Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

Hey all,

I'm in Toronto, Canada. I recently purchased the FP24W, MARCH 2007 build date on a Costco special, fully aware of the issues, but I wanted to see them for myself. I have 30 days to return the monitor if I wish.

It seems that maybe us North Americans will not get the overscan option for the W or WZ models (with any firmware). Possibly because of the difference in broadcast standards between us and the rest of the world?

I have tried the FP241W in various configs with various settings. It's a nice (but weird) monitor. Here is a synopsis:

DVI-D with PC > Beautiful. All resolutions and aspect settings work as advertised. Just gorgeous. I use a dual-link cable (not the one that came with the Benq). No blackouts.

Xbox 360 (non-elite) > COMPONENT > Needs overscan option. Cropping of image horizontally and vertically at 1080i/p and 720p, though OSD info corresponds with setting of Xbox. Ie. it shows the proper resolution set (1920x1080, or 1080i/p) in the info.

Xbox 360 (non-elite) > VGA > All messed up. When the monitor OSD shows 1920x1080 the screen is badly stretched at all settings (1:1, aspect, full), when the monitor shows 1680x1050 (even when 360 is set to 1080i/p) I get black bars around the image. Very wrong.

PC > VGA > Perfect at all settings. 1920x1080 works as advertised, 1920x1200 as well, and all other settings work properly when the monitor is set to 1:1, aspect, or full. Text is sharp and clear. Not quite as good as DVI, but quite good.

I will try my digital HD box sometime this weekend. I will also try routing component devices through my receiver, a Pioneer VS-X912D and see if it makes a difference (though I doubt it). It doesn't have HDMI, but it does do component switching.

So it seems that if we North Americans want an overscan option, we need either the same new firmware as the rest of the world, or buy a FP241VW. I don't expect this monitor to be a TV in the truest sense of the word. I expect it to allow me to pick 1:1 pixel mapping and have no scaling, and have an accurately sized picture for at least 1080i/p and 720p with component and HDMI devices. I don't expect it to perform TV-quality scaling.

If nothing fixes the 1080 overscan problem, I will return this monitor and try the VW. I realize this doesn't help any other users, but at least I can confirm if this monitor fits the bill. I would buy an HDMI to DVI cable and HDMI switch, but it may erase the cost-savings between this monitor and a VW, and my 360 is component or VGA only.


A question for anyone in the UK that has an FP241W with the latest firmware, ie they have a no overscan option, are all the outstanding issues regarding 1:1 mapping and overscan fixed for non PC signals? For example an Xbox 360 connected via component at 1920x1080, is that now handled correctly without weird cropping or scaling?

This thread is such a monster now, it's almost impossible to work out exactly what's been fixed.
I checked my FP241W with my digital cable TV box, and it overscan/stretched with component, and was perfect over DVI, just like the 360 and PS3 users have reported, and my 360 has shown too. It was gorgeous on DVI with the cable box though :(

Nonetheless, I'll be returning it, and likely replacing it with the LG 246WP. It may not have all the inputs of the Benq, but it has the ones that I need (DVI/HDMI, component, and VGA) to make me happy.

At least the LG's inputs all work as advertised, and I can't wait for BenQ to get their act together.

Otherwise it's a gorgeous monitor, just a bit off in feature implementation.
this is driving me out of my fucking mind. i need to buy a monitor with atleast two dvi ports, or one hdmi and one dvi, or two hdmi. how is it that benq can be the ONLY company to make one when they are so obviously incompetent at building a monitor in the first place. seriously, how can a monitor like this not be a HUGE market these days, HDMI is the new thing, and its not going anywhere! and then LG goes and does stupid shit like only put a fucking HDMI with no DVI. thats even more useless than one DVI. maybe this is all someones big plan to make us buy two screens, one that looks like shit for our movies games and tv, and another that looks nice for our computers. maybe theres some way to hack a monitor that has both dvi and hdmi, so that you can steal the content off of one and route it back into a computer. there has to be a logical explanation for why no one makes a monitor like this, except this god awful excuse for a company.
I checked my FP241W with my digital cable TV box, and it overscan/stretched with component, and was perfect over DVI, just like the 360 and PS3 users have reported, and my 360 has shown too. It was gorgeous on DVI with the cable box though :(

Nonetheless, I'll be returning it, and likely replacing it with the LG 246WP. It may not have all the inputs of the Benq, but it has the ones that I need (DVI/HDMI, component, and VGA) to make me happy.

