Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

If BFI simply inserts a blank frame every X frames, is there any reason why it couldn't be implemented at software or driver level?
How are you able to test the monitor if you are using the built in game recorder? How will that test the montior if you need an external recorder :p
Does anyone know if there is a possibility that there will be 1:1 pixel mapping may be added to this monitor before the holidays? I'm very interested in getting this but I would rather not have the stretched Xbox 360 picture.
Just ordered my own FP241W from Newegg. Hopefully I will get lucky and have it by Tuesday. Really excited, coming from a 15".
dannyallen34 said:
Does anyone know if there is a possibility that there will be 1:1 pixel mapping may be added to this monitor before the holidays? I'm very interested in getting this but I would rather not have the stretched Xbox 360 picture.

I thought someone posted a link earlier that showed the xbox360 can output an aspect ratio of 16x10 (thru vga), so I don't think this is an issue.
mysteryman said:
I thought someone posted a link earlier that showed the xbox360 can output an aspect ratio of 16x10 (thru vga), so I don't think this is an issue.

The XBOX 360 cannot output to 16:10, sorry. Closest it can do is 15:9.
dannyallen34 said:
Does anyone know if there is a possibility that there will be 1:1 pixel mapping may be added to this monitor before the holidays? I'm very interested in getting this but I would rather not have the stretched Xbox 360 picture.

Hi...I've just found this excellent site and hope I can clear up this issue for the folks here:

The new FP241WZ will definitely support 1:1 pixel mapping. With the addition of the anti-blur Black Frame Insertion (BFI) technology this seems to be the screen aimed squarely at the multimedia market and worth the extra £100 and month or so wait. Which makes me wonder why such a big deal was made of the HDMI connection on the FP241W which has neither of these features. BenQ really should be pointing multimedia users to the FP241WZ since the lack of 1:1 pixel mapping has cleary disappointed many buyers.

On the subject of HDMI it may be worth noting for some who were earlier asking about the FP301W that it will almost certainly have HDMI 1.3 rather than the current 1.1.

DeftonesXP said:
Can you link the source please ??

There's nothing online I can link this to but I had a conversation with someone who spoke to one of the BenQ product specialists in Europe about this issue. They are particularly excited about the forthcoming 30" panels too apparently.

jcbguk said:
There's nothing online I can link this to but I had a conversation with someone who spoke to one of the BenQ product specialists in Europe about this issue. They are particularly excited about the forthcoming 30" panels too apparently.
I thought 1:1 was mentioned in that pre-release demo link I posted earlier in this thread. Will have to check, though.

I was thinking about the 30", but I think I might prefer the higher pixel-density and lower-cost of the 24".
On the subject of HDMI it may be worth noting for some who were earlier asking about the FP301W that it will almost certainly have HDMI 1.3 rather than the current 1.1.

there is NO difference in video between HDMI and 1.3...just the audio, and since this monitor doesnt have audio (even if it did, it would be shit compared to the audio that HDMI can carry) 1.3 is useless for this. Why have 6-8 channel uncompressed audio dont even literally use it?

My HDMI-> DVI cable comes today so well see on the 1080p stuff.
And on a better note, my LCD arm came today (Ergotron Neo-Flex) and im using that from now on..tis awesomeness to the maxxitude!
DangerIsGo said:
there is NO difference in video between HDMI and 1.3...just the audio, and since this monitor doesnt have audio (even if it did, it would be shit compared to the audio that HDMI can carry) 1.3 is useless for this. Why have 6-8 channel uncompressed audio dont even literally use it?

My HDMI-> DVI cable comes today so well see on the 1080p stuff.

I wasn't making a value judgement about the merits or not of this screen having an HDMI 1.3 connection. I was just repeating some info gathered from a conversation with BenQ people in the know. ;)

Incedentally, irrespective of whether this monitor could appreciate the differences, what makes you say that the increase in bandwidth of the HDMI 1.3 from 1.1 offers only an audio improvement?

HDMI 1.3 spec isn't just for audio, but for video as well:

Deep color: HDMI 1.3 supports 30-bit, 36-bit and 48-bit (RGB or YCbCr) color depths, up from the 24-bit depths in previous versions of the HDMI specification.

I doubt that the FP301W supports the full benefit of Deep Color, but the banding correction would be a nice change.

