Okay eyefinity monitor setup solution?


Mar 19, 2003
I recently got a bunch of overtime and with some of the extra funds I want to pick up a second HD 5850 and give eyefinity a try.

However, I am currently only running a single 3 year old Samsung 245BW 24" 1920x1200 monitor. It was a pretty good panel for when I purchased it and I have no complaints other than the regular TN panel limitations. I found second used one that I can pick up for about $100 in perfect condition. Leaving me a need for a third monitor. I am thinking a Dell U2410 since it has a display port connection and I could make it the center screen since it will be the one getting looked at the most and needs to be the prettiest. Would this be an acceptable solution? Bezel's are not the thinnest on the Dell or Samsung, but are not that bad. Overall a total investment of around $830-ish ($100 245BW, $280 HD5850, $450 U2410 = $830)

Or should I sell the Samsung and start fresh with 3 matching monitors better suited for eyefinity? Would like to stick with 24" and 1920x1200 resolution if possible, but not mandatory. And no, 3 new Dell U2410's are not in the budget as I want to keep it around/under $1000 extra investment.
You will have problems matching them if you go for a U2410 with the 245BW. If so, I would use the U2410 in sRGB mode as center screen. I would rather opt for a dell 2407 (non-HC) if you could find one used or go with 3 similar monitors, preferably with native DP. :)

Edit scratch that with the 245BW, I was thinking 245T (PVA). :p Get a third 24" TN and they will at least be matched. Biggest issue with TN is portrait, so if you run landscape, its not so bad.

There are new 22" IPS screens with DP coming from HP, so that might be a reasonable alternative.
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imo if u can sell em and get a fresh matching set youll be better off. eyefinity works much better when they are all the same.
you could just get 3 normal 24" screens and an active adapter, or go with 3 x23" dell screens (1920x1080). you can usually get the dell ones for under $1000. i know what you mean by the u2410s not being in the budget. i got lucky with my funds so i got mine, but i was in your position a while ago and was aiming towards the 23" dells even though i didnt want to give up the 1920x1200. good luck with your choices. hope it works out. i love my eyefinity.
How about the HP ZR24w? Have not been able to find a ton of information, but it seems like a solid 24" IPS with display port for about $400. I think I could sell my Samsung and pick up three of them for a bit over $1000.

Or I could go cheap TN route and get 3 x ASUS VH236H for $170 each and pick up a active display port adapter although I think I would be most happy with quality 24's that do 1920x1200.

Or I suppose I could go ultra cheap and try to find a 3rd used Samsung 245BW.......
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Slight differences in size between monitors hasn't bothered me at all, but it was distracting to me having an IPS panel mixed in with my TN because the color difference. I didn't get to spend much time with that set up so I didn't get to see if I could match the colors, but the IPS panel felt more saturated than my TN panels. If it's possible to match up the colors well by running in sRGB like Tamlin said and possibly boosting the saturation on the TN panels through driver then I think it would work well, I'm not too experienced with that.

It seems like a shame to pass up on a $100 24" 1920x1200 monitor though, would be nice to figure out a solution using that.
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Slight differences in size between monitors hasn't bothered me at all, but it was distracting to me having an IPS panel mixed in with my TN because the color difference. I didn't get to spend much time with that set up so I didn't get to see if I could match the colors, but the IPS panel felt more saturated than my TN panels. If it's possible to match up the colors well by running in sRGB like Tamlin said and possibly boosting the saturation on the TN panels through driver then I think it would work well, I'm not too experienced with that.

It seems like a shame to pass up on a $100 24" 1920x1200 monitor though, would be nice to figure out a solution using that.

This. I found the combination of two TNs + an IPS (my original Eyefinity setup) was just plain distracting. Even after I matched up the RGB best I could, the viewing angles and overall color just didn't look right.

If anything, I'd try to get a similar TN panel if you can't go three PVAs or IPSs.
Slight differences in size between monitors hasn't bothered me at all, but it was distracting to me having an IPS panel mixed in with my TN because the color difference. I didn't get to spend much time with that set up so I didn't get to see if I could match the colors, but the IPS panel felt more saturated than my TN panels. If it's possible to match up the colors well by running in sRGB like Tamlin said and possibly boosting the saturation on the TN panels through driver then I think it would work well, I'm not too experienced with that.

It seems like a shame to pass up on a $100 24" 1920x1200 monitor though, would be nice to figure out a solution using that.

Its hard to match different panel types. People struggle with mixing PVA's and IPS. You can only get it that far, but the difference is noticeable. If he were to use the IPS as center screen (with a matching color space at least/sRGB mode) and the TN's as peripheral screens, the effect will be less intrusive.

