One of my raid 0 drives gets an error but bootable - trying to recover data


Aug 17, 2006
So after a few years, one of my seagate baracuda 320gb is getting an error message upon boot up. DFI Blood iron p35 series..

Raid 0 has been my main setup for years and never really had any problems til now.. The system will boot but hang after load up.. So right now I got a old ps3 40gb sata drive with a backup copy of win7 running right now..

I tried to have this backup drive connected while the raid hard drives are connected, with the motherboard bios setting to raid.. yet when i try to boot win 7, it crashes and reboots right after the windows animation screen,

Then I tried disconnecting the raid hard drives and left the spare (without touching the raid setup on the motherboard), and it crashest and reboots same thing, So I am wondering if I can even run a non-raid sata drive, with raid 0 sata drives on the motherboard?

Dont think this likes to boot with the motherboard set to raid even if the raid drives aren't connected .

Maybe I have to go to a IDE hard drive main boot and then just the raid drives on the satas?

Perhaps I can bug to borrow my mom's pc since it has a gigabyte motherboard on it which has 2 different sata ports, a jmicron set and a intel set.
First off, RAID0 is only as good as it's last back-up and anyone not heeding this simple advice will not be receiving the Einstein award this year. :)

It looks to me that your array will not boot and you'll need to determine if one of the drives has failed completely or if it's a lesser problem.

If both RAID drives can be seen by the BIOS you may have a shot but you'll need a bootable system using an Intel chipset.

Do yourself a favor and read this article.

Many people actually copy the array in the degraded form so when the first try screws-up, ya got another shot. :)

I'd be getting that 40GB drive working and go from there.

Maybe someone else will come along and give you better/easier advice but RAID0 recovery usually doesn't go well.

Good Luck!
I hooked up each hdd to my mothers computer which could run seagate for dos (seagates diagnostics tool) which found 7 errors which where reported as bad sectors. It repaired them and checked out ok.. Bad thing is I lost my data. I am still running tests on it now via Seatools for windows (having that hdd connected back to my pc and system booted via that 40gb drive so I am running tests on it.

Data lose isnt too bad, I had a fresh install a few months ago so I didnt have too much personal stuff on it, besides my rare porn hahaha.

IMO I dont think raid0 is too bad, even in a single hdd system you have the same risk of hdd failure imo
I wouldnt mind stepping up to a 1tb hdd for important files/documents and than just have this raid0 for the OS and games. Im just soo broke money wise =(
even in a single hdd system you have the same risk of hdd failure imo
The chance of recovery on a single disk is MUCH greater (90% or at least 50%?) than RAID0.

As long as you don't mind losing data/reinstalling the OS there's no back-up needed.

For us that use RAID0 for our everday OS, a back-up (or 2) is a necessity. :)
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Why do you say you have lost your data, have you attempted any kind of recovery ?
after running seatools for dos on that hard drive, it repaired some bad sectors.. and when i hooked it back up to my main system in raid, the bios reported it as non-raid while the good hdd was still noted as raid member, so I had to recreated the raid array, which lost everything.

Now I probably could have carried my raid drives over to my mom's computer which i used to run these raid drives on (before I carried it over to my dfi board which had the same intel controllers) and try booting that up with her OS before I did Seatools, but I didn't think about it..

Not much lost imo, i have back ups from like 2006 but its mostly old pictures, nothing I cant redownload over a week. Just get the OS up, ms office, chrome, and my resume from an old email attachment lol..

Now I will be looking at picking up a 1tb hdd for just mp3s, documents and apps, and just keep the raid for the OS and games.

BTW I am in windows running tests on these drives individually, will take a few hours.
HD Tune shows warning on reallocated sector count, "Number of damaged sectors which have been replaced: 23

But the scan itself doesnt show any red bad sectors
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Now I will be looking at picking up a 1tb hdd for just mp3s, documents and apps, and just keep the raid for the OS and games.
RAID0 is only as good as it's last back-up and anyone not heeding this simple advice will not be receiving the Einstein award this year.
You'll receive the Einstein award next year. :)

Send that drive for an RMA and use a back-up.

Good Luck!