OS for home server running DC


Aug 24, 2008
I am putting together a server (just a E5200, nothing crazy like an i7) and wanted to know what people usually run for their OS to continue to fold/boinc. I was originally just going to do something like FreeNAS, but I am pretty sure you can't run anything else with that. I have Win7 Pro, XP, Server 2008 (no idea how to use or if it is R2, got from MSDNAA) or would be willing to try a linux distro. Would prefer to avoid WHS, as I would rather spend $100 on another hard drive and deal with what I have available. Won't be any raid (yet) if that makes a difference, just a 24/7 file server for media and documents. Also, it currently only has 1gb memory, but I can probably borrow from a HTPC to make is 2 - 3gb if necessary.
The one of the easiest linux distros to get into is ubuntu, so you might look at zentyal/Ubuntu 10.04. Zentyal is available both as a package for installation on 10.04 as well as a standalone distribution based on 10.04. It should have most of the features you need, and you can manage it via a web interface if that matters.

I have to agree with khwain on this one. I have ubuntu server 10.10 (x64) running BOINC right now for the Christmas Challenge. Super easy to setup and manage. Best part is 1gb of ram is plenty (minus some of the bigger BOINC projects but you can just opt out) and if its just a file server you will have 99% of your cpu to BOINCing or folding or what have you.

My recommendation is to install Ubuntu Server and then install Webmin (to manage it). You should be able to get the server up and running in an hour or two with Samba shares and everything.
Don't quote me on this, but you should be able to run folding on FreeNAS. I never actually tried it (my FreeNAS box is a 666 Celly), but you can run the Linux client on a FreeBSD OS (which FreeNAS is) using some sort of emulation. There are guides on the Stanford site on doing this.

That being said, Ubuntu Server is not bad to work with. I have never used Webmin, so I can't comment on that. One thing worth mentioning is the Ubuntu 10.xx has had trouble folding in the past. You may have to do some tweaking to get it to fold - nothing to terrible, but still some additional work.
One thing worth mentioning is the Ubuntu 10.xx has had trouble folding in the past. You may have to do some tweaking to get it to fold - nothing to terrible, but still some additional work.
This has been resolved and I can help anyone apply the fix, it's super easy.
I have to agree with khwain on this one. I have ubuntu server 10.10 (x64) running BOINC right now for the Christmas Challenge. Super easy to setup and manage. Best part is 1gb of ram is plenty (minus some of the bigger BOINC projects but you can just opt out) and if its just a file server you will have 99% of your cpu to BOINCing or folding or what have you.

My recommendation is to install Ubuntu Server and then install Webmin (to manage it). You should be able to get the server up and running in an hour or two with Samba shares and everything.

Actually there's a couple routes you could go with ubuntu. You could go 10.04 LTS (Longer official support, but it's not the newest version) and use zentyal which is an all-in-one server package with web administration or you could just go 10.10/04 with webmin or SWAT. If you're going to go between these, I'd just go with whatever looks nicest to you; as far as I know they'll all work equally as well so aesthetics do matter.

EDIT: appears someone replied in the time I was writing this. I have no problems folding on my 10.10 server, though there was something about segfaults earlier...it's just a matter of apt-get install nscb I think
I would stick with Windows server personally (in fact, it's what I do, and what I'm planning to do in the future)

It's easy and it's a known quantity.
Linux is a known as well jebo......Server 2k8 R2 should be just fine, i've got a box doing both SMP and GPU folding on it......its goign to have linux on it soon enough though (mythTV backend).....and that houldnt have any issues either ...... its all up to personal preference, with SMP folding they will all be the same
Maybe I should use this as an excuse to finally mess around with linux. If I don't like it I can always just install Server 2k8 over it. I can leave out the storage at first to mess around with getting the basics down. Just so I'm clear, ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 can be run headless? This is a big factor in my decision. Thanks for the help.
Just so I'm clear, ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 can be run headless? This is a big factor in my decision.
Sure, no problem. Headless servers is where Linux shines.