Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

Heinz68 said:
On AUO product page 24" WUXGA panel doesn't exist.

Don't rely purely on the "WUXGA" listing, AUO for some reason have it labelled a little confusingly. WXGA is used for WS format and wiki describes it as:

"Wide XGA (WXGA) is a set of non standard resolutions derived from the XGA display standard by widening it to a wide screen aspect ratio. Usually WXGA is understood to refer the a 1366 x 768 resolution with an aspect ratio of 16:9. As of 2006 this is the most popular resolution for liquid crystal display televisions and HD ready plasma flat panel displays.

whereas "WUXGA" is:

"WUXGA stands for Widescreen Ultra eXtended Graphics Array and is a display resolution of 1920×1200 pixels with a 16:10 screen aspect ratio."

So it should be labelled as WUXGA really for the M240UW01 V0 panel (24"WS) which is that used in the FP241W
Hey fellas, I just got mine 10min ago... Took some pics in comparison to my 19 inch viewsonic .... I'm breathless, this thing owns the sonic.... I cant believe how much bigger it is next to it..... It actually looks alot bigger then on the pics.......

I will report back with gaming results, color quality, etc..... brb....

OHH , whats up with this??? Where is the attachment button so i can upload my pics??
You might have to upload them to some webspace, you could use any image hosting solution, although bandwidth will eventually become an issue, but it's a good solution so you get them up ASAP ;)


Pretty straightforward.
I just hooked up the monitor and I'm totally amazed by the picture quality.....W0W ... I can't believe the difference between this and the viewsonic...... This thing blows it away out of the water........ The brightness is superb, colors are amazing, text is super-sharp...... I can't wait to test some games like BF2 ...... just wow........ So far im totally impressed guys....... And ohh wait..... Mouse lag??? lemme tell you..... Absolutely NON-Existant........ Feels no different then my 2ms viewsonic..... This is the one guys, regardless of what some are saying about the HDMI...... this montior is WELL-WORTH IT....

Here's some pics just when i got it..... I will host some more turned on soon

I just got the fp241w from newegg. I had bought a Dell 2407 last month, but I got the A02 revision with all the problems everyone else complained about, including horrible vertical banding and a nonfunctional component input. I got the BenQ today at 3 pm. I'd have written sooner, but I couldn't stop playing with it. First and foremost, absolutely NO vertical banding - absolutely smooth gradients. Second, the component input is gorgeous. I've been playing xbox 360 for the past 2 hours on this baby. Videos on the pc are perfect quality 16:9 with appropriate sized black bars above and below. I haven't plugged in a dvd player to the HDMI port to see if it stretches the image or not yet. Maybe tonight. The stand is rock solid, sturdier than the 2407's. It won't go as low to the desk, but sits 4 1/2 inches up at the lowest horizontal setting. It's not as sexy as the Dell's stand, but does sort of dissapear, rather than drawing attention to itself. It's amazingly easy to raise and lower and can be rotated a little clockwise or counterclockwise so you don't end up with one side lower than the other, which my 2407 did to my dismay before I returned it. It really is a pain in the can to have the adjustment buttons on the side of the monitor, but I guess I'll get used to it. Overall, at first blush, this thing rocks. I'm super glad I returned my Dell and waited another 3 weeks for this. I did notice that games set to 1600 x 1200 get stretched to fill the screen, but I suspect when I get rid of my ATI card for a current gen NVidia I may be able to work around that....
Videos on the pc are perfect quality 16:9 with appropriate sized black bars above and below.

I don't believe there should be black bars on top or below as both 16:10 and 16:9 are 1920x1xxx. There should be black bars on the sides, meaning the BenQ still stretches the picture.
Moofasa~ said:
I don't believe there should be black bars on top or below as both 16:10 and 16:9 are 1920x1xxx. There should be black bars on the sides, meaning the BenQ still stretches the picture.
No, thats not correct. It would have black bars on the sides if he was watching 4:3 video. If he was watching 16:9 video, then it should have black bars at the top and bottom.
Yes. I added 1920x1080x16...not 32. Then itll add correctly. :]

Hopefully the HDMI can be tested at some point.
Wood can you post some pics with the 360 running on the monitor at 720p and 1080i? (with the component inputs) Some dashboard and game pics would be really nice =]
menace2society said:
I truly believe some of you would complain about a house in heaven :rolleyes: How pathetic

These new low flow toilets... you have to flush them 3 times to get it to go down!
menace2society said:
I truly believe some of you would complain about a house in heaven :rolleyes: How pathetic

Oh, so getting an undistorted image from multimedia inputs on a monitor whose main selling points are those multimedia points is too much to ask? Yeah, okay...
menace2society said:
I truly believe some of you would complain about a house in heaven :rolleyes: How pathetic
Who specifically is complaining? Most of these posts sounds like a quest for knowledge, which is fine.
Thanks for the pics. I have been researching this and the 1080p 37in westy since June and just decided to get the westy becuase I got it for almost the smae price as the benq and its a lot bigger with many more ports. This looks like it turned out to be a great 24in though.
ToastyX said:
All your images show 16:9 being stretched to 16:10.

I dunno about u, but I actually prefer that the image is stretched to fill the screen. If i pay that much for a monitor I wanna see all my pixels in use. The difference between 16:9 and 16:10 is like nothing. I currently own a 16:10 monitor and when i connect ps2, hdtv etc.. the pictures dont look distorted or anything but i love that it fills the screen. I think all these peeple that keep complaining that these monitors dont keep the picture 16:9 should quit actin like babies. The difference is almost unnoticeable. Its not like someone is gonna come to you house and say, "god damn look how squished those people look!", they are more likely to say " yo wtf, why does this hdtv football game have black bars on it!"
It was an analogy. You keep going over the same points, over and over and over to the point of noisome. It does not support 1:1, if this bothers you this not for you. Move on. If your gril friend told you it was over do you stalk her. Get a life, and some other monitor. This not the frist time Hype did not match the product. There is life after Benq
People are bitching too much. There's no doubt that this is the best 24" monitor out there with the bonus HDMI added on. But I'll wait and find out more about the FP24WZ and see if the BFI is worth the wait.
I agree, it's over. I already knew it. And, I'll be using it for my computer.

