OMG! Read this and LAUGH!

Haha the review does have some funny parts. I liked this one.

I really don’t see any valuable aspect in playing this game, it’s not fun. It literally eats away at you spiritually and really sucks you dry.
Haha, eats away at your spiritually? I feel stronger already.

Rating: 0 out of 5 due to high levels of occult images and sounds, massive gore, and terrifying exposure to hell and demons. No game has gone so far as Doom III.
I think this guy just just made it clear that id accomplished what they were trying to do, sounds like they did a good job. They have also managed to strike fear into the God fearing christian zealot as well. Now they know they have done well and succeeded.

When the clock strikes 12:00 midnight, I will cover myself in pig's blood, surround myself in a circle of candles, paint an inverted pentagram on the floor and get back to playing Doom 3.
From reading the review, it sounds like he had a damned good time playing it. He even got all the way to the end. I guess it was his duty to play through it, so he could warn others...
IxGOxSOLO said:
When the clock strikes 12:00 midnight, I will cover myself in pig's blood, surround myself in a circle of candles, paint an inverted pentagram on the floor and get back to playing Doom 3.
Amen ;)

^^^ that dude has the same name as me!