OMG! Read this and LAUGH!

Yogi said:
I see nothing wrong with that review.

Is he pushing any beliefs on anyone? No.
Is the review inconsistant with others on the site? No. Other games seem to be judges by the same criteria.
Does the site make it clear what it is they are looking at in the review? Yes. They don't try and fool you in any way. They make it obvious that it is being reviewed on conservative moral grounds first and foremost, with gameplay a distant second.
Is he trying to ban the game or anything crazy like that? No.
Do you have to read the site? No.
Should you be complaining about the review or bashing the authour? No. He has done nothing wrong and has not tricked you into viewing the article in any way. You have to know what you are about to read at a site named Christ Centered Game Reviews.

If I was a huge Elvis fan, and decided to review games based on Elvis content, I would probably give Doom 3 a 0 for having no mention of Elvis at all. It's just a different criteria for reviewing, and just because it's different than normal doesn't mean it's wrong.

Go to that site if you are interested in reading reviews that tell you how appropriate games are for people that like to avoid questionable content. Go to gamespot, gamespy, or IGN to find reviews based on graphics and gameplay without much mention of content.

Either way stop acting like children and respect other people's rights to judge games on different criteria then your own.

Look at their review of "Hitman" and tell me it's consistant with the other reviews. It's a game about killing people for a living, and they gave it a higher score than Doom 3. So basically they are saying it's better to kill innocent humans than it is to kill demons and evil things. Let's not forget, Doom 3 is about hell and demons, but it's about KILLING demons, NOT BEING a demon and doing evil deeds. Hitman is a game about doing evil deeds, yet they gave it a better score. How is that for moral logic??
There were a bunch of bible thumpers trying to save our souls outside the Xcel Energy Center last night for the Metallica/Godsmack concert.:rolleyes: Fucking retards, they don't even know what the music is about, but they assume and try to push their warped views on everyone else. They are comparable to the nazi's. One vision, only one perfect world, only one perfect beliefe etc. Fuck them.

Look at their review of "Hitman" and tell me it's consitant with the other reviews. It's a game about killing people for a living, and they gave it a higher score than Doom 3. So basically they are saying it's better to kill innocent humans than it is to kill demons and evil things. Let's not forget, Doom 3 is about hell and demons, but it's about KILLING DEMONS, not being a demon and doing evil deeds. Hitman is a game about doing evil deeds, yet they gave it a better score. How is that for moral logic??

Couldn't agree more.
in over 20 years of gaming no game ever gave me the urge to kill anyone. Can't say the same about this review. It's my opinion that satan himself wrote this review after being pissed at his friends getting their asses kicked and used the reviewer to post it. I think the reviewer should be locked in a dungeon and tortured until he confessed it.
jchahn said:
Look at their review of "Hitman" and tell me it's consitant with the other reviews. It's a game about killing people for a living, and they gave it a higher score than Doom 3. So basically they are saying it's better to kill innocent humans than it is to kill demons and evil things. Let's not forget, Doom 3 is about hell and demons, but it's about KILLING DEMONS, not being a demon and doing evil deeds. Hitman is a game about doing evil deeds, yet they gave it a better score. How is that for moral logic??

I'm not saying that I agree with their system, but I do think it is consistant. They consistantly make a bigger deal of satanic and disturbing imagery than killing. Doom III has much more gore and disturbing images than hitman. People hanging from the ceiling with their skin ripped off and entrails exposed is a pretty graphic sight.

I don't read that sire because I don't agree with what they consider appropriate for adults, and because I find their reviews amatureish, but I respect their freedom to have a site where reviews from their way of looking at games can be made available.
What I find funny is that, for once, a review focuses more on the content of Doom3, rather than the graphics!

Like some have mentioned, it should have at least been given credit for what your mission is - to banish evil from this world. Basicly what they're saying is, if they had a chance, they'd choose not to banish satan from our world because of the extreme amount of 'occultish images and gore' you'd have to go through?

Isn't that why some texts say Jesus died for his people? Take one for the team?


edit: I'd like to ask those who've memorized the bible - is there anything in there that says seeing dark, evil & occultish images is a sin? THATS the main problem with those types of people. They're so afraid of sin & precieve us as mindless idiots prone to 'switching teams' that they think that 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' is the best way to go...apparently only God knows teens seek out what's held away from their eyes :rolleyes:
Whatever... anyone who reads that rediculus churchy site is nuts anyway. Like reviewthis on their site said, they should just stay away from the internet.

Just for the record I don't believe in anything I can't see. (ex. god, jesus, satan and all that BS.)
Extremist conservatives have been bitching about games for years. I remember when I was a little kid, they were complaining about the old Mortal Combat games. Tipper friggin' Gore led the mission to get ratings on games like movies. Then when Columbine happened, the wackos came out of the wood work and said that the shooters did what they did because they were brainwashed by Marilyn Manson, and because of video games. Namely, they played the original Doom and they said that was the reason.

