times. Playing games with lots of loads on the PS3 atm is tedious. I love MLB the show but I spend more time loading the game to play my closer than actually playing(and that usually is almost always the case). The 360 was hands down faster for the majority of games. I'm hoping that this generation is much faster in this regard and hoping there isn't a significant difference between the consoles like currently. Playing fallout 3 on ps3 vs xbox was a lot slower with the ps3 longer load times.

I think that can be attributed to the ps3 not being able to fully install games, unlike the 360. The PS4 will be able to install games.
I vote... for a fourth option.

Wait until the prices come down and actually see what games are out before making a purchase decision.
I have not bought a console since the dreamcast. However, I am fairly interested in this generation of consoles. I'm mainly interested in the PS4 more than the XBOX because I loathe the idea of paying monthly and forced DRM. I guess I will have to wait for details.
I admit that i trolled with my vote of Barrel Roll... because yeah, i will get a Wii U, but i am pretty sure that i will get a PS4 too :p


With that said, the difference between Durango and PS4 will actually be vanilla 7770 vs a 7850 at 900mhz, including the bandwidth difference of DDR3 vs GDDR5. and that performance difference can be seen here on anandtech:

as always hardware is the least important quality. Its all about the software. Developers say they are leaning towards PS4 then I say I am leaning towards PS4.
PS4 when it is price reduced and I can play ratchet and clank and uncharted

Aren't you sick of those franchises ? I hope UC4 is in the oven for a while. Day one I want to play a GT6 concept demo like PD released for GT5 on PS3.

With that said, the difference between Durango and PS4 will actually be vanilla 7770 vs a 7850 at 900mhz, including the bandwidth difference of DDR3 vs GDDR5. and that performance difference can be seen here on anandtech:


I'm interested to know where you're getting that info from. This is not a troll comment, but a real inquiry. I've heard lots of speculation of the PC equivalent of the GPUs in the new consoles, and I'd genuinely like to see some sources. If your assertion is true, the PS4 will definitely be the hardware to get (assuming CPUs are equivalent or in PS4's favour somehow).

From my standpoint, I'll likely get none of the next gen consoles. However, I'm most likely to get the Wii U for some casual gaming with the lady. However, if I was going to venture into PS4/Xbox territory I'd lean towards the PS4 for being more consumer friendly and generally more "open." The only thing that would possibly get me an Xbox is if the new Forza is alluring enough.