Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

im not sure if this is true but thats i once heard this from the delivery guy for my sony tv

i bought like a 50" sony lcd tv like 3 year ago around x-max time. i live in canada so it was pretty cold the time a got it

i went through about 3 tv exchange because of dead pixel. b/c every time when they delivery the tv they usually plug it in right away to show that is working and they leave.

the last delivery i told the guy like we went throught few tv already then he said you should wait a bit since the cold weather??

Not sure if this is really true

You should always wait for electronics to get to room temperature before powering it up for the first time if it's been exposed to extreme temperatures like we get here in Canada.

What's the typical of electronics again? usually in manuals it says 5 degrees celsius as a minimum storage and operating temperature?

I've received laptops from clients who left them out in their car overnight in minus 10-30 degree weather and had the harddrives fail and other parts fail from the condensation from the sheer cold and from trying to power up the device while still "frozen".

So I would think the same for a TV that's been sitting in a truck in transit for a while.

I don't think I waited when I got my FP241W, but then again I don't think it was freezing outside.

Wow this thread and this monitor is still in high demand I see.

I'm still loving my monitor if anyone's wondering :D

Still can't get over the quality of this thing, in terms of colour, viewing angle and performance.

I recently picked up Unreal Tournament 3 and wow, no problems at all.

This monitor's the closest to a CRT I've seen so far.
I get this problem, with the faint red outline around text, only with certain preset color schemes. There is a button to allow you to cycle through various preset color options. Try that.

Guys this could be your eyes playing tricks on you. If you've been staring at the screen for a while and your brightness and contrast is up sky high, you'll see rainbows on your screen.

I sit in front of monitor for hours on end for work and play, so after a while I see rainbows. LOL

Yes, I know I should take breaks, but why? With such a beautiful monitor I can't stay away!

All kidding aside, I think everyone should lower the brightness settings on these monitors if they'd like NOT to go blind.

Not a huge difference in brightness from 70s to 90s, so just lower it. My brightness and contrast are both at 50.

I don't know how much this affected my monitor's colour accuracy, but I'm not about to go out and pay 200+ dollars for one of those colour calibration things.

I think my monitor's colour settings look fine. I think I reduced reds a tad and that's it?

Anyways yeah, leave your monitor on for a while, come back and then take another look, but from normal viewing distance, NOT with your face right up against it.

It is quite old...

I'm trying to decide between an L245WP-BN and this Benq model.

What would you suggest would be the best option ?

(I am a developer - 10-12 hours in front of the computer each day)
Agree with Shampoo,

Turn down the brightness, and play with the sharpness control. I hated the FP241W when I first opened it up for text viewing, but afterwards I found the sharpness control and it helped.

I had two issues: weird outline on text like you describe, and a strange outline in text on grey, such as the tabs in FireFox. Once I lowered the sharpness, all was good.

If you are a developer, I would honestly recommend spending the cash on a 27" such as the Samsung 275T or the Dell 2707WFP, and I'll tell you that you will be happy, as the dot pitch is not as fine, and you will get larger, clearer text, and likely less eye strain.

Another alternative that is easily found is the Acer AL2616wd, which is a 25.5/26" display as well, and far cheaper than those two above, similar in price to the BenQ and LG. Keep in mind, with both the BenQ and LG, you are getting excellent multi-function monitors, but you are probably paying for the extra functionality.

If you are absolutely certain you want a 24", then either of the monitors you mentioned should be wonderful.



It is quite old...

I'm trying to decide between an L245WP-BN and this Benq model.

What would you suggest would be the best option ?

(I am a developer - 10-12 hours in front of the computer each day)
Hi all, maybe someone can help me in this odd problem that I am facing:

I have connected the newly aquired FP241W to my Acer Aspire 5102WLMi laptop, using the analog VGA connection. The image is good and nice.

The problem is that when I am accessing the Internet (downloading or uploading something) - when there is network traffic - my image on the screen is not good anymore. On a gray desktop backround, or green or blue (but not very bright colors), there can be observed some orizontal shimmering on the desktop background.