If games and music made people kill other people, everyone would have been killed by somebody by now. The simple fact is, out of the millions of people who have played doom, I can count the number of people on one hand that have killed someone, so it can't be because of the game, it's just coincidence that those people play the game.

Quote from Scream, "Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative."
The same applies to games and music. They don't make people become psycho, but it is possible that they will give people who are already psycho some ideas, but unlikely.
I'd go out on a limb and say your average [H] member is not the target audience for this review. While I agree that D3 technically allows the gamer to fight back the hordes of hell I can also see why a religious person might not want to play the game. I found it pretty damn creepy, so imagine how a devoutly religious person might feel while playing. I consider myslef to be a religious person, but religious wingnuts give the rest of us a bad name. We're not all crazy conservatives who vote Bush. :p
I don't remember hitler owning a gameboy.

Honestly, violence and bad things have been around since the beginning of time, caesar, ghengis khan, hitler, all of them did some pretty wild and crazy BAD things. None of them had a nintendo. The logic that video games cause violence is poor, because violence existed long before video games. People just like to blame an in-animate object for the evils they commit, rather than blaming themselves....
Look-- the guy is a self-righteous Christian. One of the types that blindly try to lead others by being the person that speaks with the most “Thou's” and “Art's” and always has a bible in his hand. He's the type that is more worried about proving himself to us and not to God.

Any religion shouldn't prejudged by observing the people shouting out and claiming to belong to the religion. Look at Islam, those crazed terrorist, they are really throwing that religion for a loop. So are you going to say all Muslim are bad/crazy/nuts because of that? You shouldn’t. Same goes for Christianity don’t judge the religion because the guy gave Doom 3 a lower score.

Anyways, just take notice of the site. If you’re not willing to see his side of the review, don’t bother going there. Besides he didn't give is a 0/5 he gave it a overall score of:

As a game for mature audiences: 9/10
As a game for younger audiences: 2/10

HRslammR said:
hey, don't blame him. blame the religion. my mormon chic-friend couldn't go see the passion of the christ because it was rated-R.

me: but it's the movie telling of your lord savior
her: yeah but it's rated R.
me: but... it MADE him, ya know... i mean that's when he "took the sins for our existence"
her: yeah but it's rated R
me: but you read about it almost every day! i mean there's easter and the cross is tied one to one with JC! and you still won't go see it?
her: it's rated R.
me: ...
me: wanna go make out?

thats because mormonism is a legalistic cult. They entangle themselves in meaningless rules. Google them once to what you get...

If it was rated X for violence...which it prob could have been if it was more detailed in the actual experience.. If it was violent, it was violent. I mean the suffering was predestined to be just about the most a person could stand. Yall seem to forget it was paying the price for the compiled and total sins of the world, physically and spiritually. Thats gonna hurt.

A true Christian understand what the movie means, not just what it portrays.

As for the review the guy is preaching to a certain audience for sure..

But no you are not actually doing evil so that makes it a good game...

Same as a BF type are fighting for your country which is not only allowed, but considered a duty.
theelviscerator said:
thats because mormonism is a legalistic cult. They entangle themselves in meaningless rules. Google them once to what you get...

If it was rated X for violence...which it prob could have been if it was more detailed in the actual experience.. If it was violent, it was violent. I mean the suffering was predestined to be just about the most a person could stand. Yall seem to forget it was paying the price for the compiled and total sins of the world, physically and spiritually. Thats gonna hurt.

A true Christian understand what the movie means, not just what it portrays.

Dont try to be the end-all-be-all master of religions theelviscerator. Google anything on any religion and you are going to get more crap then truth. As for her not wanting to see it, big deal. I don't want to see it either and not because of religious regions. I already know how it went down, why would I pay money to go to a movie theater (where I normally go to be entertained) to see something I already know in horrid detail? I don't agree with her not wanting to go just because it was rated R, but don't throw out crap on Mormonism because of one girl not wanting to see the movie. Personally I would say the movie should be more like 10 minutes of suffering (in whatever graphic detail ol' Mel wants) and then lots of focus on the resurrection since (hello) thats the whole point. I don't want this to turn into a religious discussion/debate because then the moron posters will come out of the woodworks. Lets just keep the focus on Mr hokey dude running a site that to me has no real niche.
besides thats why it has a mature rating....

I wonder what the true demographics are on age of people playing it..

There are many under 18 playing it though huh...

But yes all religion sucks. You are like whited sepulchres, all white and clean outside, but inside you are bones and muck.
Impact9 said:
Look-- the guy is a self-righteous Christian. One of the types that blindly try to lead others by being the person that speaks with the most “Thou's” and “Art's” and always has a bible in his hand. He's the type that is more worried about proving himself to us and not to God.

