PC gamer magazine


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Anyone sub to this magazine? I know it's a UK magazine? thinking of ditching Maximum PC and subbing to PC gamer since Game Informer no longer has print. Maximum PC has gone downhill just the stuff the review is a big yawn they never review good stuff like gaming monitors even.
I've subscribed to PC Gamer for years; there's a US version with 'Murican English. The hardware reviews are no better than Maximum PC and the build guides are dubious at best and flat-out bad at worst. If you want hardware reviews, you're simply not going to get them in print anymore. I read PC Gamer now primarily for news about games I wouldn't've known about from my limited circle of gaming buddies and my limited time spent on gaming websites. Secondarily, many of the technical and history/culture articles they run are good and interesting. Thirdly, the reviews are usually pretty good. It's cheap enough that I stay subscribed - like $2/issue.
I just subbed for one year see how it goes =)
32.00 for a year think I'll a issue dedicated to Cyberpunk 2077
I miss the old Maximum PC, particularly when it was called Boot. Sadly, the "instant news" of the internet has killed a lot of the old monthly periodicals I used to read. Call me over-the-hill, but I still prefer to hold a physical magazine in my hands. I can't stand trying to read a magazine on a monitor, Kindle or phone.
Magazines are dead lol by the time you get it all together,print, and ship the story has been all over the Internet for a long time so pretty pointless.
Magazines are dead lol by the time you get it all together,print, and ship the story has been all over the Internet for a long time so pretty pointless.

I like the quality of the articles in print more. A lot of internet articles are churned out as clickbait or lack any real substance. I prefer video to anything else, but still enjoy reading a handful of magazines.
Anyone sub to this magazine? I know it's a UK magazine? thinking of ditching Maximum PC and subbing to PC gamer since Game Informer no longer has print. Maximum PC has gone downhill just the stuff the review is a big yawn they never review good stuff like gaming monitors even.

Well, I miss the Computer Power User magazine from back in the 2000's. That was an excellent publication and even Kyle used to be a contributor to that magazine. Once that publication died, there was not much else worth even looking at.
1st Issues came in the mail today really impressed with it they reviewed maybe a dozen turn based RPG games =)

This is the issue that started off my subscription.
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oh man, I haven't seen a PC Gamer magazine since the 90s. Lots of good memories drooling over games and hardware that I'd never afford back then. Gotta be honest i am shocked still exist.
I subscribed to them years ago. I used to enjoy it, but in this day and age it doesn't seem feasible anymore.
Going to cancel my sub same game two years in a row paid off magazine has no taste just done for a job. Elden Ring was #2.

I used to back in the late 90s early 00's. Back when Greg Vederman was the Editor & Chief.

Haven't read one in probably a decade.
I remember reading PCXL, including the last issue when it came out.

One of the articles in the last issue:


One of the ads in the same issue:


Needless to say the gaming industry never got out of the toilet. We have publishers blatantly stealing from huge swaths of customers and everyone here just praises it and laps it up.
I still have a couple 96-99 era Computer Gaming World's in a box.

The Christmas issue promoting Quake (that's approx 150pgs) is my most prized.

Followed by an issue about Red Baron 3D..

The good ole' Jeff Green days (y)
It wouldn't take much to make a good PC magazine think game Informer went Belly Up even they had Gamestop subs and everything.
I remember reading PCXL, including the last issue when it came out.

One of the articles in the last issue:

View attachment 507926

One of the ads in the same issue:

View attachment 507927

Needless to say the gaming industry never got out of the toilet. We have publishers blatantly stealing from huge swaths of customers and everyone here just praises it and laps it up.
They also had fake ads in every issue. I remember one that was for 10 shitty PC games coming to Macintosh.
incite Magazine. Too bad it was short-lived. I have all the issues in storage.

Yeah ,I had forgotten all about them. I Had the first issue with Tomb Raider. Obviously most of the other 5 wouldn't get approval to buy as a kid. lol. But Yeah i still have that premiere issue in a box somewhere.
Yeah ,I had forgotten all about them. I Had the first issue with Tomb Raider. Obviously most of the other 5 wouldn't get approval to buy as a kid. lol. But Yeah i still have that premiere issue in a box somewhere.
Well, it was marketed as a magazine for adult gamers. Kind of like if Maxim or FHM from back in the day had made their own magazine dedicated to gaming. Parents probably didn't let their kids have it and adults were largely uninterested in gaming at the time. The age demographics have shifted older and older in the years since then, so I think the magazine was a little too early for its time.
I still get physical Game Informer issues, but I am probably going to cancel as the new EIC is an idiot and the new format is following the trend of tiny font with too much unused space.
Ah print! I used to LOVE magazines. It was a whole cycle of waiting a month for news, and that news was so much appreciated. I wouldn't trade it for instant news, but I do miss it fondly. Kind of like getting my parents to drive me the 30 minutes to a game shop, buying a game with a cool box full of things, and checking out the manual and system requirements on the way home, knowing that my PC would destroy it. :D (except Strike Commander...) I had to upgrade my system the day I got that game. :D That said, Amiga Psygnosis boxes were better. I used to love Next Generation magazine when it was still earlier in its life. That was right around the PS One and Saturn releases I believe. A friend worked at SquareSoft Redmond, so I got to check out the Japanese PS One and Saturn there long before they came here, and they had a copy of that magazine there. I started buying it shortly after.
I bought every Maximum PC issue from 98 to say 2003. I’ve been seeing Gordon Mah Ung on YouTube lately. Remember him as as Editor in chief there.

I actually found this site in the late 90s due to Maximum PC. They had an article on overclocking. Sent me down the rabbit hole.
I lost my original account and mostly just lurked learning what I could.

While my Grandma was at the store I snuck and took my case apart and swapped some jumpers and got my K6-2 300 to 333. Probably could have done 350… had I known what I was doing with voltages. I think I was 14 or 15 at the time.
I resubbed to the magazine actually got some good hints on what games I should be playing they keep recommending Guild Wars 2 so I'm playing that.
My sub ran out in June 2023 only 35.00 for 2 years as long as the magazine doesn't go under like Maximum PC did.
Read the first issue on my 2 year sub had an article on GOG on how the try to preserve games that only ran in DOS. They said big publishers like EA are hard to work with.
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I still subscribe to it and Maximum PC and have....I don't know..... 20, 30 years of issues along with Computer Gaming World, Computer Games, Next Generation, Games for Windows, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Pro, PC Accelerator, etc. I became a PC/Console gaming magazine junkie during the 90s until now. I subscribed to almost all of them. I still refuse to let go. Well, not true. The piles where getting to be to much so my wife brow beat me to throw away say 25% of them about 12 year ago. It was all console mags. ;)

The 2nd issue in my Sub was 30 years of PC gamer in the center after the Darkforces interview they have a recap of all the games that came out in the past 30 years at least they included Ultima.