OK...What would you do if ...

What would you do if you RMA'd one video card and got 2 video cards back in return?

  • Send the extra video card back to the manufacturer

    Votes: 39 21.3%
  • Keep the extra card in case the other card breaks again

    Votes: 125 68.3%
  • Send both cards back to the manufacturer and warn them not to screw up again

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Give both cards to Kyle so he never bans you

    Votes: 17 9.3%

  • Total voters
For the same reason I give back the money if a clerk gives me too much change, I would also contact them about the other video card.

Conscience can be a pain in the butt.
I forgot they have 24/hr phone line ..I am on the phone right now with a tech there and he has me on hold ...yay


all the RMA people had gone home for the weekend ..so tech guy said to call back on Monday ... soo, we'll see what happens :)

ThreeDee said:
lol ...or perhaps tis a test ....?

..being the upright and outstanding citizen that I am ..(yeah right :p ) .. I am going to call eVga Monday and tell them of their mistake and go from there . Even tho it is their mistake , it just wouldn't sit right with me taking something that really isn't mine (I'm sure I would get over my grief fairly quickly tho if I were to just keep it without saying anything :D ).... but alas , I cannot. :)

Good man ;)
well you did the right thing i think, but at least make the most of it and have a good weekend of sli gaming!!!! :p you deserve it for being so truthful! :D
I once had a friend who dealt in firearms dealing. One day he got a package that contained about $12,000 worth of scopes. He let it sit until AIM Point the manufacturer called him. Sooner or later you'll get an e-mail or some kind of bill wanting to know where that additional card is.
dR.Jester said:
I once had a friend who dealt in firearms dealing. One day he got a package that contained about $12,000 worth of scopes. He let it sit until AIM Point the manufacturer called him. Sooner or later you'll get an e-mail or some kind of bill wanting to know where that additional card is.

$12,000 worth of product vs. $300, a little different.
right thing to do: call rma people
Fun thing to do: build another pc and have 2 nice gaming rigs
what i'd do: ebay or craigslist...yes, i feel guilty! :)
If this wasn't America everyone would keep it... Because some people know America loves testing integrity of something that shouldn't even be tested... Long as you don't steal that is all that matters...

Don't tell me if 10 million dollars fell on your lap, that you wouldn't keep it? I bet you, almost everyone would keep it.... While this is only couple hundred $ that some people telling you to send it back...
Marvelous said:
If this wasn't America everyone would keep it... Because some people know America loves testing integrity of something that shouldn't even be tested... Long as you don't steal that is all that matters...

Don't tell me if 10 million dollars fell on your lap, that you wouldn't keep it? I bet you, almost everyone would keep it.... While this is only couple hundred $ that some people telling you to send it back...
10 million dollars is a VERY bad example. its INCREDIBLY hard to keep that much cash around in unearned income and not have the government find out about it. if its drug money, you will have druglords after your ass. if its corporate money, there will be investigations and it will eventually be found out. and when it comes to light even though you didnt steal it, you were in possession of and spending of money that was not yours and since you didnt claim that on your taxes, you're screwed for tax evasion, you will spend years in prison and since you cannot spend the illegal cash they've recently taken from you, you can bet DAMN WELL i would give back that money RIGHT AWAY. Think before you talk man. Think before you talk.
Marvelous said:
If this wasn't America everyone would keep it... Because some people know America loves testing integrity of something that shouldn't even be tested... Long as you don't steal that is all that matters...

Don't tell me if 10 million dollars fell on your lap, that you wouldn't keep it? I bet you, almost everyone would keep it.... While this is only couple hundred $ that some people telling you to send it back...

If the money was reported stolen and you decided to keep it you would then become an accessory in the crime. So how does jail time sound to you/having to pay a massive fine?

<> if it was $100 you found on the street then its different
You guys wouldn't be saying that if the money just happened to fall from the sky into your laps...

Few hundred $$ is not tempting but for even the self conscious people it makes you think... Doesn't it?

How about 1 trillion $$ fell in your lap? You found a lottery ticket on street that was worth 100million that hasn't been claimed? I'll bet you so many people would change their mind if it did really happen when you only have $500 in your bank account, no house, shitty car....
I'd keep it. If they fuck up, it's not my problem. If it's delivered to my house, with my name on it, it's mine.

But I'm not one of those tards who only likes it one way. If I owned a company and still worked as its cashier (somehow), and I gave a guy $10 extra change, I do not expect it back. I fucked up, I don't deserve it back.

Good reason to strive for perfection.
tisb0b said:
If the money was reported stolen and you decided to keep it you would then become an accessory in the crime. So how does jail time sound to you/having to pay a massive fine?