It seems that the shimmering gets more visible by increasing network traffic.
To be noted that there is no shimmering when there is no network activity going on (when no application is doing any traffic or when the ethernet cable is not plugged in), and the shimmering only appears in connection with making traffic.

To me this suggests some kind of interference , but I cannot figure out which component is the weak link. Could it be the analog VGA cable that came with the BenQ screen, or the ethernet cable, or the FP241W itself?

Any ideeas?

I've bought Benq FP202WA, and after few hours of setting it up and testing I've realized that backlight is flickering at 40-70Hz, depending on brightness setting. With brightness set over 80-90 flickering is gone, but screen is too bright.
I've took to registered service center and after waiting for 2 weeks they've said that everything is fine. After another look at the picture it was obvious to me that screen is still flickering. And now, after sending it back to service and waiting for 2 more weeks they again said it's fine!!!
Any know how can a lcd backlight be tested for this kind of flickering? And how to explain the problem to the people in service center - I've told them already that backlight is flickering when brightness is lover than 80-90 and that it's flickering at 40-70Hz but they looked at me like I don't know what I'm talking about....
The only thing I could come up with is using digital camera and setting exposure time to 1/50 seconds (50Hz) when u can clearly see that backlight is pulsating / flickering...
Hi all,

With the FP241W I seem to have trouble distinguishing the details of images that are dark.

With other LCDs that I have been looking on, the details are visible; however, with the FP241W that I have, the colour tones that are close to black are not visible.

Adjusting the monitor through its brightness and contrast settings did not produce any better results. The image just becomes more brighter or more crisp (when increasing the contrast), but the details still do not become any more visible.

By adjusting the gamma level through my video adapter software - at the maximum level - the details become visible; however, anything else looks horrible.

Does anybody know what is this problem all about? Is it a limitation of the FP241W related to the type of panel being used?
hey FP241W enthusiasts! i was wondering if anyone knows the VESA hole pattern I would need in order to mount this baby on the wall (75x75 mm, 100x100 mm or 200x200 mm) . I can't find this info anywhere. thanks in advance.
Pretty sure it's 100x100 like most 24" monitors, though I checkedh the manual online and it doesn't say much about it, though the product page says VESA wall mounting.

I know so far every 24" I've checked (6 now?) has 100x100 hole patterns.



hey FP241W enthusiasts! i was wondering if anyone knows the VESA hole pattern I would need in order to mount this baby on the wall (75x75 mm, 100x100 mm or 200x200 mm) . I can't find this info anywhere. thanks in advance.
Hi all,

With the FP241W I seem to have trouble distinguishing the details of images that are dark.

With other LCDs that I have been looking on, the details are visible; however, with the FP241W that I have, the colour tones that are close to black are not visible.

Adjusting the monitor through its brightness and contrast settings did not produce any better results. The image just becomes more brighter or more crisp (when increasing the contrast), but the details still do not become any more visible.

By adjusting the gamma level through my video adapter software - at the maximum level - the details become visible; however, anything else looks horrible.

Does anybody know what is this problem all about? Is it a limitation of the FP241W related to the type of panel being used?

get a colormeter like a spyder2/3 or pantone one eye display2, that will fix you right up
Sounds like some form of interference to me.

You may want to try and make sure all your cables are physically separated and try again.

Otherwise it may be your PC doing that, as I've never seen this before where a monitor was very susceptible to network, or wireless interference, especially with LCDs.



Hi all, maybe someone can help me in this odd problem that I am facing:

I have connected the newly aquired FP241W to my Acer Aspire 5102WLMi laptop, using the analog VGA connection. The image is good and nice.

The problem is that when I am accessing the Internet (downloading or uploading something) - when there is network traffic - my image on the screen is not good anymore. On a gray desktop backround, or green or blue (but not very bright colors), there can be observed some orizontal shimmering on the desktop background.

It seems that the shimmering gets more visible by increasing network traffic.
To be noted that there is no shimmering when there is no network activity going on (when no application is doing any traffic or when the ethernet cable is not plugged in), and the shimmering only appears in connection with making traffic.

