PC Powers up but no display


Limp Gawd
Dec 18, 2005
i7 920
2x2 GSkill Ripjaws
GTX 275
Thermaltake Toughpower 750W

I've switched video cards, but that didn't help. The 275 works in my other machine so it's not that. I've tried moving around the RAM, using just one DIMM, that didn't work either. I don't know what else to do and I haven't been able to try switching PSUs because I've been so busy.

Should I buy a new/different PSU?
Yeah, I alreadt looked through that guide about a month ago, but found no solution. Can anyone tell me anything from personal experience? I really want to get this new rig up and running.
Yeah, I alreadt looked through that guide about a month ago, but found no solution. Can anyone tell me anything from personal experience? I really want to get this new rig up and running.

Something tells me you didn't look well enough. Did you not see post #3 in that thread?

The problem is that the issue you've described can be just about anything. It's not just PSU related. Hence why post #3 in that thread is step towards figure out what the exact issue it. And yes from personal experience, post #3 does help out a lot.
Bare bones, take everything out except the bare essentials and go from there. If it posts, add hardware until it doesn't post. Test all of your memory one stick at a time in each slot etc.
Okay I tried barebones testing. Can't get it to POST, no matter what I try.
I had this happen on a MSI motherboard. RMA'd the motherboard and the new one fixed the problem. sounds like you got a bad one. This was my first RMA in 8 years, it happens.
i just had this issue with an AMD system, mobo was refurbished, i reset CMOS and the problem went away, try that if you haven't.

if all fails, probably just a bad board.
Do you see video and if not does the harddrive at least appear to be active and loading something during power up?
I have the same issue where the pc boots up and there is no display. Some days it will boot up properly and other days I have to reset it a few times for it to boot properly. Are you also having the same problem? I will try resetting the cmos when i get home and see if it fixes the problem. thanks
Could be the board, or the PSU, start with the PSU first as 8 out of 10 times, that is the fault.
I have the same issue where the pc boots up and there is no display. Some days it will boot up properly and other days I have to reset it a few times for it to boot properly. Are you also having the same problem? I will try resetting the cmos when i get home and see if it fixes the problem. thanks

Sometimes if I turn on the monitor first before powering the PC the monitor will go to standby while the PC continues to load. I would then have to turn off and then on the monitor and it will then show video. I'm thinking when the PC is cold booted the video card doesn't send a strong signal to the monitor to wake it up properly.
Bare bones, take everything out except the bare essentials and go from there. If it posts, add hardware until it doesn't post. Test all of your memory one stick at a time in each slot etc.

What he said, single out every piece until you find the bad egg causing the problems. This might save you money any way from having to buy unneeded parts that might still work.