Also, I plan on doing an overnight order on the FP241WZ when it shows up at Newegg, so I should be able to provide you guys with a decent review just like DangerIsGo did. I've also got a Xbox 360 (Component and VGA cables), a CRT, Blu-ray player (on loan) and pretty much everything else needed for a good batch of tests, so hopefully I can answer everyone's questions :p
I would also like to see the documents that state that the FP241WZ will have the 1:1 pixel mapping issue fixed... Please link...

I've tried contacting BenQ, but my emails get bounced back.

If the monitor is amazing, and BFI is simply an improvement + 1:1 pixel mapping issue gets fixed, then I'll buy an FP241WZ the minute they come out.
some of you have had the monitor for over a week is it when it comes to heat?
I thought I'd post something I have not seen here yet. Looks like the manual for the FP241WZ (BFI model) is available on some of the international BenQ sites.


Sorry if this has already been covered. The manual makes no mention of any type of 1:1 scaling. :mad:

Gridneo said:
I would also like to see the documents that state that the FP241WZ will have the 1:1 pixel mapping issue fixed... Please link...

I've tried contacting BenQ, but my emails get bounced back.

If the monitor is amazing, and BFI is simply an improvement + 1:1 pixel mapping issue gets fixed, then I'll buy an FP241WZ the minute they come out.
FP241WZ ... Sorry if this has already been covered. The manual makes no mention of any type of 1:1 scaling.
It doesn't mention about 1:1 scaling, but actually it says that everything will be stretch to 1920x1200 !!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
"The best possible picture for your FP241WZ is achieved with a resolution of 1920 x 1200. This is called “Native Resolution” or maximal resolution – that is, the clearest picture. Lower resolutions are displayed on a full screen through an interpolation circuit."

Just great ... :rolleyes:
DarkAngel_ZERO said:
Also, I plan on doing an overnight order on the FP241WZ when it shows up at Newegg, so I should be able to provide you guys with a decent review just like DangerIsGo did. I've also got a Xbox 360 (Component and VGA cables), a CRT, Blu-ray player (on loan) and pretty much everything else needed for a good batch of tests, so hopefully I can answer everyone's questions :p

If you do get your hands on this monitor soon, can you let us all know if the BFI causes any frame jumpiness or stuttering? I mean, if you are inserting blank frames every 3rd or 4th frame, that might make the motion look kind of chunky / not perfectly smooth? Does that make sense? Anyway, who even knows when the Z version will comes out? Thanks...

paviko said:
It's not limited to PC only use, but to PC with only NVIDIA graphics card if you want to play games (e.g. 1600x1200 with some games and ATI will mean awfull stretching) or PC for only office use (word, excel, etc.). Quite limitted usage.
I wonder what the Chinese used here, word or excel?

ATi CCC has "Image Scaling" control but it doesn't work with every LCD monitor.
Did read at "RAGE3D Forum" few poster complaining the aspect ratio control not working on
Dells 2007 & 2407, example:
Many more threads at RAGE3D about scaling problems, nothing in particular about BENQ 24" (PC use) so just maybe we should wait till some owner reports it.
Anyway ATi reported working on the problem.
paviko said:
I don't know every monitor, but it looks like lately more and more 24'' LCD have missing ratio control. Maybe because they are introduced by "low-quality" company like BenQ, Acer (can we name them differently?).
Judging from this, you had no intention to buy any BenQ product anyway even if it was gold plated so no problem for you.
Surprise me one day and say something good about BenQ. To be fair here you also included Acer in the so called "low-quality" company, just no idea why you have problem naming them differently.
I ordered the FP241W and I have a X800 Pro (softmodded to XT) : I'll send you the results when I'll receive the monitor next week...
jcbguk said:
Hi...I've just found this excellent site and hope I can clear up this issue for the folks here:

The new FP241WZ will definitely support 1:1 pixel mapping. With the addition of the anti-blur Black Frame Insertion (BFI) technology this seems to be the screen aimed squarely at the multimedia market and worth the extra £100 and month or so wait. Which makes me wonder why such a big deal was made of the HDMI connection on the FP241W which has neither of these features. BenQ really should be pointing multimedia users to the FP241WZ since the lack of 1:1 pixel mapping has cleary disappointed many buyers.

On the subject of HDMI it may be worth noting for some who were earlier asking about the FP301W that it will almost certainly have HDMI 1.3 rather than the current 1.1.

When somebody asked you for a link to the excellent site, your response:
There's nothing online I can link this to but I had a conversation with someone who spoke to one of the BenQ product specialists in Europe about this issue. They are particularly excited about the forthcoming 30" panels too apparently.