<> if it was $100 you found on the street then its different
qft and also even if the money wasnt reported stolen but later on u were found out to have that money and not pay taxes on it, jailtime for tax evasion.
If someone sold me a bad card and after jumping through RMA flaming hoop hell sent me 2 cards, I'd call them up and offer to send the extra card back if they would pay for shipping and handling. My handling fee would probably be about $100.
Fact that humans want to break boundaries or laws... You can't deny the facts... We're bunch of stupid animals that create a stigma with our minds...

Laws the law... Don't break them... But why is it that some people can bend or break laws? I have discovered this recently...

You can goto jail if you smoke pot... But so many people do it... Why aren't they in jail? It's not because they didn't get caught... That's not true... Govt. knows you smoke pot or do any illegal activity within their grasp...

I personally didn't break any laws that normal people would break... Because I have conscience... Part of growing up you can say.... But why is it that some people can make your life a living hell for most of your youth and get away with it? The system is flawed for the weak and powerful... Long as you don't get caught or have lot of money is the real winner here... This is the truth in the real world not some make belief world we humans try to make...
Marvelous said:
Fact that humans want to break boundaries or laws... You can't deny the facts... We're bunch of stupid animals that create a stigma with our minds...

Laws the law... Don't break them... But why is it that some people can bend or break laws? I have discovered this recently...

You can goto jail if you smoke pot... But so many people do it... Why aren't they in jail? It's not because they didn't get caught... That's not true... Govt. knows you smoke pot or do any illegal activity within their grasp...

I personally didn't break any laws that normal people would break... Because I have conscience... Part of growing up you can say.... But why is it that some people can make your life a living hell for most of your youth and get away with it? The system is flawed for the weak and powerful... Long as you don't get caught or have lot of money is the real winner here... This is the truth in the real world not some make belief world we humans try to make...
lol the fundamental break down of morals leads to the breakdown of all morals as humans are a prime example lol
When you find loose change on the ground/floor, do you go hunting down who dropped it? Do you bring in a CSI team to dust it for fingerprints so you can identify the person who owned it? I'm guessing, no.

When you put your money into a vending machine for a soda, and you get two, do you contact the vendor stating that you were given more than one soda for the purchase of one? What about the place that owns the machine, like the grocery store or what have you? I'm guessing, no, you didn't. What about finding the guy who got ripped off trying to buy it, said screw it and left? No, I'm guessing you probably didn't go hunting that guy down either to give him what is rightfully his.

So why would you do the same about a video card?

If you really want to do a compromise, call them, be polite, and inform them where they screwed up. It's not like you're refusing to give it back, and simultaneously, it's not like you specifically told someone in their company to slip you an extra one for free. So why are they going to be angry about it? If they say keep the card, then so be it. If they say they want it back, ask if they'll pay for shipping, since you as their customer shouldn't be paying for their screw-ups - you already did that once, which is why you had to do an RMA in the first place. You shouldn't be paying money again because one of their employees can't count.
i'd keep my mouth shut and keep it. just because you already paid for one card and had to go without because of their screw up. now they screwed up again, it just happened to be in your favor this time.
SamuraiInBlack said:
When you find loose change on the ground/floor, do you go hunting down who dropped it? Do you bring in a CSI team to dust it for fingerprints so you can identify the person who owned it? I'm guessing, no.

When you put your money into a vending machine for a soda, and you get two, do you contact the vendor stating that you were given more than one soda for the purchase of one? What about the place that owns the machine, like the grocery store or what have you? I'm guessing, no, you didn't. What about finding the guy who got ripped off trying to buy it, said screw it and left? No, I'm guessing you probably didn't go hunting that guy down either to give him what is rightfully his.

So why would you do the same about a video card?

If you really want to do a compromise, call them, be polite, and inform them where they screwed up. It's not like you're refusing to give it back, and simultaneously, it's not like you specifically told someone in their company to slip you an extra one for free. So why are they going to be angry about it? If they say keep the card, then so be it. If they say they want it back, ask if they'll pay for shipping, since you as their customer shouldn't be paying for their screw-ups - you already did that once, which is why you had to do an RMA in the first place. You shouldn't be paying money again because one of their employees can't count.
the end of your post is exactly what he should do but your analogies were a little farfetched but then again i think you did so on purpose. lol
khuyakuya said:
lol the fundamental break down of morals leads to the breakdown of all morals as humans are a prime example lol

Something needs to change...
I'm not going to lie, i didn't read through the whole thread.

However I would first test and see if both cards work. If they do in fact work, I would keep them. That is, unless you are prompted by the company to send one back.
They sent you two cards because they want you to have two cards, it's compensation for the original card dying, dont question their motives just keep it :p
I can't believe no one has said this before - keep both cards in case one breaks!!!
0V3RC10CK3D said:
They sent you two cards because they want you to have two cards, it's compensation for the original card dying, dont question their motives just keep it :p

second that
Keep It :D
I'd personally call and and explain :)

This has happened to me before too with Mushkin. I ordered a pair of 256mb sticks of their mid-level PC133 SDRAM and they send twin 256mb sticks of their high-end black label stuff instead. I contacted them about the mistake and they said they were out of stock on what I ordered and they sent the better stuff instead. That was friggen awesome too :eek:
Hurin said:
For the same reason I give back the money if a clerk gives me too much change, I would also contact them about the other video card.