At least the LG's inputs all work as advertised, and I can't wait for BenQ to get their act together.

Otherwise it's a gorgeous monitor, just a bit off in feature implementation.

10e, which version of the monitor are you referring to (maufacture date & firmware update number) and which country are you in?
I will try my digital HD box sometime this weekend. I will also try routing component devices through my receiver, a Pioneer VS-X912D and see if it makes a difference (though I doubt it). It doesn't have HDMI, but it does do component switching.

looking forward to your review....................
Hi guys,

IamJohnsName: My BenQ FP241W has a March 2007 build date, and I am in Canada.

I didn't get a chance yet to connect the Pioneer receiver, but the cable box I was able to do so:

1) With DVI connection to the FP241W it was 1:1 Pixel Perfect. Just gorgeous. All text was perfectly represented to the pixel. Very nice.

2) With Component the overscan issue reared its ugly head. Text at the bottom of the screen when watching sports was cut off quite a bit. Same cable box used with DVI, but very different. It was definitely NOT 1:1 with the overscan and the text showed some scaling in comparison to DVI.

My next steps:

I purchased an LG L246WP to try. So far it looks exactly like the BenQ in regards to Panel quality, but it does show a little bit of overscan with the Component connection. The overscan is FAR less than the FP241W.

While the LG only allows up to 1080i via component, the picture quality is identical to the BenQ with 1080p and with far less overscan. I would say the overscan (ie. cropping of picture) is between 1 to 2% which is as good or better than any TV I've seen via component. The 1080i on the LG does NOT flicker like the Dell 2407 has been reported to do.

The VGA on the L246WP with my Xbox is pixel perfect 1:1.

Additionally! I have ordered a BenQ FP241VW, which I will pick up today or tomorrow from Best Buy Canada. I will report on that tonight or tomorrow and examine overscan options.

While I'm not a big fan of the stand for the FP241VW (no height adjustment) it has the features I'm looking for, and the price is only $20.00 higher than I paid for the FP241W.

Ultimately, the FP241W is being returned, and either the LG L246WP OR FP241VW will be kept. The L246WP was almost $100.00 less than either BenQ, but the FP241VW has all the connections I want.

In addition, I have a DVI to HDMI cable to connect my PC to HDMI on the FP241VW to examine if there is overscan or issues with HDMI on the VW. This allows me to use the "TigerDave" pix to examine whether or not HDMI with 1080P is performing overscan or not and what level there is overscan.

Hope that helps.

Gotta love those liberal return policies! :)
My friend in New York City just this weekend received a VW he ordered from It had a March 07 manufacture date, and I had him run various tests for me. To my surprise, although (naturally) no overscan option exists in his OSD, he doesn't suffer any of the overscan problems the W/WZ has here. HDMI and component were perfect 1:1 mappings at 1080p with no amount of cropping. The VGA problem still exists when hooking up an Xbox 360, but it appears to be the sole issue he has. So now I just have to decide whether or not I want to replace my W with the VW. On the one hand, the VW seems to actually display correctly (and I'll never use VGA on it anyhow), but on the other I'd definitely miss the hieght adjustment and swivel capabilities of my W. Since DVI>HDMI and HDMI>DVI adapters are only about $4 each, though, it might be worth it to just use that workaround. I still stand by the fact that this is shameful of BenQ Global not to at least be giving North America an explanation of why we can't get this fix. They wouldn't even be able to effectively argue that the G series fixes it and is considered a replacement since it has nowhere near as good a stand as the W/WZ. I do know that I'm thinking of writing some formal letter of complaint or starting a petition, though. Dealing with the slightly tilting stand was one thing, but this is still ridiculous. And this is coming from one of the lucky ones not to have the blackout problem as it is. If they can get a VW released here with no overscan issue, then they'd better do the same for the others.
Thanks for the info Ninjak,