So basically your posted info comes from somebody who talked to somebody and not from so called excellent site. Maybe we all should be more careful what info we post.

The only difference I did notice on BenQ Clobal Product Page about FP241W Z is the "Exclusive AMA Z Technology".
On the same page the HDMI is described as (5Gbps data transfers). The HDMI 1.3 data transfer is double 10.2 Gbps. Anyway FP241W Z has no need for more data transfer.

I did FAST compare the FP241W Z and FP241W manuals.

8.) On Screen Display (OSD) menu. I only noticed the added "AMA Z"
5.) How to adjust the screen resolution. Same recommended PC setting
10.) Supported PC Timings. Same supported resolutions.
Judging from this, you had no intention to buy any BenQ product anyway even if it was gold plated so no problem for you.
Of course I was going to buy BenQ FP241WZ. I've been waiting more than 8 months now. The lack of 1:1 scaling just make me angry.
To be fair here you also included Acer in the so called "low-quality" company, just no idea why you have problem naming them differently.
I'm not english native speaker, so I asked how to name those company, because "low-quality" is not quite properly.
Definatelly BenQ FP241W (like Acer 24'') is great LCD for PC with NVidia card - probably the best one. But BenQ is not usefull for XBox and other video source like it is advertised since several month.
I'm just dissapointed customer.

What's even more interesting old BenQ FP231W, that is replaced by FP241W has pixel aspect ratio control (you can select 1:1 mapping). That's really shocking !!! :eek:

Heinz68 said:
When somebody asked you for a link to the excellent site, your response:So basically your posted info comes from somebody who talked to somebody and not from so called excellent site. Maybe we all should be more careful what info we post.

To be fair, I believe jcbguk was referring to Hardforum, when he wrote "this excellent site." I think he meant he just found "this" site here, "this excellent site," Hardforum, and wanted to post some information he'd heard elsewhere. But the sentence was a little confusing and I read it the other way first too.
Just called BenQ USA and left a message with their pre-sell department asking if the WZ does support 1:1 pixel mapping. Hopefully I'll get a call back.
Very interesting with the HDMI input and a 1080p signal.

Ok so I got my cable and here are the results:

I outputted 1920x1080 and it stretches to fill the whole screen. I outputted 1920x1200 and it extends beyond the vertical size of the monitor so where my mouse pointer is is not where I actually click. very interesting.

If theres anything you guys want me to try, let me know.

Its like its keeping the wrong aspect ratio

For HDMI a 16:9 is 16:10 and a 16:10 is a 16:11.
cb474 said:
To be fair, I believe jcbguk was referring to Hardforum, when he wrote "this excellent site." I think he meant he just found "this" site here, "this excellent site," Hardforum, and wanted to post some information he'd heard elsewhere. But the sentence was a little confusing and I read it the other way first too.
Yes, most likely you're right, just the info doesn't match anything what's on BenQ site.
But things sometime change, at least lets hope.
Looks like the lack of the 1:1 pixel mapping mainly concerns the Xbox 360 users.
All my multimedia use is by PC so probably I should not worry much.
DarkAngel_ZERO said:
Just called BenQ USA and left a message with their pre-sell department asking if the WZ does support 1:1 pixel mapping. Hopefully I'll get a call back.
Excellent, let's hope pre-sell department cares about the message.
Holy jeez, I just contacted BenQs tech support and I think my IQ just dropped.

Let me know if im wrong anywhere in this paragraph:

The resolution of a 1080p signal is 1920x1080, or a 16:9 aspect ratio. The resolution of the monitor is 1920x1200, or a 16:10 aspect ratio. If this monitor has absolutely NO 1:1 pixel mapping even in the HDMI input, then the 1080p signal would fill the whole screen, stretching it vertically to 1200 pixels (the 10 in 16:10), not having black bars which would make it look ugly.

Am I wrong in there somewhere? The guy said I was confusing my resolution/pixels and aspect ratio..Somehow, I dont think so. My closing question/comment was "Im outputting a 1920x1080 (1080p) signal to this monitor and its stretching to fill" he said "no" so i go wtff?? and say peace out. If someone else has better luck, be my guest. :mad: :rolleyes:
DangerIsGo said:
Holy jeez, I just contacted BenQs tech support and I think my IQ just dropped.

There's nothing wrong with your statement. It is the IQ of the Benq tech which is too damn low to measure.

