Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I always thought Marauders were horrible to Raid with. I rolled one and took it to 50 on purely PvP, as the mechanics were awesome to play with when it came to that. But raids? I wouldn't dare take one into a raid.

Still hilarious to PvP with though. They were extremely OP for a while, but only for those who knew how to use them and their insane amount of abilities.

If you wouldn't take one into a raid then you obviously don't know the class well. The 15% damage and healing buff provided by bloodthirst is a big reason to bring one into a raid by itself. Predation? Reduced damage to members of the raid and increased speed. It makes the under 60% phase of HM / NiM Kephess much easier when he casts "Gift of the Master's." Kephess pulls you in and even at level 55 many people die before clearing the AoE circle. Predation solves that problem. That's just one example. Marauders have versatile DPS. Rage spec for AoE damage. Unmatched for trashmob killing in a melee class. Annihilation for damage over time via bleeds. Carnage for some of the best burst DPS in the game. Very nice when you need adds downed quickly. The adds in the Terror from Beyond on the Terror itself are a great example of this. I can also DPS cores in HM Operator IX alone. I do not need help on a Carnage Marauder that's not even BiS Underworld geared. Most classes need help with this and almost all of them need help killing adds in the first phase of the HM Terror fight. I don't.

Marauders also get some of the best defensive cool downs in the game. Saber ward reduces damage taken by quite a bit for Force and Tech damage. (This accounts for more damage than you'd imagine), Force camo for some of the best threat drop in the game and reduced damage taken as well as movement impairment effects being removed. Cloak of pain reduces damage taken to you and deals damage back to the other target. And lastly "Undying Rage" grants you virtual damage immunity for a short time.

They bring a lot to the table and some of the best progression teams in the game all have Marauders in their ranks and for good reason. The Marauder isn't necessarily tough to play but takes some work to play well. If you get a good one then they are a great addition to any raid.
If you wouldn't take one into a raid then you obviously don't know the class well.

I never said I wouldn't take one into a raid with me, I said "I always thought Marauders were horrible to Raid with." meaning in every experience I've had with a Marauder in our 16 man raids, they would always be the one I would be rezzing or healing the most, and not because they're a melee clase.

My experience with Marauders strictly comes from my domination with them in PvP, and their attrocious survivability in raids from most of the players I've seen. Hell, most of them would use their predation on the run back to bosses.
I never said I wouldn't take one into a raid with me, I said "I always thought Marauders were horrible to Raid with." meaning in every experience I've had with a Marauder in our 16 man raids, they would always be the one I would be rezzing or healing the most, and not because they're a melee clase.

My experience with Marauders strictly comes from my domination with them in PvP, and their attrocious survivability in raids from most of the players I've seen. Hell, most of them would use their predation on the run back to bosses.

The issues you describe aren't with the class but the players. There are a lot of bad Marauders out there. No doubt about it. But good ones have some of the best survivability in raids. In a raid wipe I'm often the last man standing. I pull threat from a lot of tanks and have to agro dump all the time when that happens. I know how to stay alive. Plain and simple. Some Marauders are too concerned with their Torparse numbers to look anywhere but their quick bars. Many can't seem to do both. but I know several that can. The class is excellent for raiding if you aren't an idiot. I've cleared everything but Nightmare TFB on mine. 10-Stack Dreadtooth, Dreadful Entity, TC HM, TFB HM, etc.
What's everybody think about Galactic Starfighter? Played for a few hours last night and had a lot of fun. I'm really surprised at how well they did. Anybody else?
I logged in, did my oricon dailies, played the star fighter tutorial..but didnt get a chance to actually start..