This makes me pause, because the LG is perfect on VGA with the 360. My VW is ready for pick up, but if it has a March 2007 release date and the VGA does not work with my Xbox, I will be very unhappy.

My purpose is to use component with my main TV (a 34" Sony HDTV CRT) that I've tuned to eliminate almost all overscan and VGA with my upstairs (24") monitor.

We'll see how it goes. But that VGA issue, plus the limited stand height adjustment further pushes me to the LG.

Regards, and thanks for the info.

Thanks for the input both 10e and Ninjak.

I posted this in the VW thread, but I believe the same applies for W, so I hope someone can provide an answer for me.


Just to be clear, without the overscan fix, to get both a PC and PS3 (or 360 Elite) connected to this monitor and avoid overscan over HDMI, I would have to connect:
- PS3/Elite to DVI (using HMDI to DVI cable/adapter)
- PC to HMDI (using DVI to HMDI cable/adapter)

Is that right?

Also, Wii over component would still get squeezed to 3:2?
What if I trick the input like the PS3 workaround and use component to VGA/D-Sub or component to DVI cables?
Just ordered a FP241W!!! Hopefully I won't be dissapointed as I was also considering the Dell 2707 and 2407-HC.
Just to be clear, without the overscan fix, to get both a PC and PS3 (or 360 Elite) connected to this monitor and avoid overscan over HDMI, I would have to connect:
- PS3/Elite to DVI (using HMDI to DVI cable/adapter)
- PC to HMDI (using DVI to HMDI cable/adapter)

Is that right?

I have a FP241W without the overscan fix so I can answer at least this portion as I had the same idea about getting a PC and 360/PS3 connected at the same time. After using both a DVI to HDMI cable and a DVI to HDMI adapter to HMDI cable to test the PC connection, the results were disappointing.

When my PC was connected through the HDMI port the resolution was bumped down to 1920x1080. I could force the resolution back to 1920x1200, but the screen remained cropped in both aspect and 1:1 mode, forcing me to pan up and down with the mouse to see the rest of the screen. The mouse panning was still needed in full mode as it only stretched the cropped image to full screen.

I think at this point the only way to get both a PC hooked up through a digital input at 1920x1200 and use a 360/PS3 at 1080p is to purchase a HDMI or DVI switch and hook both up through the DVI port.

Other less ideal solutions would be to hookup your PC through the VGA port and have the 360/PS3 use the DVI port or if you can live with having your PC resolution max out at 1920x1080, hook up your PC via HDMI and the 360/PS3 via DVI.

EDIT: This monitor can display a PC signal at 1920x1200 over HDMI by using a program such as PowerStrip or the NVIDIA Control Panel as pointed out by Akhamar a few posts down.
I have a FP241W without the overscan fix so I can answer at least this portion as I had the same idea about getting a PC and 360/PS3 connected at the same time. After using both a DVI to HDMI cable and a DVI to HDMI adapter to HMDI cable to test the PC connection, the results were disappointing.

When my PC was connected through the HDMI port the resolution was bumped down to 1920x1080. I could force the resolution back to 1920x1200, but the screen remained cropped in both aspect and 1:1 mode, forcing me to pan up and down with the mouse to see the rest of the screen. The mouse panning was still needed in full mode as it only stretched the cropped image to full screen.