To me this suggests some kind of interference , but I cannot figure out which component is the weak link. Could it be the analog VGA cable that came with the BenQ screen, or the ethernet cable, or the FP241W itself?

Any ideeas?

Ok guys, I know this may be the wrong thread, as my question is for an FP241VW, so no flames please. Well you can flame as long as I get an answer :) My FP241VW is a December 2007 build date with the overscan option available.

My FP241VW seems to be confused between DVI and HDMI. My computer is on DVI, and the PS3 on HDMI. When I switch to HDMI either with the PS3 on or when I turn it on after the input switch, I get either the image of the PC on DVI (sometimes with green or red snow) or a blue screen that flashes a few times, and sometimes it syncs, sometimes not. It then will sit with that blue screen even though the PS3 is on.

This happens even if I hold the Power ON button on the PS3 for the second beep (which causes an auto-detect and reset of video out).

If the PC is in power saving mode, or if it's off or disconnected, it seems to work ok, though there is a lot of banding on the HDMI, whereas if I use component cables there is none.

I've tried three different HDMI cables (including the one that came with the monitor) to no avail.

My Westinghouse L2410NM shows no banding with HDMI with the PS3.

Any advice? Is it defective? I was going to call BenQ today. I'm also not happy with my one stuck pixel and three others that seem to cycle to stuck if I clean the screen (and then I have to rub it in certain areas to get rid of them, which seems more erotic than it is).

Big thanks,

Heh, I'm not sure what to tell you. I also use my PS3 and my laptop on my VW, but I get no problems like that. Maybe you should call afterall...
I called them today and they said that it sounds defective, so I'm going through the RMA process to try a new one.

It's a beautiful panel, but just doesn't seem to work correctly. I'm assuming you are using the DVI connector for the laptop and the HDMI for PS3?



Heh, I'm not sure what to tell you. I also use my PS3 and my laptop on my VW, but I get no problems like that. Maybe you should call afterall...
Hi Everyone,

Just a couple of questions re the FP241W.

I'm in the process of buying one of the new Apple Mac Book Pro's and wondered how well it would play COD4 and BF2 with its NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT with 512MB using this monitor?

Also are there any special cables I'd need to connect it to the MBP?

Its probably worth mentioning that in about 6 months I'll be using this monitor with a dedicated gaming PC also.

Thanks in advance

Either way, you are good to go. I've connected my Macbook Pro to this monitor through DVI with no issues, and no accessories needed. Not sure which Macbook you are looking at, but I would think it will come with whatever you need, except you might have to get the Mini DVI to DVI adapter for it.

One thing to keep in mind, that this specific model may be tough to find, as it has been discontinued, so you may have to look for the FP241VW, which is pretty much the same thing and a non-height adjustable, "tv like" stand.



Hi Everyone,

Just a couple of questions re the FP241W.

I'm in the process of buying one of the new Apple Mac Book Pro's and wondered how well it would play COD4 and BF2 with its NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT with 512MB using this monitor?

Also are there any special cables I'd need to connect it to the MBP?

Its probably worth mentioning that in about 6 months I'll be using this monitor with a dedicated gaming PC also.

Thanks in advance

Either way, you are good to go. I've connected my Macbook Pro to this monitor through DVI with no issues, and no accessories needed. Not sure which Macbook you are looking at, but I would think it will come with whatever you need, except you might have to get the Mini DVI to DVI adapter for it.

One thing to keep in mind, that this specific model may be tough to find, as it has been discontinued, so you may have to look for the FP241VW, which is pretty much the same thing and a non-height adjustable, "tv like" stand.



Hi 10e,

As I'm in the UK getting this monitor isn't a problem!
Am I correct in saying that ideally I need to be looking for a manufacture date of June 07 onwards so I avoid the overscan and pixel mapping issues?

What resolution do you play games at and have you tried COD4 yet?
Is was posted a couple of pages before...but is there a way to get rid of the green scanline on the bottom when using the PS3 to play a Blu-Ray?

I'm playing in 1080p over HDMI with overscan turned off. I can turn overscan on to remove it but I don't want that.