Any religion shouldn't prejudged by observing the people shouting out and claiming to belong to the religion. Look at Islam, those crazed terrorist, they are really throwing that religion for a loop. So are you going to say all Muslim are bad/crazy/nuts because of that? You shouldn’t. Same goes for Christianity don’t judge the religion because the guy gave Doom 3 a lower score.

Anyways, just take notice of the site. If you’re not willing to see his side of the review, don’t bother going there. Besides he didn't give is a 0/5 he gave it a overall score of:

As a game for mature audiences: 9/10
As a game for younger audiences: 2/10


This is the same review that said you have squadmembers that throw themselves in harm's way and who you 'manipulate' into doing dirty things, weapons that feel live real Vietnam relics, and realistic internal organs and CSI-level attention to blood spurting out of wounds, and you can build light transport vehicles, weld doors, and boobytrap control panels, right?
I don't see as where you can draw any relevance from that game whatsoever. The only thing it really had in common with the Doom 3 I know of is violence, a brief mention of occult imagery, and a space setting. I don't think you can take any truth from this with regards to his ratings on Doom 3.
I prefer pinked sepulchres myself. Pink is such a pretty color.

Wait, did I say that out loud?
theelviscerator said:
besides thats why it has a mature rating....

I wonder what the true demographics are on age of people playing it..

There are many under 18 playing it though huh...

But yes all religion sucks. You are like whited sepulchres, all white and clean outside, but inside you are bones and muck.

Thanks for forcing your beliefs on us... OH SNAP! :p
This thread should have been locked long ago. The moment that someone tweaked the reviewer for being religious is when I knew that the conversation would quickly degenerate into atheists vs. people with religion and a bunch of ignorance on both sides.

If you want to laugh over the mistakes made in the review, that's totally fine. Making fun of the guy because of his faith is going over the line. I don't care if the guy was a druid criticising Doom 3 because they were terraforming Mars. If that's what he believes, fine.

This is like a Genmay thread. Whatever. Y'all can proceed with your flaming and arguing.
Tenebrus said:
... satan himself wrote this review after being pissed at his friends getting their asses kicked and used the reviewer to post it. I think the reviewer should be locked in a dungeon and tortured until he confessed it.

A few hundred years ago, that's exactly what the Christians would do... It's frustrating to see man twist and manipulate the concept of God for their own personal gains. I don't see how people can preach and rant claiming to know the mind of God.
From one of the comments:

I mean, Finding Nemo for example. Hundreds of people flushed their clown fishes down the toilet because of it.

Better ban Disney while you're at it. They're sending subliminal messages to your children to massacre your innocent salt water fishes. :D
Torgo said:
This thread should have been locked long ago. The moment that someone tweaked the reviewer for being religious is when I knew that the conversation would quickly degenerate into atheists vs. people with religion and a bunch of ignorance on both sides.

If you want to laugh over the mistakes made in the review, that's totally fine. Making fun of the guy because of his faith is going over the line. I don't care if the guy was a druid criticising Doom 3 because they were terraforming Mars. If that's what he believes, fine.

This is like a Genmay thread. Whatever. Y'all can proceed with your flaming and arguing.

The guy reviewed the game based completely from a religious perspective, and you wonder why we question the guy's religious views? If you don't think it should be about religion, then the guy reviewing the game should've left his religion out of it. Since he used his religion as the main theme of the review, then it's fair game.
What I don't get is how Doom 3 (killing Hell spawned Demons) could possibly rate lower than Hitman (kill your fellow humans for money) on that site. Regardless of their rating systems basis, I think that this shows that they aren't properly applying a consistant scoring system.
jchahn said:
The guy reviewed the game based completely from a religious perspective, and you wonder why we question the guy's religious views? If you don't think it should be about religion, then the guy reviewing the game should've left his religion out of it. Since he used his religion as the main theme of the review, then it's fair game.
I'm saying you can question his review, shouldn't question his religious views. I'm not saying that his review is right, in fact it is wrong from a factual basis. I don't agree with his religious viewpoint, but I'm not about to argue him on that because that's off-topic. I wouldn't have a problem necessarily if someone were to comment intelligently that his Christianity should take into account the fight against evil (as some have pointed out). A good comment would be to point out that his review doesn't address that evil can be fought with a shotgun, rather than faith or counter that faith enables the hero to progress onward.

Instead, there are comments that he's wrong, crazy Jesus lover, and all reglions suck. Nothing to do with games or this forum. In other words: we're off-topic.
HRslammR said:
hey, don't blame him. blame the religion. my mormon chic-friend couldn't go see the passion of the christ because it was rated-R.

me: but it's the movie telling of your lord savior
her: yeah but it's rated R.
me: but... it MADE him, ya know... i mean that's when he "took the sins for our existence"
her: yeah but it's rated R
me: but you read about it almost every day! i mean there's easter and the cross is tied one to one with JC! and you still won't go see it?
her: it's rated R.
me: ...
me: wanna go make out?