I will tonight though

I just came back about 3 weeks ago.. mostly on a Balance dps sage. enjoying it again...hadnt played since wow MoP came out..but had enough of some defiance, some Poe.. Im back on SWTOR..
the star fighter setup is a little confusing to me (only played half a round so I expect I'll get it), but it's has a lot of what everyone hoped for with space flight. Not sure if I'm happy they're all warzones right now, but I suspect if it works out they'll incorporate it into the space dailies and such.
Im still actively playing.. since mid November return..found a really great guild.. Alpha Strike Force on Jedi Covenant, Pub side.. and thats made a big difference.. my main is full 78 comm gear, except for some min / maxing on enhancements and set bonuses.... balance sage.. but I think Im going to practice the TK rotation.. see if I can improve my parses.... as balance.. I'm still like 2600 which doesn't totally suck.. but should be better for my gear..

the player housing is meh.. who cares.. I have a ship..isnt that my housing? but they are bringing a guild ship.. that could be cool.. especially if it has portals to ops..
I still play this game when I have free time. Honestly I couldn't care less about player housing. I never thought that was a big deal. Generally speaking though the more I learn about it the more I like how it's being implemented but only time will really tell. People have been asking for this "quality of life" stuff in the game for some time and finally they are delivering.

Im still actively playing.. since mid November return..found a really great guild.. Alpha Strike Force on Jedi Covenant, Pub side.. and thats made a big difference.. my main is full 78 comm gear, except for some min / maxing on enhancements and set bonuses.... balance sage.. but I think Im going to practice the TK rotation.. see if I can improve my parses.... as balance.. I'm still like 2600 which doesn't totally suck.. but should be better for my gear..

the player housing is meh.. who cares.. I have a ship..isnt that my housing? but they are bringing a guild ship.. that could be cool.. especially if it has portals to ops..

I hate Balance/Madness. Actually I hate most of the dot specs and anything lacking in significant amounts of burst damage. I use lightning on my Sorc. Lightning and TK technically have a higher DPS ceiling than Balance/Madness do but they are less mobile specs. Depending on the fight I've been known to run both but prefer lightning. I don't do much in the game beyond a little PvP and some raiding. I've got three characters min/maxed in full Dread Forged gear and another that's close.

Really I say give me some quarters on the guild flagship and call it done.
ya.. "quarters on the guild ship" THAT would be the best way.. great idea..

I like the mobility on dot classes.. but ya.. evryone has been suggesting.. go TK.. just need to practice the rot I guess..

I also heal with that toon when needed.. although I just use the same dps gear I have, as opposed to being all i can be and building a set of heals only..
ya.. "quarters on the guild ship" THAT would be the best way.. great idea..

I like the mobility on dot classes.. but ya.. evryone has been suggesting.. go TK.. just need to practice the rot I guess..

I also heal with that toon when needed.. although I just use the same dps gear I have, as opposed to being all i can be and building a set of heals only..

Well not all the dot classes are necessarily more mobile. Annihilation / Watchman Marauders/Sentinels for example aren't any more mobile than the other two specs in practice. It's certainly true of Sorcerer's and Sage's, and even Pyro Mercenaries and Powertech's. As far as TK goes, for PvE raiding it's easily better as it's got more burst and a higher potential damage ceiling. The rotation isn't as simple or forgiving though. (It is not difficult though.) It's also a stronger AoE spec on trash. I don't know the Sage terminology as I haven't leveled all the way to 55 on one but for the Sorcerer you use force storm and when it procs chain lightning you can break the cast of force storm and use chain lightning instantly doing a fuck ton of damage. It's worth breaking the cast as it does a lot more damage and force storm is spammable anyway.

For PvP TK is nearly worthless as it's easily shut down and the poor mobility creates issues with it.

As for healing, that's fine. The only time where you'll really find that to be an issue is in hard mode operations like Dread Palace and Dread Fortress where some of the fights are healing intensive. I'm sure it will be an issue with night mare Dread Fortress as well. But for all the other content you can probably get away with doing that. I've reluctantly healed story mode operations on rare occasion and done fine in DPS gear. I hate healing so it's something I avoid. Occasionally I'll heal as a favor to someone when the need arises but I bitch the entire time as I can't stand it. I specialize in making health bars go down, not up.
this game really isn't worth playing FTP unless you're doing it solo. Otherwise, the shit they put price tags on are just annoying. Especially for a former long term subber like myself
I couldn't take the free to play restrictions and that's why I've been a long time subscriber.
I couldn't take the free to play restrictions and that's why I've been a long time subscriber.

