PC Version Of Destiny Not Ruled Out

It is cheating. Learn to play with a controller if on console. Don't get angry because people own you while using the same method of input, practice and get better.

How the hell is it cheating? There is so much auto aim in the game, mouse is actually worse sometimes. It's just what I'm used to. It's not cheating, IMO, but I could see how people might think that.

I don't get mad and can compete with the best PC gamers out there on PC FPS, so keep your assumptions (and dumb comments) to yourself. I'm not going to refrain from playing one of the most fun games in the last 20 years just because it's not out for PC.

And granted there are some people who are phenomenal with thumbsticks. I'm sure there are some Destiny players who could own you with the sticks, while you use a mouse (just saying).