Opteron 148 46.46


Their great processors - They are meant for servers but works excellent in a regular CPU and their meant to be overclocked ( even tho it will void warranty )
Could buy these at $35 shipped and resell them at $90 or $100 on ebay and make a killing...

malicious said:
were or are ...

the question is ... and opty at 2.8-3.0ghz is still a fast cpu correct... i've been out of the game for a while


still are. i said were cuz i dont own them anymore. but a 2.8 ghz-3 ghz is around a E6600 -E6700conroe cpu. so yes still very fast.

any one think it was a pricing mistake? maybe i shoulda got 2.
malicious said:
it can't last .. it's out of balance with the market

yeah seems out of whack to me too. still bit anyways, here's to hoping ;)
the 53 146 yesterday was a pricing mistake

i've seen lots of pricing mistakes lately

malicious said:
the 53 146 yesterday was a pricing mistake

i've seen lots of pricing mistakes lately


yea true. but some one else posted also......2 sites with low prices :confused:
I have a couple of MSI K7D Master L motherboards, both with dual Athlon 2800MP's on boards, and was going to set them up for my sister and nephew in the next week or so. Now I see this kind of a deal for the Opteron 148 along with a cheap ASRock board, and I am considering selling that hardware off and getting one of these opteron deals with a cheap mobo. The price would come out about the same for what I can get for the stuff....maybe the kid at least would like the opteron more for gaming, but only a single core with the opteron..... decisions decisions.. :p

Should I do the opterons or stay with the dual 2800's?
when i put one in the cart it says i owe tax..

does anybody else get that?
Its a box CPU which comes with pretty decent HSF. You may not need to buy another one.
Just bought one from Pagecomputers.com - It was $8.00 for shipping but whoop de do will sell it on EBay for $90 or $95.00

Bitter sweet deal if it goes thru
malicious said:
when i put one in the cart it says i owe tax..

does anybody else get that?

you're not bitching about tax now are you?
cvfd1615 said:

For $35 I'd go with the opteron! LOL

Yeah you are right, what am I smokin... haha I am tired...ordering now sir.

Funny thing is I can sell these old boards on ebay for more than the Optys will cost, because of the 64bit slots, some folks like to use those boards as cheap servers.
Order has been submitted but my card hasn't been charged!

We'll see what happens tomorrow.
sn_85 said:
you're not bitching about tax now are you?

just wondering bec usually when you buy something online you don't pay tax.. not sure if they changed the law..

well I have a few Abit motherboards being given to me so i just picked up 3x :p
malicious said:
just wondering bec usually when you buy something online you don't pay tax.. not sure if they changed the law..

of course u do. dell does it. and others. if the company is based in ur state. i got charged but im ok with it.
Yeah mine said that on the actual invoice screen...even though the product page says in stock. Doh. Lets see what happens.
i just ordered one from the slick deals link to page computers, let you guys know what happens, dont need it either so ill try selling it some where
Gah, I have a feeling this is a pricing mistake.... I mean $27.... I'll be expecting an email 2 days later saying the order has been cancelled blah blah blah.
If an error is made and a product is listed at an incorrect price, we shall maintain the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed at the incorrect price. If the order has been confirmed and charged to your credit card, we shall immediately issue a credit in the amount of the incorrect price. Note: We also do not guarantee that our prices listed on other Web sites or price engines are accurate or up-to-date

Haha yup, they forgot to put the $127

But I will be HAPPY AS HELL if it does ship. Otherwise my 144 from newegg for almost triple the price is in the mail for delivery tomorrow afternoon :)
Been a lot of Opteron 'misprices' lately. Ordered 2 opterons from both page computers and pcconnection, hoping one of the orders ships. ;)
I just ordered one from PCConnection; for 48 bucks.

Will this be faster than my current A64 Venice S939 @ 2.72 GHz?
I wasn't going to bite at 46.46, but at about $65 shipped for two at the other site, I couldn't help it. Hopefully they ship so I can ebay them and make some money :).
madcoder said:
Should I do the opterons or stay with the dual 2800's?

I had two of those Socket A systems. One on that MSI, and one on a Tyan. They ran nice and hot and were near impossible to be a big fat fan on.

Jump on these. I doubt very seriously if they will ever ship . . .. but if they do, you'll be sorry you didn't.
I ordered one from page computers, i know its not going through, but i figured i would at least try.

I bought 2 and am upgrading my 140 folding boxen. I'll ebay off the 140's and break even. Nothing like a free upgrade!
Ordered a few just now from PC Connection... still says "In Stock, Ships: Today"
I just bought one from PC connection. I know, I could of went with page, but I rather go with the better ratings of pc connection.

Plus, this will defnately boost my performence from a 3000+ a64 1.8.