Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I heard the raiding in TOR was some of the best in MMOs and judging from the flash points I did I would believe it.

The problem was getting to lvl 50. Storylines dragged on. Anyone can say what they want about the story line, but it paled in comparison to anything KOTOR 1 and 2.

I played an excellent tank on a RP server. When we could get enough people to raid it was so much fun! I was excited to login 3 hours early to hang with the guys. Then the population of the servers dwindled and it got harder and harder to fill groups. There would be lots of people standing around doing role play but nobody willing to raid. It got to the point where I couldn't even run 5 man heroics. I was geared enough where I could take the worst geared people in the world and succeed.

The breaking point for me was the day I finally filled a pug group to raid. And one of the guys had gear from level 20 because it looked good. We actually stopped the raid to make him gear so we could progress. Around that time I just quit the game.
The breaking point for me was the day I finally filled a pug group to raid. And one of the guys had gear from level 20 because it looked good. We actually stopped the raid to make him gear so we could progress. Around that time I just quit the game.

Hahaha reminds me of one of the reasons that I quit, the level 50 armor from doing the raids or whatever looked retarded....Before that the armor/cloaks I used actually looked pretty good.
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I played an excellent tank on a RP server. When we could get enough people to raid it was so much fun! I was excited to login 3 hours early to hang with the guys. Then the population of the servers dwindled and it got harder and harder to fill groups. There would be lots of people standing around doing role play but nobody willing to raid. It got to the point where I couldn't even run 5 man heroics. I was geared enough where I could take the worst geared people in the world and succeed.

The breaking point for me was the day I finally filled a pug group to raid. And one of the guys had gear from level 20 because it looked good. We actually stopped the raid to make him gear so we could progress. Around that time I just quit the game.

Last part. Hilarious.
Last part. Hilarious.

Well the nice thing about TOR is that you can keep any armor looks that you want, assuming the armor is orange (moddable.) You can take a level 10 orange chest piece that you like and use level 50 mods in it and voila, comparable gear with the looks you like.

It's actually one of the best things about TOR.
Well the nice thing about TOR is that you can keep any armor looks that you want, assuming the armor is orange (moddable.) You can take a level 10 orange chest piece that you like and use level 50 mods in it and voila, comparable gear with the looks you like.

It's actually one of the best things about TOR.

LotRO had something like that. Love when MMO's give you that option.
Hahaha, reminds me of one of the reasons that I quit, the level 50 armor from doing the raids or whatever looked retarded....Before that the armor/cloaks I used actually looked pretty good.

Yeah that always got me as well. And BioWare didn't seem to be able to understand why everyone bitched about Optimus Prime Helmets and other weird shit on Jedi.
I heard the raiding in TOR was some of the best in MMOs and judging from the flash points I did I would believe it.

The problem was getting to lvl 50. Storylines dragged on. Anyone can say what they want about the story line, but it paled in comparison to anything KOTOR 1 and 2.

i think like 99% of the people out there would agree that end game was lacking but questing and story line was dope.

you cant really compare an MMO to KOTOR 1 or 2. thats an unfair assessment and one I haven't heard anybody try to make until now. I would say its storyline is unbeatable in any mmo that has ever existed. its voice acted and thoroughly enjoyable. granted I only did the sith warrior quest line some others might not be as good quality.. but i know mine was the most fun ive ever had questing in an MMO
i think like 99% of the people out there would agree that end game was lacking but questing and story line was dope.

Questing was pretty retched IMO, story line was dope, for the most part.

*By this I mean questing, as a whole, was really terrible. The story missions were usually satisfying, but everything else was terrible and "space bar" material.
Questing was pretty retched IMO, story line was dope, for the most part.

*By this I mean questing, as a whole, was really terrible. The story missions were usually satisfying, but everything else was terrible and "space bar" material.

eventually the questing gets old. but the main story was worth the entire trip to 50 wouldnt you agree?

also i agree with the people above.. i quit playing a rerolled a sith marauder once i saw the lvl 50 gear for my sentinel
eventually the questing gets old. but the main story was worth the entire trip to 50 wouldnt you agree?