I live in utah and am non mormon and that is the truth
Gargoyle_Hunter said:
It's frustrating to see man twist and manipulate the concept of God for their own personal gains. I don't see how people can preach and rant claiming to know the mind of God.

Amen to that!
religion and games dont mix, and never should mix. i am a muslim and its fun defeating satan, as one of the people previousy said.
I think that guy needs to review Postal 2. As a christian I am seriously wondering if this game is safe for my soul to play, because I can't tell from the screenshots and other non-christian reviews. Maybe I'll submit it to him for review so that he can endanger his soul instead of mine...

Edit: Apparently I wasn't sarcastic enough. Sorry I left off the smiley. :p
OldPueblo said:
I think that guy needs to review Postal 2. As a christian I am seriously wondering if this game is safe for my soul to play, because I can't tell from the screenshots and other non-christian reviews. Maybe I'll submit it to him for review so that he can endanger his soul instead of mine...
lol. wow. you guys take games very serousiy.
People, a game is simply computer code and textures created with image editors. It's not blessed by satan or something. It's like watching a movie. Sure, with special effects nowadays, they look real, but it's actors on sets.

Your not going to hell for being entertained by ficticious scenarios.
Now that is some funny shit. :p :D Please for the love of humanity lock this thread and sweap it under the [H] rug.
That site is great. Here is a part of the Quake III Arena review:

"As fun as this game is, I refuse to play this game because it has satanic symbols in it. On some of the levels you will find pentagrams on the floor. This is not a shock, I remember the original Quake had pentagrams in it too. However I didn't find anything like that in Quake 2."

He then goes on to give it a 75%. I refuse to play it, but I'll go ahead and rate it anyways. LMFAO. What a joke.
Torgo said:
This thread should have been locked long ago. The moment that someone tweaked the reviewer for being religious is when I knew that the conversation would quickly degenerate into atheists vs. people with religion and a bunch of ignorance on both sides.

If you want to laugh over the mistakes made in the review, that's totally fine. Making fun of the guy because of his faith is going over the line. I don't care if the guy was a druid criticising Doom 3 because they were terraforming Mars. If that's what he believes, fine.

This is like a Genmay thread. Whatever. Y'all can proceed with your flaming and arguing.
as a Gods fearing pagan I take exception to that :p

jchahn said:
The guy reviewed the game based completely from a religious perspective, and you wonder why we question the guy's religious views? If you don't think it should be about religion, then the guy reviewing the game should've left his religion out of it. Since he used his religion as the main theme of the review, then it's fair game.

way I see it, religion is an intergral part of this topic, provided it doesnt get out of hand
both sides seem reasonably represented, and the discussion both interersting, humorous and civil, since its not my forum I see no reason to lock this at this time, Duck might feel different about it or an Admin

its impossible to entirely divorce any subject from any other, and in this case there are real religious icons and concepts integrated into the game, and I do belevie the membership can responsibly discuss the subject, as evidenced by the previous posts, until of course someone takes it far too seriously, the mark of a fanatic of any religion (or lack there of)
I think this guy got it right in the comments section:

Look Dan the man,

I am a Christian through and through -- souled out. I am 27 have served as both music minister and youth pastor. While I understand your dilemma with this game, I think you totally blew it with the review.

I have played video games for many years now and have been a huge fan of pretty much all of id's stuff. Like many others, I have eagerly waited for Doom 3 to be released. I bought it, played it, loved it.

It is freaky weird how you say that Doom 3 is not fun, and is soul-sucking and satanic, yet you played all the way through it??? Why not stop after the first couple levels? Someone replied on this review that you played the entire game so you could warn everyone else. Lame excuse to spend upwards of 20 hours on a game just to tell others how bad it is. Just admit man, it was fun. It was captivating.

I mean, sometimes, a game is just a game -- and this is one of those times. We all are aware of the occultic stuff in all the Doom and Quake games. But again, a game is just a game -- a way to take a load off after a long day at work.

As Christians, sometimes we feel the need to "spiritualize" everything. Let's just play the game and have some harm done. Its not going to make a teen go kill someone. Kids that do things like that already have issues that go far deeper than playing a violent video game.

Lets lay up treasures in heaven and enjoy life on Earth at the same time. No need to freak out about a violent video game.

That said, I played it and give it a 10 just for the heck of it. This is the type you love or hate. Except you of course hated it so much you played all the way through it! offense intended

Anyway, next time, have fun playing through a game, and if you think it is bad, throw it out. I certainly wouldn't sit through a movie that offended me just so I could review it...something to think about.

In His Grip...Athlon 2600