Pakistan Blocks YouTube, Facebook

This makes me glad...I was tired of getting friend requests from achmedmohammads all the time.
As far as non-Muslims go, we are all going to Hell unless we convert and start stricly following their religious practices. Attitudes tend to be more barbaric and uncivilized, and reflective of the country they came from. They don't care about anyone but their immediate family and their religion, and how life and society can benefit them, regardless of the overall well-being of the society in which they live. As other comments said, it is a very childish attitude.

The same can be said of Evangelical Christians, Southern Baptists, and the kooks in Opus Dei. Just because they aren't blowing people up (well, outside of your far right religious militias hell-bent on killing every non-white non-Protestant) doesn't mean they are any less fanatical, self-righteous, judgmental and bad for society as a whole as your fanatical Muslims.
What's interesting is that even though I am basically of Viking ancestry, I have always preferred the Greek and Roman gods. If I had to choose, that would probably be my religion.

I would have to choose a new religion, it would be native american mother earth type stuff.(but I am biased by being 1/4 cherokee)
What's interesting is that even though I am basically of Viking ancestry, I have always preferred the Greek and Roman gods. If I had to choose, that would probably be my religion.

They are pretty interesting, but I hated reading the Iliad in college...which kinda soured me on the whole Greek/Roman mythology.
So, what's your point? Mine came out of Adem of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis.

God's Word gives insight to life, not some fictional fairy tale.
God's Word is the foundation of the forming of the USA, the greatest nation on earth.
The Bible (God's Word) is the most quoted reference by the founding fathers.
God bless our freedom!

Here's another great verse for you :)

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The Bible (God's Word) is the most quoted reference by the founding fathers.

You can keep quoting that 1400 year old book, but you do know that this country was founded on Masonic ideals (the Great Democracy Experiment), not Christian ideals like all those Protestant offshoots want everyone to believe.

A free, secular nation is not an idea taken from any Bible that I know of.
You can keep quoting that 1400 year old book, but you do know that this country was founded on Masonic ideals (the Great Democracy Experiment), not Christian ideals like all those Protestant offshoots want everyone to believe.

A free, secular nation is not an idea taken from any Bible that I know of.

Masonic influence can't be denied, but neither can Protestant roots be denied.
In addition, I would like to think that Canadians are more tolerant of other cultures, when compared to most countries ... or so we used to be.

True, but when you start to become a minority in your own county... enough is enough

Also when yo move to Canada, you follow Canada rules/laws and dont try to impose your own, as with any county respect where you going and what they beleive.

If i go to Pakistan for example and kick the cow in the street, or fire up a massive TBone, or suck face with the girlfrend on a corner odds are good they wouldnt care if i told them this is acceptable back home

the RCMP officer in a turbin....:rolleyes:

And it isnt limited to "them" I have idiots coming to my door all the time to preach shit, join this church or that church, i respect your rights, enjoy them but dont come to my damn door as a recruitment officer for your church.

When the wind blows leaves on to my neighbours lawn (who are from India) they rake them back on my law, throw them over my fence etc etc...yet the next neighbour beside them dosnt do this to them? Guess what...there is no maple trees back in India. If you expect to move to SW Ontario and have a maple leaf free lawn year round...:rolleyes:
the country was founded by people that saw how religion can totally corrupt governments and wanted to avoid that, so expressly ensured that separation of church and state was written into the laws. all the wishful thinking you guys want to do will not change the facts.
Masonic influence can't be denied, but neither can Protestant roots be denied.

They were (mostly) Protestants, but when founding the country and adopting the framework of the Constitution, they were Masons first and foremost and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights reflected that entirely.

The only reason the whole myth of the country being founded under Protestantism is around today is because in the middle part of the 19th century when the Free Masons were called Satanic by the Protestants and the Masonic part was basically written out of American History....and that's also when all those crazy BS conspiracy theories started becoming popularized.
^Sorry for the bad grammar...changed thoughts and didn't change the sentence to fit. Wish I could edit that..
You’d think with everything going on over there that Facebook and YouTube would be lower priority than this, but I guess not.