Is this a problem with the PS3 or the monitor? Or is the combination of the two of them?
Is was posted a couple of pages before...but is there a way to get rid of the green scanline on the bottom when using the PS3 to play a Blu-Ray?

I'm playing in 1080p over HDMI with overscan turned off. I can turn overscan on to remove it but I don't want that.

Is this a problem with the PS3 or the monitor? Or is the combination of the two of them?

Probably a problem with how PS3's handle blu-ray playback. Try to hard-set your PS3 to 720p and see if there's a similar green line.
So far the PS3 has done this for me over HDMI and component on the following monitors:

BenQ G2400W with overscan off
BenQ FP241VW (two of them) overscan off
Westinghouse L2410NM (no overscan controls, but never overscans on anything)

This is 100% PS3. Either you turn overscan on or put up with it.



Is was posted a couple of pages before...but is there a way to get rid of the green scanline on the bottom when using the PS3 to play a Blu-Ray?

I'm playing in 1080p over HDMI with overscan turned off. I can turn overscan on to remove it but I don't want that.

Is this a problem with the PS3 or the monitor? Or is the combination of the two of them?
Yes, the June 07 build date is best.

I could care less about the 1:1 pixel mapping myself, but the overscan controls are useful and this build date properly sizes Xbox 360 over VGA at 1920x1080.

I've played COD4 on the BenQ FP241VW (with my PC and PS3) and it works great. No ghosting, minimal blur. I play at 1920x1200 or 1920x1080 with 4xAA for most games except Crysis.



Hi 10e,

As I'm in the UK getting this monitor isn't a problem!
Am I correct in saying that ideally I need to be looking for a manufacture date of June 07 onwards so I avoid the overscan and pixel mapping issues?

What resolution do you play games at and have you tried COD4 yet?
So far the PS3 has done this for me over HDMI and component on the following monitors:

BenQ G2400W with overscan off
BenQ FP241VW (two of them) overscan off
Westinghouse L2410NM (no overscan controls, but never overscans on anything)

This is 100% PS3. Either you turn overscan on or put up with it.



That really sux. :( Is it too much to hope for that they fix this in an upcoming firmware? :confused:

The Westinghouse doesn't do it. I guess I was wrong, and it is a BenQ thing, as these are the bulk of the monitors I've tried (G2400W, FP241W/VW).

It doesn't do it over component either with the Westinghouse or the BenQ.

You can try talking to BenQ, but I doubt they can do much for you.


You can try talking to BenQ, but I doubt they can do much for you.



Yeah, I know they won't. This monitor has only brought me a big headache from the beginning. Why can't shit just work from the get go?

What pisses me off is not that the monitor has flaws, all products do, but BenQ's product support, or rather their lack of it. Suffice to say I will never buy a BenQ product in the future and I will tell everyone I know not to either.

I'm in the same boat. I absolutely love the visual quality of this panel, but the whole problem with the DVI seemingly over-riding the HDMI ticks me off, because if I had known about this issue before, I would have just purchased a second Westinghouse L2410NM and saved myself over $100.00.

While the panel, and dark details are not as high quality on the Westinghouse, it is a great monitor that does everything I need, except it only has one digital input, whereas the BenQ has two.

I don't know why this stuff doesn't work, but so far, EVERY BenQ monitor I've purchased has had some sort of issue or missing function.

I'd give them a call and inform them that you are not happy. Maybe they will have some sort of special menu you can use to cut off those last two extra pixels or something.

If the person you talk to doesn't know about this, ask if there is anyone who has more experience with the FP241 monitor specifically.


Yes, the June 07 build date is best.

I could care less about the 1:1 pixel mapping myself, but the overscan controls are useful and this build date properly sizes Xbox 360 over VGA at 1920x1080.

I've played COD4 on the BenQ FP241VW (with my PC and PS3) and it works great. No ghosting, minimal blur. I play at 1920x1200 or 1920x1080 with 4xAA for most games except Crysis.



Thanks 10e,

Thats good news as I've found some stock dated June 07!:)
Hi everyone!
After weeks of reading forums and rubbing head confused, in pursuit of the perfect 24" for me, i am finally considering this BenQ more seriously than others.