Maybe I am just difficult, or maybe I was too close to the development (my neighbor during college was a developer on SWTOR, he promised it wouldn't suck, it did so he gave me a 6 pack of Ayinger Celebrator..), but I would say it depends on your class. My main was a Trooper and the story was overall pretty "meh." There were definitely some great parts all through out the story, but......

I guess I am being too harsh, the main story, if you could do only that and get to 50, would be worth it for pretty much all the classes.
you cant really compare an MMO to KOTOR 1 or 2. thats an unfair assessment and one I haven't heard anybody try to make until now. I would say its storyline is unbeatable in any mmo that has ever existed. its voice acted and thoroughly enjoyable. granted I only did the sith warrior quest line some others might not be as good quality.. but i know mine was the most fun ive ever had questing in an MMO

If you go back through the thread or look at a few reviews you'll see all kinds of references to the game having a KOTOR-like storyline with the addition of multiplayer. Maybe it's because I'm not a SW geek but I didn't like the storylines at all (tried Imperial Agent and one of the Sith classes) although I did love KOTOR 1. The actual questing wasn't any different than any other MMO.

My favorite questing in an MMO would be the attunement and class quests in old WoW. Working with friends to get the key to Onyxia's Lair, enter MC, or to get a Warlock friend his epic mount was awesome.
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You can bang and marry your companions? I never did that.

Probably re-downloading it tonight.

I don't know if this is an option for all of them but yes, you can have relationships with them. It takes some work in some cases. It all depends on the companion's personality and how you play the character. Some characters have two different potential personalities. There is a light side version and a dark side version of the character.
If you go back through the thread or look at a few reviews you'll see all kinds of references to the game having a KOTOR-like storyline with the addition of multiplayer. Maybe it's because I'm not a SW geek but I didn't like the storylines at all (tried Imperial Agent and one of the Sith classes) although I did love KOTOR 1. The actual questing wasn't any different than any other MMO.

My favorite questing in an MMO would be the attunement and class quests in old WoW. Working with friends to get the key to Onyxia's Lair, enter MC, or to get a Warlock friend his epic mount was awesome.

hah i loveddddd doing the quest to get my mount on my lock. ( first serious character was a lock) i always thought the dreadsteed was the coolest looking mount

I think you misunderstood me.. im sure plenty of people ARE comparing KOTOR and SWTOR but they shouldnt. they have some similarities but really they are completely different games. KOTOR 1 especially 1 had some of the best gameplay and storyline I absolutely loved it.

but SWTOR is an mmo and should me looked at as one. when i compare it to other mmos i really think swtor storylines and quests soar way passed anything else.

i did the sith maruader storyline and i can tell you when i got to the end my jaw dropped i was all into it heh. i do like star wars though.
i think like 99% of the people out there would agree that end game was lacking but questing and story line was dope.

you cant really compare an MMO to KOTOR 1 or 2. thats an unfair assessment and one I haven't heard anybody try to make until now. I would say its storyline is unbeatable in any mmo that has ever existed. its voice acted and thoroughly enjoyable. granted I only did the sith warrior quest line some others might not be as good quality.. but i know mine was the most fun ive ever had questing in an MMO

I agree with you. It was its downfall as well though. It was far too linear with no replay value combined with no end game. The cut scenes would become more of an annoyance, the planets repetitive, and the pvp was seriously imbalanced. It was the most fun i've had in an MMO the first time through since the launch of WoW. I still maintain MMO devs need to look at the old school Everquest, Ultima, and Asheron's Call. Give players more FREEDOM, and watch what happens. Different genre, but look at MineCraft. Look at Eve. Look at any heavily mod-able engine. They all have staying power. MMO's have become to linear, and non varied.
I still maintain MMO devs need to look at the old school Everquest, Ultima, and Asheron's Call. Give players more FREEDOM, and watch what happens. Different genre, but look at MineCraft. Look at Eve. Look at any heavily mod-able engine. They all have staying power. MMO's have become to linear, and non varied.

