P35 board with firewire


Jan 19, 2003
Can you please suggest me a P35 board that actually has firewire. It should preferably be GIGABYTE, FOXCONN or MSI, DDR2 support up to 8GBs (will run Vista 64 bit), ICH9, raid not important, more than 4 sata ports...and ONE ATA port would be nice...but not a MUST...
I will pair it with a Q6600 and an XFX 8800GT and 8GBS of Apogee DDR2-800. I was going to actually buy the Gigabyte GA-EP-35 DS3L today...and just out of coincidence I noticed there is no firewire!!! How can that be...I was shocked!!..How can a modern desktop PC not have firewire? Most, if not all camcorders use firewire...the minidv ones...which r like 90% of the market...and all home videos are transported to the PC by IEEE...

I am currently using a 5 YEARS old setup..based on the 875P chipset ...and it had 2 firewire ports...!!

Was going to go for a x48/Q9450/DDR3 setup, till I saw Nehalem's performance on Anandtech....and decided to hold off and just build a mid level system till Nehalem becomes main stream...late 2009-early 2010 i think..

Please...I need your suggestions...URGENT....my 875P has just died...need a replacement ASAP..

1) ABIT IP35 Pro
2) ABIT IX38 Quad GT
3) Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4

I have #1 on the list and love the board. 2x Firewire headers are onboard, and a PCI bracket with a small and regular sized firewire port. Price is pretty sweet after rebate.

#2 has a firewire port on the back and a header on the board. It also has the cooler X38 chipset. $189 AR :D

#3 has two firewire ports on the back and a header on the board too.

All are pretty sweet boards...
I concur with colinstu's recommendations. All solid mobos.
How can a modern desktop PC not have firewire?
USB2.0 is pretty much as fast as 1194a, doesn't require an additional controller (which also involves paying a licence fee where USB is free) & the vast majority of people don't have firewire devices.

+1 for the IP35 Pro.

The other solution is to buy a mobo without firewire & add a PCI/PCI-E firewire expansion card.
Another good board would be the GA-EP35-DS3P. FYI, newegg has this great power search feature where you can plug in all those filters and search their inventory. Here's an egghunt for you:


Thats also an odd combination of manufacturers you listed there. MSI and Gigabyte are tier1, but Foxconn isn't. Abit also makes great boards, and you can edit that power search to include Abit boards.

IEEE1394a, aka Firewire400, is theoretically slower than USB2.0, which is 480mbps while FW400 is 400mbps. If your camera is capable of FW800, you'd be best served by getting an add-on IEEE1394b Firewire800 card instead of relying on an onboard solution.
Another for IP35 Pro... :tup:

It was closer to $100 when I bought it back around Christmas but it seems to have gone up :eek:
thanks everyone for your suggestions....

you guys rock!!!
I agree with said recommendations. Also, the ABIT and Gigabyte boards use the TI chip for firewire, which is notably better than all others.
What do you guys think of the Asus P5K board?


It has firewire...but sadly not TI...but it will do i guess....

Unfortunately....where I live...there is no ABIT....and they only have the GA-EP 35 DS3L/DS3R...but not the DS4 or the DS3P...

Will this Asus board do..?

I'll pair it with a Q6600/E8400...8 gigs of DDR2 800MHz...9600GT/8800GT....

I have NO intentions of OC...and this setup is intended for ~ 1-1.5 years till Nehalem goes mainstream...

It's a decent motherboard. If you need firewire, it's a good choice.
So Asus made the cut now, eh? I hate their website, btw... its SLOW. So, download the drivers you need now, since they'll take forever.
So Asus made the cut now, eh? I hate their website, btw... its SLOW.

Eh, not for me.:) If that's the only option he has, then at least it's not that bad of a choice. Still hate the Asus website though.