My guild hit a progression brick wall and I just never went back to subbing. Dicked around with the FTP, but the game feels much worse if you're a former sub coming back to FTP.

I'm actually interested to know how the FTP experience is for someone completely new to the game. I only know one side of the spectrum
My guild hit a progression brick wall and I just never went back to subbing. Dicked around with the FTP, but the game feels much worse if you're a former sub coming back to FTP.

I'm actually interested to know how the FTP experience is for someone completely new to the game. I only know one side of the spectrum

I wouldn't know. I had early access to the game and left around version 1.3. I think 1.3 had just hit when I left. I was gone for like 9 months and came back around 1.6. I couldn't do virtually anything even as preferred really. All the stuff you could do in the past you couldn't do anymore so I immediately subbed again. I think I subbed within 15 minutes of coming back.

If your free to play, there are a few big annoyances but most are probably no big deal if all you do is level and go through the story quests. The biggest problems as I see it are the XP nerfs and the inability to color match your gear. In regard to end game things are different because having to buy operations passes, warzone passes etc. just plain sucks. There is basically no end game unless you pay for it.
Sorry to bump this thread but I just started to play this game and I have to say so far I am impressed. Been playing a f2p trooper and I just hit level 19. Currently playing on Harbinger.
Most of the story quests are good and the class quests are a lot of fun. But again as a free to play you'll find it restrictive as hell should you want to do anything as far as end game content.
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I really wished they offered 3 or 4 different planet quest arcs though. it gets a bit tedious on the 3rd or 4th character play through.
Sorry to bump this thread but I just started to play this game and I have to say so far I am impressed. Been playing a f2p trooper and I just hit level 19. Currently playing on Harbinger.

spend some real money in the game and get to preferred status...makes life ALOT easier..and ofcourse subbing gives you everything...this will become very apparent when you get to higher levels

but yea, I keep coming back to swtor for my mmo 'fix'...i find the combat nice and smooth and being able to jump into a pvp battleground and play for 30 minutes where I can swear at the monitor is a bunch of fun and a nice stress release for me..LOL

the story lines are great and the flashpoints are well done..quick but not too quick if you know what i mean
The limitations haven't bothered me too much so far. However, the game is really good and I think I will probably drop some money on it since I have already put in ~6 hours.
I really wished they offered 3 or 4 different planet quest arcs though. it gets a bit tedious on the 3rd or 4th character play through.

I don't touch the planet quests for leveling. I just do class quests, flashpoints and PvP to do it. This is especially nice on double-XP weekends. There are also other ways to level. Space combat and space PvP. Or you can do whatever combinations you wish to do. Skip planets you hate and do the ones you like. With the various legacy perks leveling is relatively pain free these days.
is this game any fun yet ?

I haven't really played it at all, except back in beta, and wasn't terribly impressed. But I am so burned out on WoW, looking for something different, and I am a big Star Wars fan.

Is there a healthy server population on any of the remaining servers ?
I loved this game. I just can't justify 15/mo for 6 1 player stories that take me 6 months to complete. And ftp is just way to gimped for me to be happy with.

I sub every now and again when I have more time to play or nothing else to no way did I answer your question, but I'm curious as well what it's like since it's been a while since I logged in.
is this game any fun yet ?

I haven't really played it at all, except back in beta, and wasn't terribly impressed. But I am so burned out on WoW, looking for something different, and I am a big Star Wars fan.