They should probably hire more people if they can't juggle blocking websites and dealing with other matters at the same time! Amirite??????????
True, but when you start to become a minority in your own county... enough is enough


When the wind blows leaves on to my neighbours lawn (who are from India) they rake them back on my law, throw them over my fence etc etc...yet the next neighbour beside them dosnt do this to them? Guess what...there is no maple trees back in India. If you expect to move to SW Ontario and have a maple leaf free lawn year round...:rolleyes:

Life is hard, isn't it? I mean, people around the world have to worry about getting blown up or killed or starving on a daily basis, but fuck man, picking your own leaves make life unbearable :(
True, but when you start to become a minority in your own county... enough is enough
The last information, I saw, regarding visible minorities stated that they make up 15% of Canadians. What I would really like to know is what exactly is the Canadian majority? Is it a skin colour, ethnic group, or is it rather a person (from any religion or culture) who is a proponent of Canadian culture and customs. So what if a person wears a different outfit or worships a different God ... it does not make them any less Canadian.

the RCMP officer in a turbin....:rolleyes:
The RCMP officer wearing a turban was a Sikh not a muslim. There is a really big difference.
Canadian courts came to the decision, after many months of deliberations, that it was acceptable for an RCMP officer to wear a Turban.
Frankly I am more concerned about the actions of the RCMP, such as tasering a polish immigrant to death, more than I am concerned about what they wear for a hat.
Just wanted to point out that poverty is not the root cause of terrorism. Many terrorists are/were wealthy, and gave up their jobs for the "greater good".
Just wanted to point out that poverty is not the root cause of terrorism. Many terrorists are/were wealthy, and gave up their jobs for the "greater good".

That's a fallacy. Saying some were wealthy doesn't mean most were not poor. Having said that, what exactly is the cause, in your opinion?
That's a fallacy. Saying some were wealthy doesn't mean most were not poor. Having said that, what exactly is the cause, in your opinion? religion says be good and you will go to heaven.

The other says you go to heaven if you become a martyr. Plus 19 virgins. Not sure what happens to non-martyrs, tho.

Who can back me up on this?

Just stuff I've heard, no references, so don't pounce my internet army :) religion says be good and you will go to heaven.

The other says you go to heaven if you become a martyr. Plus 19 virgins. Not sure what happens to non-martyrs, tho.

Who can back me up on this?

Just stuff I've heard, no references, so don't pounce my internet army :)

The martyr excuse is just to encourage the people that they're not committing any sins killing others. It's not the reason.

The reason is pretty convoluted. The latest reason started with the end of WW2 with Israel and was compounded by our lack of support of the Afghans after the Soviet withdrew. Watch Charlie Wilson's War when you have the time. It's an awesome movie that portrays Arab anger when we stop funding them after the war ended. It always amazes me why they're considering us to be evil and not going after the Russians for invading them in the first place. Why the hell should we pay for rebuilding Afghanistan? We didn't blow them up!
quick! someone make a fake muhamond prophet FB page. mulsims will go all jihad on them
They did this a few years ago also. Last time they blocked youtube the Pakistani ISP's got the syntax wrong for the BGP (border gateway protocol) for their routers and ended up taking youtube completely off the net. IIRC, youtube had to re-route traffic through Hong Kong (or Taiwan?) to get the site back online.

Lets hope they don't screw it up again.
the country was founded by people that saw how religion can totally corrupt governments and wanted to avoid that, so expressly ensured that separation of church and state was written into the laws. all the wishful thinking you guys want to do will not change the facts.

You talk about 'facts' when you yourself have just proven that you don't know the facts.
The 1st Amendment was to restrict the government from imposing a religion on YOU. That's it.
You've taken one partial quote by Thomas Jefferson and perverted it's meaning.

Now remember, this is from the same document (separation of church and state) to which you are referring:

"I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem." Thomas Jefferson

God Bless our founders
Religion at it again.

Glad to know in American we at least try to constrain our Taliban, errr evangelicals, from running to rampant.
Hey, is that a picture of the prophet Mohammad, with a bag over his head???

Unfortunately "Free speech isn’t a global constant". Good time for the people of Pakistan to learn to use a proxy server!!