Agreed 1000x.
Stay off RP servers as they don't like to raid in general. If you're not into raiding then they are great because they have really nice communities. But for organized things like raiding it doesn't work. Premade pvp is hard to find on RP servers also as most people don't like pretending to be dead over and over. :)
Stay off RP servers as they don't like to raid in general. If you're not into raiding then they are great because they have really nice communities. But for organized things like raiding it doesn't work. Premade pvp is hard to find on RP servers also as most people don't like pretending to be dead over and over. :)

They need to move to LotRO then, or a game that lets you RP better. There's no fun to be had in WoW if you're not going to do some raiding or some PvP. Imo.
Played till level 8 last night. Wasn't too bad. But the restrictions are ridiculous. I'm going to play for another week if I decide to resub.
Played till level 8 last night. Wasn't too bad. But the restrictions are ridiculous. I'm going to play for another week if I decide to resub.

Yeah it's awful. You see that list on their site of what restrictions are on free accounts? You can't even take a leak without permission.
They need to move to LotRO then, or a game that lets you RP better. There's no fun to be had in WoW if you're not going to do some raiding or some PvP. Imo.

Really? In WoW never done a Raid for about 3 years I played, and I have tons of fun. Right now in TOR, I'm doing only Heroics and don't bother with OPS, and still having fun. To each his own. I can perfectly enjoy a MMO without PvP and PvP players.
Yeah it's awful. You see that list on their site of what restrictions are on free accounts? You can't even take a leak without permission.

yeah, it's pretty bad. Even the small little things. I go to change my title to "Alistaireem Founder" and instead get a subscribe message.
Really? In WoW never done a Raid for about 3 years I played, and I have tons of fun. Right now in TOR, I'm doing only Heroics and don't bother with OPS, and still having fun. To each his own. I can perfectly enjoy a MMO without PvP and PvP players.

Well I did say IMO. ;)

I just don't see the fun in an MMO if I'm not doing some group related things, especially challenging stuff.
I do have a question. Apparently, when you are a F2P player when you make a new character you're not supposed to have sprint from the get go, yet when I made a new IA character I did have it, what gives?
Found that my new bounty hunter is getting screwed out of credits because of FTP account, I'm up to level 8.

Only thing I am kind of happy about is my level 15 smuggler is still alive and well, but they moved him to an east coast server, when he was on a west coast PVE prior to the server consolidation (scale down), thanks Bioware for saving my character, but moving him to the other side of the country not sure if I should be happy or angry.
I do have a question. Apparently, when you are a F2P player when you make a new character you're not supposed to have sprint from the get go, yet when I made a new IA character I did have it, what gives?
Did you have a SWTOR account at some point before it went F2P? Maybe you have Preferred Status.
I just started playing this again for kicks... anyone else with Nvidia cards having jumpy video performance? My machine should be crushing this game but it gets jumpy when I move around in the world... very strange. When I turn down the graphics settings it gets a little better, but it's still not smooth.. my 470s used to run this game maxed @ 5760x1080 without issue.. anyways... just thought it was strange.. and kind of annoying. :/ I have tried with and without vsync and also forcing adaptive vsync in the drivers.. same behavior.
I booted it up, got confused. Too much has changed from launch for me to be able to just jump right in. Maybe Ill look at it later =/
Anyone on Prophecy of five? Have a level 18 Vanguard on there.

Also, expansion is coming out in spring. Pre order before Jan 7th and it's only 10 bucks.
some of us are doing it already and that's Important information for me.keep me updated with the proceedings.Some people like me want change and innovation and this is so nice to do with such things.
I was totally knocked out of my chair the moment I read SWTOR is free to play. I refused to believe that it is a Bioware problem but more of an EA problem. I will hold my judgement if they are irredeemable from DA3 coming out next year.
i started the game up last night and it wanted me to rename all my characters because of the server migrations they did.

FUCK that. uninstalled.