Panasonic 26" TV


Sep 17, 2004
I am trying to hook my computer running an X800XTPE to a 26" Panasonic Widescreen HDTV. So far I have tried S-Video and even component and it is still impossible to read text. It does have an HDMI input on it. The problem is a DVI to HDMI cable will run about $50. So anyhbody experiened in this category: will that give me a better picture? I'd rather find out before investing $50 in one of these cables.
I was in your boat a month ago Pano 26 inch, LCD.

I bought the HDMI to DVI cable, and I still was not happy with the text. I downloaded a program, that can fine tune your settings, beyond your video card settings, and still no luck.

I have a 6600GT video card, which thought would be enough. the resolution was fine, it was the max as shown in the tv manual, but in the manual, it stated, not to use it as a computer screen, but how true is that? I dont know

Anways, I couldnt get it to what I wanted it to be, so I gave up, returned it. I was thrilled with the display, photos, etc, but text, no luck