The display is stretching a hi def signal, that is, 1080 to 1200. You can see it and proved it. Case closed.

What were you using to feed a 1080 rez? Is there an aspect ratio control in that device?
Do you have an upconverting DVD player and use it to feed a 1080i thru the HDMI and see if it still stretches the image? I'm asking coz' DVD players have AR control in them.
Heinz68 said:
Looks like the lack of the 1:1 pixel mapping mainly concerns the Xbox 360 users.
All my multimedia use is by PC so probably I should not worry much.
It affects much more than just Xbox360 users. It'll affect pretty much every piece of consumer equipment you try to plug into it that does 1080i/1080p etc. HDV video cameras, Xbox360, PS3, HD DVD players, Blu Ray players, HDTV tuner boxes, HDTV cable set top boxes...
jimcooper said:
Do you have an upconverting DVD player and use it to feed a 1080i thru the HDMI and see if it still stretches the image? I'm asking coz' DVD players have AR control in them.
They have aspect ratio control, but this only works if the screen it is plugged into is either 16:9 or 4:3. I've never seen one DVD player that gives you the option to configure it for 16:10 display.
DangerIsGo said:
Holy jeez, I just contacted BenQs tech support and I think my IQ just dropped.

Let me know if im wrong anywhere in this paragraph:

The resolution of a 1080p signal is 1920x1080, or a 16:9 aspect ratio. The resolution of the monitor is 1920x1200, or a 16:10 aspect ratio. If this monitor has absolutely NO 1:1 pixel mapping even in the HDMI input, then the 1080p signal would fill the whole screen, stretching it vertically to 1200 pixels (the 10 in 16:10), not having black bars which would make it look ugly.

Am I wrong in there somewhere? The guy said I was confusing my resolution/pixels and aspect ratio..Somehow, I dont think so.
There are actually a couple of things to be aware of here. Resolution can often have no relationship to aspect ratio, which is probably what he is getting at (for example, a 4:3 DVD has a resolution of 720x480, and an anamorphic 16:9 DVD also has a resolution of 720x480, but they obviously have a different aspect ratio).

There is two issues of concern with this monitor, which are kind sounds similar but are slightly different.

1) Not displaying with the correct aspect ratio. If a you play a 16:9 video on this monitor, it should have a setting to retain the correct aspect ratio, ie it should show the picture as 16:9 on the monitor (+ black bars) rather than stretched 16:10.

2) 1:1 pixel mapping. In the case of playing 1080p or 1080i, this device should be capable of doing a 1:1 mapping for each pixel of the video. ie, the 1920x1080 pixels that make up the source video frame should be shown on 1920x1080 pixel on the monitor (with 60 black pixels below and above to fill the 1200 scan lines). If we did get this 1:1 pixel mapping, we'd in theory get the best picture possible from 1080i/1080p - instead its having to stretch the picture, via some interpolation scheme, resulting in loss of quality.

My closing question/comment was "Im outputting a 1920x1080 (1080p) signal to this monitor and its stretching to fill" he said "no" so i go wtff?? and say peace out. If someone else has better luck, be my guest. :mad: :rolleyes:
Everything I've read so far sounds like he is plain wrong on this comment. It is clearly stretching the image.
kornkob said:
They have aspect ratio control, but this only works if the screen it is plugged into is either 16:9 or 4:3. I've never seen one DVD player that gives you the option to configure it for 16:10 display.

What if a device can output that 1080 and at the same time configure that device to output to 16x10 display, will the Benq then stretch the image or no?
DangerIsGo said:
Very interesting with the HDMI input and a 1080p signal.

Ok so I got my cable and here are the results:

I outputted 1920x1080 and it stretches to fill the whole screen. I outputted 1920x1200 and it extends beyond the vertical size of the monitor so where my mouse pointer is is not where I actually click. very interesting.

If theres anything you guys want me to try, let me know.

Its like its keeping the wrong aspect ratio

For HDMI a 16:9 is 16:10 and a 16:10 is a 16:11.
What did you use as source to input the HDMI?
Strange since 1920:1200 resolution (16:10 widescreen) is the MAX and NATIVE resolution, it should not stretch.

1920:1080 resolution is not even listed in the manual as supported resolution so I'm not sure about that.
Most owners I believe report the 1920:1080 source stretching to 1920:1200, to fill the 16:10 widescreen

10.Supported PCTimings