The question is not "how" they would react, because we already know that...the question is "why" to infuriate someone with such BS...seriously why to be so stubborn and deliberately do something which makes another person angry, after have been told several times explicitly not to do such a thing.....I think instead of telling them to tolerate we should tolerate the fact that some things are not be made fun of..limits are everything in this world..there is no such thing as absolute freedom or freedom of speech, there are things that are illegal in this free country which I like but can't have or do, similarly freedom of speech means responsibility in that regard too...I am sure anyone here would smack me in the face if I made fun of your mother on the Bus as my right of speech just for the sake of my enjoyment...u just can't do some things..time to grow up
You talk about 'facts' when you yourself have just proven that you don't know the facts.
The 1st Amendment was to restrict the government from imposing a religion on YOU. That's it.
You've taken one partial quote by Thomas Jefferson and perverted it's meaning.

Now remember, this is from the same document (separation of church and state) to which you are referring:

"I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem." Thomas Jefferson

God Bless our founders
let me guess how this goes.
I google then quote some stuff from thomas jefferson
you then google and quote some more stuff from jefferson and maybe somebody else
pointless is pointless
No. The US and most of the western world is much more secularized than the arab world. This is why it's not considered sacrilege. Some people might get upset, but the government just doesn't care about such things.
Really? Then why did a student get jailed for wearing a "Bong Hits for Jesus" shirt during a Bush rally? Upheld by the Supreme Court in 2007.
That's a fallacy. Saying some were wealthy doesn't mean most were not poor. Having said that, what exactly is the cause, in your opinion?
Only religion promises an afterlife and eternal rewards.

People who think Islam is the only faith whose god commands death and destruction haven't read the same bible I have.

And be careful--if you can distinguish between "good" and "bad" lessons to be learned from any holy book, then you admit to having a moral sense that exists outside its teachings.
Pakistan on Thursday condemned caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed that appeared on Facebook, blocking access to the networking site and YouTube in a growing backlash over Internet "sacrilege."

Fair enough i think :) . Much respect for the decision just to block instead of complaining and making a fuss about it.
Sorry, but there aren't just 2 religions. There are several thousand, and no matter what you do, you're damned to hell in dozens if not hundreds of them by following the beliefs of another religion.

So either...

a) Any one works, in which case we can assume that we can believe whatever we want and get away with it.

b) Humans are damned to make a choice between religions with no guiding help from "God", and if they choose the wrong one they go to hell. Which would exclude the existence of a truly "good" "God".

c) Religion is bullshit, and attempting to claim that their either is, or isn't a "God", is idiotic and nothing more then the effect of superstitious morons following fairy tales written and managed by the very people who directly benefit from the teachings.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... I wonder which of these is most reasonable.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Religion thrives on ignorance. Threaten those who don't follow and kill those who outright reject. It's been the hallmark of religious institutions for the entirety of human history.

if you're ever in california, call me and i'll buy you a zj.
its got nothing to do with respect, and if it does they have to earn the respect first something they are not willing to come to terms with.

the biggest problem i have with this is that they cannot respond like adults when a picture of Mohammed is posted somewhere, instead they go off on a tangent and threaten death and bombs. You know a bit like a 5 year old that on a rage because they have lost some sweets....

5 year olds in a fit of rage don't blow up buildings and people.
let me guess how this goes.
I google then quote some stuff from thomas jefferson
you then google and quote some more stuff from jefferson and maybe somebody else
pointless is pointless