Conscience can be a pain in the butt.

And I note that most of the younger guys probably would keep it, no worries, no concience. Great morals they learned. Less than 30% would even call them to question it/return it.

It's theft, whether you stuck it in your coat pocket or didn't at least call them. Guess it's justified if some mugger steals from you/someone robs you because you're "rich enough to absorb the hit". Publish your address then and say come on in and rob me because I can absorb it.

And yes, if I get too much change or don't get charged for something, I speak right up. But if they say, no we didn't make a mistake, hey at least I tried.
Bill Clo said:
And I note that most of the younger guys probably would keep it, no worries, no concience. Great morals they learned. Less than 30% would even call them to question it/return it.

It's theft, whether you stuck it in your coat pocket or didn't at least call them. Guess it's justified if some mugger steals from you/someone robs you because you're "rich enough to absorb the hit". Publish your address then and say come on in and rob me because I can absorb it.

And yes, if I get too much change or don't get charged for something, I speak right up. But if they say, no we didn't make a mistake, hey at least I tried.
i agree people in my generation are some of the most spoiled people and the most lacking in morals ive dealt with. they steal so much without conscience, they think they are owed so much, they have no respect nor appreciation. Im 19 and have more in common with older generations than i do the younger ones, basically because of the whole moral and respect issues. but yea, OP's parents raised him right.
Marvelous said:
Something needs to change...
what needs to change?
It's not theft. There's a difference between this and, say, stealing one out of the store. With this, they made an error which results in your benefit. Hell, Monopoly from the '30s has a "Bank error in your favor, collect $50"! I do agree that my generation is spoiled and lacks respect, but seriously, if in the infinite computing power that is their inventory department, they send an extra one out, not my fault.
Yea, in no way do you HAVE to go out of your way to call up a company and inform them of their mistake. Maybe i'm too busy for that.
I'd keep both, because I had to go through the trouble of RMA'ing, which was not deserved in the first place!
Just email them and inform them. I think the chance of you keeping both is pretty good. Especially if you tell them that they have to deposit shipping charges into your bank account before you return it.

Its the right, honest thing to to, and you may still end up with both.
Yeah, theres a difference between some ebayer sending you 2 cards by mistake and a multi-national corporation doing the same. I would call the ebayer, but not the corporation. For all I know, my call could get some poor schmuck whos struggling to feed his kids on a low wage fired from his job for nothing more than an honest mistake. They sell the cards for an obscene markup over what it actually costs to make them. Them losing out on a $500 card that cost them $20 to make isn't going to bring down the corporation, and if it is, they should be more careful. However, some guy getting fired from his $10 an hour job might mean his family goes without food. I'd rather stick it to a corporation than a working joe. So no, just because I wouldn't call or return it does not mean I lack morals or honesty. I just know that more often than not, shit rolls downhill.
nigerian_businessman said:
s**t rolls downhill.

..not after eating at Taco Bell ..it just plain dont roll. :(

Calling up eVga again this morning ..I guess we'll see what happens


well ..I'm on hold again with eVga and they want me to take the card to a place that ships out UPS ...

I live in hickville and have no desire to drive to anyplace that handles UPS .. they are going to be emailing me a UPS shipping label and then want me to go to whatever place and ship it back to them or I will get charged for the card

yay for being honest I guess ... ah well , It was still the right thing to do I feel

"bye bye little flower ...it was nice having you for the last few days ..go and be free now and make someones game shine like the morning sun ..."

so ..the short of it
I get a video card that fails
I RMA said video card that failed
I am out a video card
I get two video cards shipped back to me over a week later (not bad actually)
I have to make a decision about extra card
I already know what I "should" do ..but make a post anyways
I call eVga and they tell me they will email me a UPS label but:
I have to get it to someplace that ships UPS or:
I have to pay for the card (which makes sense ..lol)
I wanted the to be able to keep the extra card for free ..but you cant always get what:
I want ... :p

I was a bit short with the eVga guy tho ..so shame on me for that as it is going to be a hassle for me to get to a UPS shipping place :mad:

Moral of the story ..it doesnt always "feel good" to do the "right thing"

Dude, if they want their card they need to send someone out to get it. It's not your responsibility to drive hella far to drop it off.

After thought: This pisses me off. It's not your fault and you were trying to do the right thing. I think they should reimbursed your for your time and driving. They fucked up in the first place, it was their mistake not yours.
Kinda reminds me of what happened to my wife. She ordered something, then months later they start sending her more things that she DIDNT ask for, she calls them and they then say she has to ship them back via the label they send. Uhh no, I didnt ask for this, YOU come get your mistake, im not paying shit or going anywhere for your dumb ass.