So, i will be using the device for some pro apps (not color but response time sensitive ones), movies, medium-core gaming. How would the BenQ perform in these situations?

Im also interested whether it has ghosting, banding, humming/buzzing sound, any abnormality. Input lag is not one of my main concerns as long as it isnt horrible (30+ ?!)

My budget is around $1000, so i also considered IPS panels, but since i live in a rather 'remote' location (Hungary, Europe) i have VERY limited options here. One of them would be the 23" ACD with its outdated panel, no NEC or Planar for me :( And i am also concerned about the higher input lag of these panels.

I tried the Samsung 245T but had to return it due to the terrible ghosting and buzzing sound. I am also afraid of the Dells due to their rather alarming issues.

So the questions :)
Will the BenQ do me any good? What else would you recommend?

What are the differences between the models (W, VW, WZ)?
What factors should i be concerned about when buying (eg. manufacture date, firmware version, etc)?
What should i look for in the store when trying the device before buying it?

Btw, i will be using this with a 2008 Mac Pro (if that is anything worth mentioning).

Your input is much appreciated, as i am getting really desperate to find just a decent (perfect? hahh) display. :confused:

If you can get your hands on a June 2007 built BenQ FP241W I would highly recommend it. It will serve all your purposes and the input lag is generally around 33 ms.

I rate this monitor as an excellent multi-function monitor and the three year warranty ensures you can keep it for at least that long.

I have connected my MacBook Pro to my FP241VW without issue.



Hi everyone!
After weeks of reading forums and rubbing head confused, in pursuit of the perfect 24" for me, i am finally considering this BenQ more seriously than others.

So, i will be using the device for some pro apps (not color but response time sensitive ones), movies, medium-core gaming. How would the BenQ perform in these situations?

Im also interested whether it has ghosting, banding, humming/buzzing sound, any abnormality. Input lag is not one of my main concerns as long as it isnt horrible (30+ ?!)

My budget is around $1000, so i also considered IPS panels, but since i live in a rather 'remote' location (Hungary, Europe) i have VERY limited options here. One of them would be the 23" ACD with its outdated panel, no NEC or Planar for me :( And i am also concerned about the higher input lag of these panels.

I tried the Samsung 245T but had to return it due to the terrible ghosting and buzzing sound. I am also afraid of the Dells due to their rather alarming issues.

So the questions :)
Will the BenQ do me any good? What else would you recommend?

What are the differences between the models (W, VW, WZ)?
What factors should i be concerned about when buying (eg. manufacture date, firmware version, etc)?
What should i look for in the store when trying the device before buying it?

Btw, i will be using this with a 2008 Mac Pro (if that is anything worth mentioning).

Your input is much appreciated, as i am getting really desperate to find just a decent (perfect? hahh) display. :confused:

Im also interested whether it has ghosting, banding, humming/buzzing sound, any abnormality. Input lag is not one of my main concerns as long as it isnt horrible (30+ ?!)

When showing alot of black, my monitor emits a very high frequency humming sound.:( It's not loud or anything like that though. I'm not bothered by it but I can definately hear if I listen carefully.
When showing alot of black, my monitor emits a very high frequency humming sound.:( It's not loud or anything like that though. I'm not bothered by it but I can definately hear if I listen carefully.

Thanks for the fast replies guys!

Anyone else experienced this sound issue??? :eek: Its kinda crucial for me that the unit do not emit any noise / sound, as it will be used in a really quiet environment (studio).
Yeah, weirdly enough mine does as well. It is very slight for me too.

Strange. I have two slightly noisy monitors: The FP241VW and the Westinghouse L2410NM.

It's a buzzfest (LOL)

33ms of input lag is next to nothing. It is exactly two frames of lag. I have actually TRIED to notice it and outside of checking it with a cloned config, a camera, and a timer, I can't see or notice it until it hits more than 50ms, and I'm not blind or old.