3 TN screens will be less intrusive then two TN's and one IPS.

3 IPS screens will be the least break in contrast/brightness/black level detail, if to consider that the side screens are viewed at angle. In addition, the viewing angles of IPS makes it possible to use the screens in portrait. :)
I wanted to go eyefinity as well but was debating on which monitor to get. I already own a 2407WFP and was considering getting 3 new IPS monitors. But I really like my 2407WFP and wanted to save some money so I bought 2 used ones from Ebay for less than $300 each shipped. Got the first one and the condition was good as new. The 2nd is arriving tomorrow. I suggest trying Ebay to get your monitors.
300 is too much to pay for a 2407. I paid that to a local guy for his -HC, but only because he was out of work and was pretty desperate for cash, and a [H] member.

I will say that a 2407 and 2 U2410's looks pretty sharp in Eyefinity. Only issue is not having bezel management.
The 2407 is a great monitor. You may want to check Ebay for current prices. Trying to find a 4th on Ebay. So far I can't find any with prices at or lower than I paid (even the refurbed ones are more than I paid) Bah.
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As much as I'd like to leap into the Eyefinity pool I just can't justify it at this point. DP monitors are just too few and far between. Also, I imagine once it's adopted a bit more by manufacturers (where's that Eyefinity Stamp of Approval ATI's been talking about?) I'm hoping to see some displays with smaller bezels.

Here's to hoping that by Xmas '10 there will be some better options on the market.
2 x U2410 + 2407 is my current setup (pix in the LCD showoff thread) and it has worked out great. From all the issues people have had/are having with adapters, I tried my best to go with at least one DP equiped monitor, the 2407 I had already. The cheapest route I could suggest is one 2408 (DP equiped) and 2 x 2407's. This should stay within your budget.
I have a 2407WFP-HC and two Samsung 204Bs on a 4870x2+4890 setup. Whilst this is great for my work stuff (programming) and single screen gaming, I am thinking strongly about upping to Eyefinity. It'd be great to have a strong hardware solution for triple screen gaming; e.g. in iRacing, I'm struggling to maintain good framerates with settings turned up, and whenever I use the side screens the 4890 goes out of equation (disabling crossfire).

Now, has there been any movement on the driver support for bezel management? It would be great to just add two U2410s .. or maybe one U2410 and another 2nd hand 2407 or 2408. Or is it still that sensitive to the EDID info?

I'm going to have budget for an update in July, as the tax return comes then and that's my yearly fun time... but 3x U2410s + a 2GB/per core 5890 would be pushing it. So I'm hoping the EDID issue will be addressed by then, if it hasn't already, for bezel management.

Many thanks,

ps. My first post; I am posting in this thread as there's those of you having taken the full U2410 route and also with a mix of 2407 & 2410 ... this is very relevant to my situation.
Now, has there been any movement on the driver support for bezel management? It would be great to just add two U2410s .. or maybe one U2410 and another 2nd hand 2407 or 2408. Or is it still that sensitive to the EDID info?

Mixing a 2407WFP-HC along with 2 U2410s will disable the ability to manage bezels. I know because I had that setup. This weekend, I took my TN E248WFP home, and it allowed me to turn on bezel management with my U2410s.

I'm going to have budget for an update in July, as the tax return comes then and that's my yearly fun time... but 3x U2410s + a 2GB/per core 5890 would be pushing it. So I'm hoping the EDID issue will be addressed by then, if it hasn't already, for bezel management.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
Supposedly if you have very similar monitors that still don't give you bezel management you can spoof the EDID to get the drivers to open up bezel management
Supposedly if you have very similar monitors that still don't give you bezel management you can spoof the EDID to get the drivers to open up bezel management

Apparently software (Registry) EDID spoofing has no effect, you'd have to flash the monitor's firmware. I'm not doing that
How about the HP ZR24w? Have not been able to find a ton of information, but it seems like a solid 24" IPS with display port for about $400. I think I could sell my Samsung and pick up three of them for a bit over $1000.
I have been running this setup for about two weeks in portrait mode. IMO, they are very nice panels.
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

Thanks for your help Dook, that is much appreciated. Whilst it's probably off topic for this thread, from my readings as long as I can get A01s I do believe the U2410 would be a nice upgrade from the 2407WFP-HC - i.e. much less ghosting, so hopefully I can go that route in July and hopefully recover some of the cost by selling the old screens.

I will also look at others in the time to come, i.e. those mythical Samsung thin bezel ones, however my wish to have a vertical of 1200 minimum does probably limit my choices a fair bit. The IPS of the U2410 would be very nice as I also do some [raw] photography / photoshopping from time to time.