Okay everyone, I'm going hardcore now...

Nov 27, 2005
Who needs a 360? :D:D


I don't have very clear memories of this, but apparently when I beat this game as a kid (like 7 years old I think) I flipped out and ran around the house screaming for a half-hour. My grandma brings it up at least every other time I see her.

Oh, and I still think the soundtrack to this game is awesome.
SMB2 is a great game, but the real SMB2 (Japanese release) is awesome. I like them both though. SMB3 is one of the all-time best too.

You're right though, the soundtrack to SMB2 is really well done.

sonic ftw.

what does sonic do? run at the speed of sound. what does mario do? fix peoples crappers.
At least that won't RROD on you, most you ever have to do to fix your system is to blow on it :)
Hah! You even have one of the late redesigned ones. I'm not sure I know anybody who had one of those. Neato. :D

Way to be old school though. I haven't had a working NES in over a decade.
You guys know that Super Mario 2 wasn't actually a Mario game, it was some other game that Nintendo bought the rights to and replaced the original characters with Mario characters.

edit - Here is the game before it was transformed into Mario:

Forgive my young'ness, but which model NES is that? :eek:
Doesn't look like any Super NES that I've seen...I'm guessing that Nintendo never totally stopped producing the SNES and that is the latest version...or a Chinese knockoff.
Doesn't look like any Super NES that I've seen...I'm guessing that Nintendo never totally stopped producing the SNES and that is the latest version...or a Chinese knockoff.

It is a redesigned NES, not SNES, came out after the SNES did I believe, just like how PS1 had that super small one after the PS2 was out.
That system is known as the NES 2. It came out in 1993 for $49.

It fixed the problems with the original loading mechanism and had redesigned controllers that looked like the SNES controllers.
[DFR]Random;1031681768 said:
Wow I feel old when people don't know that's a NES. :D:D...:(

No, the real old timers know what the original NES looks like and that ain't it.:p
[DFR]Random;1031681768 said:
Wow I feel old when people don't know that's a NES. :D:D...:(


I dunno, man.

I had to look up what that thing was.

And I owned an original NES.
Beating Marios were fun, but beating Mike Tyson on Punch Out was where it was at for me.
I knew it was a NES, but I have never seen one that looked like that.

Yeah, they came out for a very short time around the time the SNES came out. I only ever remember seeing it once at a store, a K-mart when I was like 10. I wanted one really bad because well, I was 10.

And All Stars > SMB 2 :p It's too bad the Wii doesn't output 720p... would be so awesome to play SMB3 HD with redone sprites heh.
Yes, the original game was Doki Doki Panic. The real SMB2 can be played only on the Famicom Disk System (good luck finding that hardware) or on an emulator :)

You guys know that Super Mario 2 wasn't actually a Mario game, it was some other game that Nintendo bought the rights to and replaced the original characters with Mario characters.

edit - Here is the game before it was transformed into Mario:

That was called a second generation NES. The original NES had this crappy door that broke when a controller was hurled at it. Damn you Nintendo for not making a stronger door!
That was called a second generation NES. The original NES had this crappy door that broke when a controller was hurled at it. Damn you Nintendo for not making a stronger door!

The problem wasn't the door, it was the zero insertion force mechanism. Contacts got dirty, the push-down mechanism got misaligned, etc.
(jaw drops in amazement that people didn't know what the NES in the original post was)

:( Thanks for making me feel old, even though I'm a pretty young guy ;) :p!
You know your getting old when you look at your SNES and its aged worse than you have :)
haha. I remember blowing into the cartridge over and over to make it work.
Making sure it's inserted the right away and work at go is a mastery in its own right.


Makes me regret throwing all of my previous systems away..
I so should've kept all of them, starting from my atari 2600..
haha. I remember blowing into the cartridge over and over to make it work.
Making sure it's inserted the right away and work at go is a mastery in its own right.


Makes me regret throwing all of my previous systems away..
I so should've kept all of them, starting from my atari 2600..

How can you just throw them away, specially if they are in working order... At least sell them sons of bitches.....
Just a thought, does mario ever wear different clothes or is he a scabby arsed bandit!? I mean the guy doesnt even make an effort for princess daisy, a bit vain if u ask me! rofl! Also what about princess daisys parents, do they even give a rats ass about her every time she gets kidnapped, or have they abandoned her for falling for an italian plumber? Never a fuckin decent story line for these games lol, I still love playing them though.
How can you just throw them away, specially if they are in working order... At least sell them sons of bitches.....

Well, most of them I either gave away to friends or ended up trashing during a move.
Back then I wasn't really into selling. Was too lazy for that... :rolleyes:
I never liked Super Mario Bros. 2, but damn I need to get a NES again. We had one growing up, but when our family moved to the 16-bit era my Mom sold the Nintendo to a co-worker. My parent's bought the system, so it wasn't my call, but since then I've been able to keep and take the old systems (even the ones I didn't buy with my own money).
The 2nd gen NES is actually inferior, as the RCA inputs were removed. (No stereo)
I just bought Ninja Gaiden II the other day for my NES. $7. What a steal.
Lol nice, my neighbor when I was a kid had the origional NES but it kept getting cartriges jammed in it so when this one came out he got it. Never seen another one though :eek:

Way to take me back :p