I never realized the same founding fathers who created the right for you to say what you want were pointless.
Oh,and India does not go hard at Muslims. Quite the opposite,actually..a Muslim has been convicted to death for helping organise an attack on our Parliament in 2001; the Delhi government has sat on this judgement for fear of a law and order problem. This when all other Muslims here have condemned him and supported the Supreme Court judgement.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Islam is being fought in countries with Muslim majority long before these caricatures, there is many incidents where famous politicians or celebrities say offensive statements against Islam or insulting an Islamic symbol and it didn’t make a big news.
we used to make fun of Egyptians having to shave their beard before they go back to Egypt long before 9/11 because it would cause them all kind of troubles. endless similar examples.
lots of dirty swearing in Arabic would include an insult to something related to religion (Islam in this case) and it’s common between teenagers and collegiate.
when those kids became older they didn’t suddenly become “true Muslims” whatever this means, it’s a simple human nature to have respect for religion and other peoples religion. anyone with the least amount of decency ,manners ,grace or respect for himself understand this.
I don’t think the Pakistani regime is religious at least not like the Saudi one. but they did it while the Saudi one didn’t, maybe they had more commitment to simple human morals than respect for Islamic concepts specially that this was approved in some way by a famous website not an anonymous individual.
someone feeling the need to express how he’s religion free and how this old human practice doesn’t match his big LCD and laser mouse is free speech, no question about that. but to go around insulting other peoples sacred belief’s and call it free speech is a joke and it’s not informative, constructive or funny.
all that aside, personally I was always against these things. protests, blocking, feeling bad because this country banned hijab and that one banned mosques and that guy mentioned the 72 virgins thing. it’s their countries and they can do whatever they want with/in it. go fix your own maybe others will have more respect for you then.

Hotspot Shield Pakistani guys, it'll unblock'em all :D
The question is not "how" they would react, because we already know that...the question is "why" to infuriate someone with such BS...seriously why to be so stubborn and deliberately do something which makes another person angry, after have been told several times explicitly not to do such a thing.....I think instead of telling them to tolerate we should tolerate the fact that some things are not be made fun of..limits are everything in this world..there is no such thing as absolute freedom or freedom of speech, there are things that are illegal in this free country which I like but can't have or do, similarly freedom of speech means responsibility in that regard too...I am sure anyone here would smack me in the face if I made fun of your mother on the Bus as my right of speech just for the sake of my enjoyment...u just can't do some things..time to grow up

Just curious, are you muslim? If you are, then you have no credibility posting that. I guess you would have no problem building an 11 story mosk at ground zero either, right? (I see that as the old "I will destroy your monument and build my own temple on top of it" that is so common in mid east history as a slap on the face).
lots of dirty swearing in Arabic would include an insult to something related to religion (Islam in this case) and it’s common between teenagers and collegiate.
when those kids became older they didn’t suddenly become “true Muslims” whatever this means, it’s a simple human nature to have respect for religion and other peoples religion. anyone with the least amount of decency ,manners ,grace or respect for himself understand this.

Is that why so many muslims refer to people of other religions as 'pigs'? They are trying to be polite? almost had me for a minute (NOT)
I never realized the same founding fathers who created the right for you to say what you want were pointless.
no, what is pointless is trying to argue with someone that has heartfelt beliefs. it accomplishes nothing. The only possible solution is to agree to disagree. This is what I believe happened in the founding of out country. We had a wide variety of belief systems represented. What was obvious (and stated later by Jefferson) was that it was better to keep religion and government separate, that way they both could be kept in a more pure form.
Is that why so many muslims refer to people of other religions as 'pigs'? They are trying to be polite? almost had me for a minute (NOT)

ahh the off topic religious brick I try to avoid

almost had you? I wasn’t defending or convincing anyone, it’s not like if I had you I will have a better Bad Company 2 rank!

it’s actually “grandsons of pigs and monkeys” and is used to certain group of people not “people of other religions” and used in the context of slander and scolding where you would hear even worse words like that funny “olouj” thing al-Sahaf invented during the Iraq war.

Islam has nothing to do with it, ironically you’ll find Islamic rulings forbid it. but unfortunately there will always be those so called Islamic preachers who found it ok in some magical way to go overseas and bomb innocent people and do the same to muslims in their own countries like that bombing incident happened to a wedding in a hotel 10 minutes away from my home in Amman, those will find it ok to use these words and worst and for some reason the media and the internet loves to talk about it and now I’m a liar if I don’t agree with them.

you heard about this stupid pig thing and didn’t hear about things like Amman Message, a statement that agrees with what I said, and was signed and agreed or praised by islamic organizations and Scholars all around the world and from all the eight legal schools of thought in Islam, actually nothing was agreed on this much in the Islamic history.

I was called a monkey and a camel before but you won’t see me going around saying the pigs call us monkeys :D I work at a multinational engineering consultant, my co-workers are Americans, British, French and from other parts of the world, I look to them as friends not pigs, the same apply to members of this forum and I’m not doing anything against Islam rulings by this.