I think at this point the only way to get both a PC hooked up through a digital input at 1920x1200 and use a 360/PS3 at 1080p is to purchase a HDMI or DVI switch and hook both up through the DVI port.

Other less ideal solutions would be to hookup your PC through the VGA port and have the 360/PS3 use the DVI port or if you can live with having your PC resolution max out at 1920x1080, hook up your PC via HDMI and the 360/PS3 via DVI.
Thanks for answering. 1920x1080 over HDMI is really disappointing. Why advertise the 1st monitor to include an HDMI port when said port is basically useless. BenQ is really dropping the ball by not bringing over the overscan firmware to NA.

If that is indeed the max resolution I can get when plugging both PC & PS3 to the monitor, then I think I would rather go for the Sharp 32". Sorry BenQ :(.
If that is indeed the max resolution I can get when plugging both PC & PS3 to the monitor, then I think I would rather go for the Sharp 32". Sorry BenQ :(.

Indeed you should. Everyone who has not bought this product yet shouldn't either! :mad:

It's a piece of shit promising more than it can hold.
Indeed you should. Everyone who has not bought this product yet shouldn't either!

I just got a BenQ 24", waiting for my PC to arrive to connect it (should get it by Monday).... Since I'm only conecting my PC, I should not have a problem.
When using the monitor via a DVI to HDMI cable on the HDMI port with an Nvidia card you'll need to either customise the timings in the Ntune software OR use something like Powerstrip to get it to display 1920x1200. Just make sure you don't exceed 160 (I think it is) for the pixel clock.
With that done it displays fine over HDMI. Not tried with an ATI card but I think this issue is actually related to the Nvidia cards not exactly a problem with this monitor. It seems to be because the EDID shows the monitor as being 1920x1080 so the card just assumes that is all it can do...the idea of the above fix is to just override this.

Still would be better for the HDMI port to display correctly with everything else though. Hoping if this update is available now/soon I'll get around to having mine updated/replaced.
When using the monitor via a DVI to HDMI cable on the HDMI port with an Nvidia card you'll need to either customise the timings in the Ntune software OR use something like Powerstrip to get it to display 1920x1200. Just make sure you don't exceed 160 (I think it is) for the pixel clock.
With that done it displays fine over HDMI. Not tried with an ATI card but I think this issue is actually related to the Nvidia cards not exactly a problem with this monitor. It seems to be because the EDID shows the monitor as being 1920x1080 so the card just assumes that is all it can do...the idea of the above fix is to just override this.

Still would be better for the HDMI port to display correctly with everything else though. Hoping if this update is available now/soon I'll get around to having mine updated/replaced.

If I'm only using monitor with PC, why would I wanna use HDMI ? Why not just use DVI port ? My understanding that when using DVI connection to PC... there are no issues with resolution of 1920x1200. Or am I wrong ?
Sorry if I confused you there, you should have no issues. For DVI PC use the monitor is very nice.
My comment was for those using or planning to use consoles/players on the DVI with the PC on the HDMI, to get around the overscan issue. (I saw a few mentions of this)
Has anyone tested how the S-Video input performs in post March 07 releases of this monitor ? I plan on using this monitor as a TV (besides normal PC use through DVI) and I can only connect my satbox through an analogue S-video cable. Do I have Aspect ratio options through the S-Video port ?? thanks
When using the monitor via a DVI to HDMI cable on the HDMI port with an Nvidia card you'll need to either customise the timings in the Ntune software OR use something like Powerstrip to get it to display 1920x1200. Just make sure you don't exceed 160 (I think it is) for the pixel clock.
With that done it displays fine over HDMI. Not tried with an ATI card but I think this issue is actually related to the Nvidia cards not exactly a problem with this monitor. It seems to be because the EDID shows the monitor as being 1920x1080 so the card just assumes that is all it can do...the idea of the above fix is to just override this.

