Official StarCraft 2 Discussion Thread


[H]F Junkie
Sep 18, 2006
I have stuck this thread in an attempt to centralize all StraCraft 2 discussion. Instead of starting new threads, please post any comments or news you have in here.

Also note that I will be merging threads into this one, so if stuff you're looking for disappears, look here.

- Slartibartfast

:D I just wanted to be the first one to post it...

3:00 - FMV sequence in a spaceship - looks Terran - zooming in on a metal door - door opening - reveals a guy with a cigar in chains - prisoner - door shuts behind him - there's so much bass the room is shaking - guy steps into some kind of metallic devicce - legs are strapped in - guy rising toward ceiling - Korean text on screen got people very excited - another part of the machine is dropping metal arms on him - machine whirring - applying armor to his torso - extremly detailed visuals here - now guy is strapping on gloves - armor is molding together - seems like a Terran marine - rockets turn on - zerg now onscreen - Marine delivers a line - StarCraft 2 officially announced.
::::It is Official::: ::::STARCRAFT2 Announced:::::

And you can stop SHOUTING and using extraneous characters like :::::::::::: in your posts.
::::It is Official::: ::::STARCRAFT2 Announced:::::

And you can stop SHOUTING and using extraneous characters like :::::::::::: in your posts.

Not a problem. My bad Lethal. Did not know it was bad to use the extraneous characters. Apology.
Nuts... I was hoping for D3, I knew it wouldn't be but ,.... I was still hoping.
::::It is Official::: ::::STARCRAFT2 Announced:::::

And you can stop SHOUTING and using extraneous characters like :::::::::::: in your posts.

He can use anything he wants. It's Starcraft 2 for crying out loud.

Stacraft 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:10 - Terran reapers - can hop across unever terrain with jump packs - two types of small pistols that don't activate immortals. Protoss now have the ability to create shields whereever they want. Protoss can now warp in units from manufacturing facilities anything within pylon range. New protoss unit - stalker - can teleport - quadripedal thing - can keep blinking forward - seems to be a shot cooldown on the ability. Zerg start coming in, giant worms pop out of ground unleasing zerglings. Protoss can use phase fields and teleporting abilities to create an army anywhere on the battlefield, according to Blizzard.

3:09 - controlling protoss zealots - still has psi blades and personal shield - new charge ability that let him quickly close range on enemies. Siege tanks shown - still the same type of behavior where they can lock down - take out zealots really quickly - new protoss unit - called immortals - have special shield that only activates upon being powerfully attacked - siege tanks could barely do any damage to them.

this sounds really, really cool
But how does it look?! Thats the question....

" Lead designer Dustin Browder then took the stage to guide us through 20 minutes of
actual gameplay footage from the in-development alpha version of the game - with the
obvious caveat that nothing shown here was final. The engine looks gorgeous, and
recreates the famous units in levels of detail that, until now, existed only in the minds of
the fans"§ionId=1006&pageId=20070518212857390056
Looks fucking great, but a little cartoony.







I had every intention of coming into this thread to say something like "Well, I never played the first one, but I guess it looks okay." But man those screenshots really opened my eyes. It looks fantastic. I'll definitely have to look into this Starcraft craze now. ;D
Really not trying to be a party-pooper here, but there is something in the screens that bothers me. Its not the graphics (they look great). It feels like the camera is looking down at the action at weird angle. Does anyone else see this?
im hoping for something really innovative from the gameplay side. I mean sure the graphics looks great, but most of the newer rts games can easily match or surpass that..... But gameplay is where its at and what made the original sc and all of blizzard games so great. They dont make cutting edge stuff like crytek, but they sure make their games fun, and I'm hoping it will be the same for sc2
Yeah some of those screenshots are definitely zoomed in, but most of them seems pretty normal to me (SC like).
im hoping for something really innovative from the gameplay side. I mean sure the graphics looks great, but most of the newer rts games can easily match or surpass that..... But gameplay is where its at and what made the original sc and all of blizzard games so great. They dont make cutting edge stuff like crytek, but they sure make their games fun, and I'm hoping it will be the same for sc2

Some of them are probably zoomed in to show details. But if you look at the others, they're zoomed out and that's probably how its going to look.
im hoping for something really innovative from the gameplay side. I mean sure the graphics looks great, but most of the newer rts games can easily match or surpass that..... But gameplay is where its at and what made the original sc and all of blizzard games so great. They dont make cutting edge stuff like crytek, but they sure make their games fun, and I'm hoping it will be the same for sc2

I'm with ya man. But damn, this is the first time I've been impressed with a Blizzard game graphically. On top of that, the artistic aspect of the graphics looks top-notch. Blizzard isnt the kind to screw up their games, so I'm going to keep my faith in how this will turn out.
I'm with ya man. But damn, this is the first time I've been impressed with a Blizzard game graphically. On top of that, the artistic aspect of the graphics looks top-notch. Blizzard isnt the kind to screw up their games, so I'm going to keep my faith in how this will turn out.

Yep...'cept their games don't exactly come out on schedule. ;)
Can someone say old overused warcraft 3 engine? I figured wow would be the last game to use it. Anyways, they did make many modifications to it for WoW. We should expect the same for starcraft 2. I still wanted diablo 3...
one advantage to using an older engine is that more ppl will get to play it. im sure most ppl who play wc3 will be able to play sc2. blizzard could have made it nice but when you have 150+ units on screen the prettiness in the world won't mean jack if it drops to <20fps.

Can someone say old overused warcraft 3 engine? I figured wow would be the last game to use it. Anyways, they did make many modifications to it for WoW. We should expect the same for starcraft 2. I still wanted diablo 3...

As far as I can tell, I don't see anything representing the WCIII engine. Sure there are similarities in the interface, but any engine can make that. What I'm interested in now though is the pace of the gameplay. If they can recreate the fast-pace action of 2D, this game will be golden to me.
I remembered an argument about widescreen in WC3 from a blizzard rep. He said it would give an unfair advantage over those who use standard ratio. I hope they make widescreen standard though, and give the ancient 4:3 monitors the good 'ol black borders :D
After watching all three in-game videos, I can't wait!

I do worry about the balance though, it seems like Protoss got a HELL lot stronger. Zealots with charging ability, Immortals for anti-tank, Stalkers with good micro would be a nightmare to fight against. Then there's the Pheonix (video showed 4 of these destroying a pack of mutalisks within seconds with their special ability), colossus are looking pretty menacing too.

But then again, I guess they haven't really shown much for Terran (other than Reapers) and Zerg, so hopefully it will be fine.