Is there a healthy server population on any of the remaining servers ?

yes, its fun and free..however, I suggest getting a sub for optimum 'fun'...there's 3 status's...true f2p (never having spent a dime) preferred (having spent money) and sub which is full access to everything all the time...the big restriction is credit cap..its 250k for true f2p, 350k for preferred and unlimited cap for a sub..there are others..u can find out what they are via the website

server pops are fine...we just had double xp bonus weekend and the place was rocking...housing (called strongholds) is coming in august

again, the best part is you don't have to sub to enjoy it...i sub once in awhile but definately don't feel the need all the time

its the only mmo I have on my hard drive..and yes, I've tried all of them...the combat feels very smooth to me..but again, I'm not a fan of the gw2/wildstar 'action combat' which reminds me of a pig rolling around in the mud all the freakin time

give it a shot and let us know what you think
been playing empire on the bastion server. Loving the planet conquest. If you want to use my RAF for alot more things unlocked and 7 days of "subscription" free (along with a free server transfer if you have a existing server)
click Thats my RAF code.

Loving the game atm. Server is massively populated.
I haven't played in about 6 months, but it was definitely fun. I got the point where it became really hard to keep leveling and people told me it was the XP being limited because I was F2P. I didn't feel like sub'ing and quit.

I love SW games and looked into this at one point. The free game is playable but you are restricted in leveling, weapons, money, etc unless you purchase cartel coins for real cash.

I'd be happier if they just released KOTOR3 and then created expansion DLC packs to purchase to continue the game once finished.
well if you use my code you get 14 days of unlimited access to everything, and if you use the free X fer to my server, Ill shower you credits, give you application free joining of the top guild and will help you level. even more credits if you subscribe.

My name is pewpewmissle and im a Bounty Hunter on Bastion empire
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been playing empire on the bastion server. Loving the planet conquest. If you want to use my RAF for alot more things unlocked and 7 days of "subscription" free (along with a free server transfer if you have a existing server)
click Thats my RAF code.

Loving the game atm. Server is massively populated.

The conquest stuff seems popular enough and probably excellent for the overall health of the game but I can't get into it. I'm a raider primarily and I PvP with some regularity. Nothing else really interests me in the game for very long. I got my conquest points on one character and realized that grinding the points for that stuff just isn't for me.
Yea I got an email about it.....Revan again....Good idea to bring people back, but with WOW Dragon Age and many other games coming out, will be hard to play!

I think I might wait one more big update/release before jumping back in. That way it really well feel like a whole new game. This revan release almost makes me want to start, I might just do it depending on reviews
Did they got rid of the multiple pointless load screens/short runs like planet 1 -> port -> shuttle -> station -> your ship -> station -> shuttle -> 2 port -> planet2?
Did they got rid of the multiple pointless load screens/short runs like planet 1 -> port -> shuttle -> station -> your ship -> station -> shuttle -> 2 port -> planet2?

its a lot smoother than launch so yes, its cleaned up....they added direct links to things thus avoiding alot of those steps..they also added shuttles on planets that weren't there can also port to dailies right from the entrance to your ship

so yes, its much better now

if they released this game as is today, 2 years ago, people would have stayed alot longer..typcial mmo rush it out the door bullshit...these things never really mature for years..thats why you play them when they add new stuff...that seems to be the pattern these days

anyway, the game has more content but if you didn't like the combat/story lines, thats the same
Did they got rid of the multiple pointless load screens/short runs like planet 1 -> port -> shuttle -> station -> your ship -> station -> shuttle -> 2 port -> planet2?
I just use my no cool down legacy fleet pass and there are those transport terminals for daily quest areas.

I still enjoy the game and the fact that they have for some reason gave me free subscription since May doesn't hurt.
I haven't played in while. Did they expand the class story lines?
Those and huttball were my favs.

no..class stories are all thes same...there's chapter 4 thats MAKEB planet, the last expansion but I believe its the same for all classes..doesn't take too long to complete
They aren't doing anything new with individual class stories. Every character and class has the same missions from Illum on. There are subtle changes in dialog to various missions for each class but the overall story is the same for all once you complete your individual class quests around level 50.