I bought one of these in November and it works great so far. My computer's been out of whack for a while but NWN2 looked great on it and my Xbox360 also looks really good either playing movies or games
Thanks so far!

So what are the differences between the models W VW WZ in a few words? Eg. which one should i buy? :)

I'm in the same boat. I absolutely love the visual quality of this panel, but the whole problem with the DVI seemingly over-riding the HDMI ticks me off, because if I had known about this issue before, I would have just purchased a second Westinghouse L2410NM and saved myself over $100.00.

While the panel, and dark details are not as high quality on the Westinghouse, it is a great monitor that does everything I need, except it only has one digital input, whereas the BenQ has two.

I don't know why this stuff doesn't work, but so far, EVERY BenQ monitor I've purchased has had some sort of issue or missing function.

I'd give them a call and inform them that you are not happy. Maybe they will have some sort of special menu you can use to cut off those last two extra pixels or something.

If the person you talk to doesn't know about this, ask if there is anyone who has more experience with the FP241 monitor specifically.



Have you tried connecting the PS3 to the DVI via an adapter HDMI--> DVI? Does it still show the green scanline when playing a BR?
Have you tried connecting the PS3 to the DVI via an adapter HDMI--> DVI? Does it still show the green scanline when playing a BR?

I have and yes, it still shows the green scan line. Reason being, those lines are never seen on a TV because TVs automatically have the image overscanned. This monitor, on the other hand, allows the user to turn off the overscan function and see the entire image. Thus, you are allowed to see all the reasons why TVs automatically overscan the picture. You'll see scan lines for blu-ray, cable, and even standard DVDs. Therefore, you must overscan the picture just like what the average TV does (Trust me, all HDTVs overscan the picture by default, i've checked my 50"DLP).

The only gripe i have with this monitor is that it overscans the picture a little bit more than my other HDTVs (each TV overscans to a certain extent. some more/less than others). but i'm perfectly fine with that, knowing that i bought a MONITOR, not a TV.

if you have a PS3 and another HDTV you can check the amount of overscan by viewing this picture on your HDTV via the PS3. here, you can see how much your TV overscans the picture compared to the BenQ.
Thanks for the reply. Now I understand. :) It's too bad we don't have an option on how much to overscan the picture. :(
I tried the PS3 on DVI and the PC on HDMI.

Unlike the BenQ G2400W the highest reported rez over HDMI is 1920x1080 which kinda ruins the fun. Maybe I can edit the profile of this monitor and trick my computer in seeing more, but not sure about how to do it with my ATI card.

But like I said, my Westinghouse L2410nm, and the BenQ G2400W do not show this green scan line at the bottom, and I've done the tiger dave test with overscan on both and neither shows any overscan over HDMI on the PS3 whatsoever.

Additionally, I agree with you, the BenQ overscan is a bit on the high side. My LG TV, as well as the LG L246WPs I tried last year showed barely 2% overscan over component whereas the BenQ is nearly at 5% (at least my FP241VW is, didn't try this on the G2400W). Alternatively on COMPONENT with the PS3 component cables there is no green line when overscan is off with the FP241VW, but image quality is slightly degraded and movies can only show on 1080i.

But, 1080i over component on this monitor shows no flickering whereas with 1080i over HDMI there is flicker and slight detail loss.



I have and yes, it still shows the green scan line. Reason being, those lines are never seen on a TV because TVs automatically have the image overscanned. This monitor, on the other hand, allows the user to turn off the overscan function and see the entire image. Thus, you are allowed to see all the reasons why TVs automatically overscan the picture. You'll see scan lines for blu-ray, cable, and even standard DVDs. Therefore, you must overscan the picture just like what the average TV does (Trust me, all HDTVs overscan the picture by default, i've checked my 50"DLP).

The only gripe i have with this monitor is that it overscans the picture a little bit more than my other HDTVs (each TV overscans to a certain extent. some more/less than others). but i'm perfectly fine with that, knowing that i bought a MONITOR, not a TV.

if you have a PS3 and another HDTV you can check the amount of overscan by viewing this picture on your HDTV via the PS3. here, you can see how much your TV overscans the picture compared to the BenQ.