Yep you are right, using the nvidia control panel I took the resolution and timing values when connected at 1920x1200 via DVI and copied them into a custom resolution. I could then use this custom resolution when connected via HDMI to get a proper 1920x1200 display.
Suppose you have a PAL PS1 and want NTSC games to have color on this monitor. What to do? Composite gives black and white image. Component doesn't seem to work at all... :(
This thread has been slow lately...

I have another question to those who got their PS3 connected to this monitor. When you switch around in menues or go from gameplay to item screen or so, does the monitor display the infomessage which shows what input it gets? Does it show "HDMI" "HDMI" everytime you move into the menuesystem or so?

When I play on my PS1 over composite, every time I go into the status screen or if the games changes from rendered movie to normal gameplay I get the "Input Composite"-message telling me I'm using composite.... Yes! I f-n know.... :rolleyes:
ye, it does do that for me when going into a game, or a movie.

Ok let me tell u my story about my BenQ monitor.

1st September: Emailed benq sales department asking where can i get the monitor with the latest firmware, with the overscan option. replied some what instantly saying you can get it from So ordered the monitor that day.

3rd September: recieved my BenQ monitor from checked out that the manufacturing date was February 2007, from my knowledge the latest firmware was applied after march. But still i was thinking ye it could possibly have the overscan option. Turned it on plugged my ps3 via hdmi and no overscan option.

Called benq fault department and they were quick to acknowledge my problem and so took my details to perform a swap.

11th September: My monitor was swapped, i looked at the manufacturing date and it read late july 2007. I was relieved to see that. So plugged the monitor in and checked it, and would u have guessed it did not have the overscan option. Called them up saying you basicaly didnt correct anything with this swap. The woman then told me to take a picture of the menu so that she could prove to the correct department that there was no overscan option which i had clearly asked for. The email address i sent the pictures to was [email protected].

13th September: Recieved an email back from the lady who said that she has forwarded the pictures to the correct department.

15th September: Waiting for them to get back to me, i really do want another swap. I am just a bit ticked off about them doing a pointless swap, and then i had to prove via pictures that it didnt have an overscan option.
ye, it does do that for me when going into a game, or a movie.

Ok let me tell u my story about my BenQ monitor.

I don't mean when going into a game. I mean during gameplay. It's highly annoying. Everytime I go into map mode or item menue it displays 'Input Composite'.:rolleyes:
hey guys

for those of you talking about the forcing programs by nvidia to force a computer to display at 1920x1200 over hdmi, do any of you have a ps3 connected via dvi, at the same time, and if so, is everything working properly without overscan?


edit: what a bunch of c unts, for a bit, i was really sure that benq was one of the best, albeit smaller monitor companies, but now i see theyre essentially criminals. wtf do they expect theyre going to get away pulling shit like that HUPextreme? i would ask for your money back, dont patronize a bunch of pricks like that.
hey guys

for those of you talking about the forcing programs by nvidia to force a computer to display at 1920x1200 over hdmi, do any of you have a ps3 connected via dvi, at the same time, and if so, is everything working properly without overscan?


edit: what a bunch of c unts, for a bit, i was really sure that benq was one of the best, albeit smaller monitor companies, but now i see theyre essentially criminals. wtf do they expect theyre going to get away pulling shit like that HUPextreme? i would ask for your money back, dont patronize a bunch of pricks like that.
Criminals! LOL

Some people need to get a grip.
I just picked up a FP241WZ at couple days ago on its regular weekly sale: CDN$609 + CDN$30 for 30 days zero dead pixel warranty. That is probably the lowest ever. FP241VW is on sale for CDN$649 + CDN$32.5 zero dead pixel warranty. Both are cheaper than FP241W this week until Tuesday night.

