OpenAI 5 for DOTA 2


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
A team of researchers at OpenAI, have turned loose its own A Team, that they refer to as the OpenAI Five. Using AI in games is nothing new, but where this AI has a new wrinkle is that it is learning to work with other AI teammates as well as human players. They say it is already defeating amateur DOTA 2 players in testing, which of course tells me it is still getting its collective AI asses kicked by professional human players. OpenAI showed its 1v1 capabilities last year.

Check out the video.

“What we’ve seen implies that coordination and collaboration can emerge very naturally out of the incentives,” says Greg Brockman, one of the founders of OpenAI, which aims to develop artificial intelligence openly and in a way that benefits humanity. He adds that the team has tried substituting a human player for one of the algorithms and found this to work very well. “He described himself as feeling very well supported,” Brockman says.
Next thing is to pit the OpenAI against itself and see who the victor will be.

Would you like to play a game?
If this becomes anything like the Starcraft AI the pro's are fucked.

The starcraft AI?
I have yet to see one to beat me.

do you mean the default or the competion ones, both suck rather hard but I guess I might be in the top 10% atleast.

They will impress me when they win 5:5 Dota\LOL matches

And then SC2 vs serral, maru and the likes :)
The starcraft AI?
I have yet to see one to beat me.

do you mean the default or the competion ones, both suck rather hard but I guess I might be in the top 10% atleast.

They will impress me when they win 5:5 Dota\LOL matches

And then SC2 vs serral, maru and the likes :)

I know a buddy who dominated the ai from SC1. I on the other hand never had that pure multitasking ability to keep up with them. His rank in SC2 is something like diamond and pushed into master.
Beats Amateur players?

Shit, a 6 year old could beat me at that game.

Let me know when it does something impressive.
Beats Amateur players?

Shit, a 6 year old could beat me at that game.

Let me know when it does something impressive.

I used to be real good at DOTA when it was on Warcraft 3: Frozen throne, but when I got beta access almost 10 years ago for League of Legends, which severely dumbed down the gameplay, I had a hard time playing actual DOTA anymore. Makes me wonder what is considered amateur for MOBA's anymore since it became so popular.
I know a buddy who dominated the ai from SC1. I on the other hand never had that pure multitasking ability to keep up with them. His rank in SC2 is something like diamond and pushed into master.

master here ;P

in broodwar (sc1) before I got good interwebs I had boosted ai and playd them 7vs1 for practice as I had 5 hours of isdn a day, once adsl came I did shit tons of games and I believe one of my accounts had like 9000 games so it isn't like us humans doesn't do "machine learning" :)
master here ;P

in broodwar (sc1) before I got good interwebs I had boosted ai and playd them 7vs1 for practice as I had 5 hours of isdn a day, once adsl came I did shit tons of games and I believe one of my accounts had like 9000 games so it isn't like us humans doesn't do "machine learning" :)

Holy shit man