Opty 165 OCing help.


Apr 23, 2007
Hi all,

I am trying to OC my Opty but it's like I've hit a brick wall. I can't get past 2.1 at all. If I go anything higher then 233 HTT. 236 = BSODs all over the place (each time it's a different BSOD). I am not really that knowledgeable with OCing (this is my first time doing it really) and I hope I've come to the right place for help. I just can't figure out why I can't go any higher...

ASRock 939DUALSata2 ULI1695 Chipset
Opteron 165.
Mushkin PC4000 Redline XP
Some cheesey Antec 480W TruePower PSU (28A on a single 12v rail) < just ordered a new Silverstone Element PSU.

Here are some CPU-Z screens.
Edit. I can.

Now my question is this:

When upping the HTT to say 240 and my multi is at 9. I should lower the CPU-NB down so that it dosn't go over 1000 right? Does that make sense
your Antec PSU is not "cheesy"... That 480w PSU you have is a very nice one.. in fact it is the same one I am running in my system right now....

Opteron 175(bad stepping - de-capped) @ 2.8Ghz (Using a TT Big Typhoon with a BT VX fan + 2x case fans.. 1 below and one above).

1GB (2x512) DDR400 Corsair Value Select @ DDR566

7900 GS @ 580/830

5x 7200rpm HDDs


6 total system fans

Rock solid stable. :D
After doing a little bit more reading, I understand a bit more... I've run into trouble however, right now I'm at 240 HTT with HT Multi at 4 and cpu multi x9 and I can't get it stable (PI casues the system to freeze when calc to 32MIL). Voltage at 1.350v. Memory at stock timings at 240 Mhz.

Any idea where the fault could be? I thought the Opty 165's were supposed to be amazing overclockers?
Wow, okay. I was running too tight on the memory. I am using a divider of 11 (166 Mhz) on the ram and I'm at 2.6 now. Wow. I'm dumb, should turned down the memory freq before, thanks a lot!
"1GB (2x512) DDR400 Corsair Value Select @ DDR566"

wow :eek: how you manage to do that?

Just got a good pair I guess... Have to run it at Cas3 (normal was 2.5) - all other timings are default... and at 2.85v.. but other than that.. I didn't do anything.
you should also try lowering the HT link. I know you lowered it to 4, but im at 2.5x and it helped me out by lowering it more
Yup, I'm at 3. Sorry, should of mentioned that when I posted the the 2.6 result. I was told you were to keep as close as possible to 1000 Mhz (289 * 3 = 867).

Now my problem is getting the ram stable, Prime95 ran fine with a torture test for 6 hours. MemtestHCI reports that the memory isn't storing and retrieving correctly.
Yup, I'm at 3. Sorry, should of mentioned that when I posted the the 2.6 result. I was told you were to keep as close as possible to 1000 Mhz (289 * 3 = 867).

Now my problem is getting the ram stable, Prime95 ran fine with a torture test for 6 hours. MemtestHCI reports that the memory isn't storing and retrieving correctly.

Make sure all your memory timings are put in manually and not set at AUTO. Do the same thing with your voltages as well. Try 3 4 4 8 memory timing and let us know if you are passing memtest.
I have a similar setup. Look at the specs in my sig. I run at 2.6 with timings of 2.5-4-4-8. My stepping is CCBWE 546MPMW. I run my voltage at 1.45 with a CNPS9500. My settings are HTx3, 289x9, and the ram runs at like 185mhz or something. Lemme know if you get higher than 2.6. Cause i wanna see if i can too. You also might have to up your memory voltage if you go any higher.
Thanks Regular Daddy, will do that!

I've been on and off with Mushkin Support just talking to them about timings and we are trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Apparanlty, the sticks I have are capable of 500 and I'm sitting at 185! Cool bro!

CruisD64, woah, your voltage is WAY high. I'm running at 290x9 HTx3 as well but on 1.35v. Runs stable (ran two instances of P95 on both cores for 8 hours calculating small FFTs) Anyway, I'm trying to get my ram (ideally) 1:1 but I want to get the freq of it up somewhere in 220-250 stable, then I'll push for 2.8 - I think I should be able to easily, getting nice temps what I'm at currently and stable so? First gotta get this fucking ram situation fixed! Stock cooling too.

How do you find out your stepping? Is there a program without taking off the heatsink (I just put on AS5 and the bottle is empty - shame on me for not writing it down..)

p.s. your voltage seems really high? most records I've seen have stock or between that and 1.40...
Thanks Regular Daddy, will do that!

I've been on and off with Mushkin Support just talking to them about timings and we are trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Apparanlty, the sticks I have are capable of 500 and I'm sitting at 185! Cool bro!

CruisD64, woah, your voltage is WAY high. I'm running at 290x9 HTx3 as well but on 1.35v. Runs stable (ran two instances of P95 on both cores for 8 hours calculating small FFTs) Anyway, I'm trying to get my ram (ideally) 1:1 but I want to get the freq of it up somewhere in 220-250 stable, then I'll push for 2.8 - I think I should be able to easily, getting nice temps what I'm at currently and stable so? First gotta get this fucking ram situation fixed! Stock cooling too.

How do you find out your stepping? Is there a program without taking off the heatsink (I just put on AS5 and the bottle is empty - shame on me for not writing it down..)

p.s. your voltage seems really high? most records I've seen have stock or between that and 1.40...

GJ so far. And no, I don't think there is a program that would tell you your stepping. Too bad you used all your AS5. I'm also running 1.45 volts, however I'm on water. If your temps are good, which I don't think they are, you could probly safely go up to 1.5 max.. How are your temps btw?
The motherboard is crippling. You cannot increase vcore past 1.4v. I could not get the FSB past 230 @ 800mhz HTT. So I am filing the ASRock for an Asus A8n32-SLI. MUUHAHA!!!
GJ so far. And no, I don't think there is a program that would tell you your stepping. Too bad you used all your AS5. I'm also running 1.45 volts, however I'm on water. If your temps are good, which I don't think they are, you could probly safely go up to 1.5 max.. How are your temps btw?
Running two instances of P95 on diffrent cores doing small FFT tests = 50-55c load temps.

idles 33-29. I can only go up to 1.40V max on this board, unless I volt mod, although right now the CPU seems stable and fine so I don't need to VMOD.
The motherboard is crippling. You cannot increase vcore past 1.4v. I could not get the FSB past 230 @ 800mhz HTT. So I am filing the ASRock for an Asus A8n32-SLI. MUUHAHA!!!

My Asrock used to run at FSB of 310 without any problems so something is wrong with your set up.

BTW I also went to a A8n32 and couldn't get more than the asrock :eek:
The ASRock board seems very popular around here, have you guys tried using the OCZ Workbench betas? If yes do you notice any improvements/changes? Benefits?