Unlike FP241W and FP241VW, it seems like is not ordering new shipment for FP241WZ. I saw someone mentioned on that BenQ is not making FP241WZ anymore as the cost is too high. I bet the new 24" or 26" models will be using TN panels since Samsung is doing the same thing to cut the price down.
I now have a PS3 plugged into my FP241W with overscan firmware, I also get the input message come up during games when then screen blacks out during menu changes and launching games... annoying but nothing I can't live with really.
Wow, just saw this old thread surface. I got mine back in Dec 06. No dead pixels, no backlight bleeding. Marvelous screen compared to my Samsung 19" TN panel.

Still no issues, been VERY happy with it. Though I bought it for use as a PC monitor, DVI at 1920x1200. So no resolution issues. Console's are for the living room for friends to huddle around on a couch. Not for my computer desk.
I am just wondering about the blackout in FP241W. Does it only happen in PC mode? Could it be power supply problem? I know when I got 8800 Ultra video card the first time driven by 480W power supply, the 19" CRT video screen is blank and unable to boot. Later I replaced with 620W PS, it booted fine.
I now have a PS3 plugged into my FP241W with overscan firmware, I also get the input message come up during games when then screen blacks out during menu changes and launching games... annoying but nothing I can't live with really.

Overscan firmware... what country do you live in? I bought my FP241WZ in Canada couple days ago , still no overscan firmware, manufactured in January 2007.
Overscan firmware... what country do you live in? I bought my FP241WZ in Canada couple days ago , still no overscan firmware, manufactured in January 2007.

I think the overscan firmware is from May 2007.
I bought my monitor from knowing that the 1:1 mapping issue has been fixed. But I did not realise that it had overscan issues until I read this thread after my monitor arrived. :p It's actually manufactured in May 2007 so I thought it may have the latest overscan firmware. I finally convinced my friend to lend me his Xbox 360 today to do some thorough testing, I just plugged it in with the official Xbox component cable, set to 1080p, and displayed the 1920x1080 overscan picture; it's underscanned by around 5%.

I'm going to do some more tests with a PS3 via HDMI this weekend, and I will take a load of pics.

But for the mean time I'll try and contact BenQ to get the overscan issue fixed.
I bought my monitor from knowing that the 1:1 mapping issue has been fixed. But I did not realise that it had overscan issues until I read this thread after my monitor arrived. :p It's actually manufactured in May 2007 so I thought it may have the latest overscan firmware. I finally convinced my friend to lend me his Xbox 360 today to do some thorough testing, I just plugged it in with the official Xbox component cable, set to 1080p, and displayed the 1920x1080 overscan picture; it's underscanned by around 5%.

I'm going to do some more tests with a PS3 via HDMI this weekend, and I will take a load of pics.

But for the mean time I'll try and contact BenQ to get the overscan issue fixed.

If HDMI gives you problem with PS3, you might want to try HDMI-to-DVI input with PS3. I heard with 1:1 mapping setting, it should be picture perfect with top-bottom black bars.

So what is the problem with XBOX 360 via component? Is the picture got cropped (overscan) or shrinked (underscan)?

Someone told me with FP241VW, you need the June firmware/manufacture date to get overscan option.
can anyone confirm if the May firmware fixes the xbox 360 over VGA issue at 1920*1200

I am hoping to get my monitor firmware upgaded next week to add overscan (to fix the component and hdmi issues) but what I really want is the VGA xbox 360 working properly (im using component for a wii at the moment).

I had thought about sticking wii over s-video to free up my component but then read UK wii's don't support this.
Got my FP241WZ yesterday. No dead or stuck pixel so I'm quite glad, but the backlight bleed could be better or maybe I'm just being too sensitive. You tell me

Mr Muesli,

The new firmware only adds the overscan option for non-North America versions of the FP241W. I have heard that the VGA issue (wrong sizing) is still there.

My recommendation is use 1280x720 and re-size via monitor scaling to 1920x1080 using the "aspect" setting. I found this didn't reduce HD DVD quality very much. 1920x1080 over VGA (with Xbox 360 ONLY) never has, and probably will never work with the FP241W.

Hope that helps,