If you got the money, get the Westinghouse 37" LCD 16:9, that's another $500.00 I can't afford. If I have one, it will probably goto my living room instead my computer.
Anyone test the PIP functionality on this bad boy yet? I'm curious to see if it scales all sources down to a 16:10 PIP frame as well, or if it keeps them at their original aspect ratio.
any chance of getting some more xbox 360 (non lego game! lol) and pc pictures? maybe some of dvds, views with wallpapers, and preferrably someone with a HDTV set-top box hooked up via component.

thenixhex311 said:
any chance of getting some more xbox 360 (non lego game! lol) and pc pictures? maybe some of dvds, views with wallpapers, and preferrably someone with a HDTV set-top box hooked up via component.


Mine is arriving tomorrow and I'll take shots of an XBOX 360 (hooked up with component cables) as well as DVD images from a Sony player connected with an HDMI cable.

I'll make sure to pick a different game for the XBOX shots :)
I have tested and used the PIP functionality. I used it to play guitar hero (composite) last night. You can only selet composite or svideo for PIP. Its not that bad. Small and medium size kinda suck, but the large is good.
As far as the dvd HDMI guy goes, can you output a 1080p signal?
The Beast said:
Mine is arriving tomorrow and I'll take shots of an XBOX 360 (hooked up with component cables) as well as DVD images from a Sony player connected with an HDMI cable.

I'll make sure to pick a different game for the XBOX shots :)

Will be eagerly awaiting your pics... Beast do you own both the VGA and Component cables for the Xbox 360? Im eager to see pic of the 360 connected with both... and your impressions. I have found gaming on my Xbox 360 on a monitor via VGA produces washed out colours and im interested to see component connected to it...

Ive played on many different displays and found component to be the better picture even though resolution wasnt as great...
dipset4life said:
I dunno about u, but I actually prefer that the image is stretched to fill the screen. If i pay that much for a monitor I wanna see all my pixels in use. The difference between 16:9 and 16:10 is like nothing. I currently own a 16:10 monitor and when i connect ps2, hdtv etc.. the pictures dont look distorted or anything but i love that it fills the screen. I think all these peeple that keep complaining that these monitors dont keep the picture 16:9 should quit actin like babies. The difference is almost unnoticeable. Its not like someone is gonna come to you house and say, "god damn look how squished those people look!", they are more likely to say " yo wtf, why does this hdtv football game have black bars on it!"
You are probably right, at least on the pictures you posted (post #494 this thread), I can't notice any distortion and there are two circles on the picture.

Also according to this "expert" opinion, it's no problem.
By John P. Falcone
Don't be thrown off by other wide-screen aspect ratios. When shopping for wide-screen displays--especially flat-panel LCDs--you may see aspect ratios such as 15:9 or 16:10. They are, for all intents and purposes, close enough to 16:9 to be considered synonymous. Unless you're extremely sensitive to geometry, it's doubtful you'll notice the slight stretching or squashing they introduce.
Anyway the main thing is, it doesn't bother you and you're happy with the monitor.

Looks to me the only negative I hear about this monitor and all from people who don't own one, is the lack of 1:1 Pixel Mapping. Even that I believe applies ONLY when the source is not run on computer.
On the Chinese review we all did see the letterbox, no doubt the 16:9 aspect ratio was displayed.

The point is, FP241W is primary Computer Monitor, anybody who needs a TV or TV Monitor should probably buy NATIVE 1080p. The author of the article I quoted also said: " some satellite tuner, cable box, or DVD player have aspect-ratio control". Maybe another option.

Anyway if the above is the only problem I would never face it. All my gaming is done on PC, always buy only
PC DVD-Players (much cheaper) and for watching TV on my PC I have ATI HDTV tuner card.

Looks to me the BenQ FP241W is perfect monitor for me, now I only need somebody to buy one for me :)
I think BenQ should :)
hah... well said heinz.

I think only the most "anal" people will be concerned about the slight difference in ratio..
Im almost convinced I will buy this monitor... think I'll just wait for 1 or 2 more reputable reviews.
I'll probably end up buying the monitor, but I'm still disappointed its not doing 1:1 pixel mapping for 1080i/1080p content, since it's 1920x1200 resolution is entirely capable of it.

It still sounds like a great monitor...just not the perfect monitor.
I just finished reading all of the posts from the beginning of this thread, lot of good information. I agree with the points that this is primarily a PC monitor, and that there is a marginal difference between 16:9 (DVDs, HDTV broadcasts) and this monitor's 16:10. There is approximately 11% vertical expansion done as a result of the stretching, which makes everyone a little skinnier (and who could complain about that in this fastfood age?).

I admit the scaling of 4:3 material is far more noticeable at about 18% vertical squishing (fatter people, I like big butts, that I can't deny, but YMMV). However, most likely any 4:3 source I use (i.e. my VCR) will likely go thru my video-in and my PC will keep the ratio. So what I am most concerned with is what happens when I am runnign off of a PC, and have a 4:3 video in full screen. The media player software will maintain aspect ratio, but am I going to have two ugly black bars on the left and right side now?

I mean maybe its years of conditioning, but I kinda got used to the so called cinemascope effect of black bars on top and bottom, but now they are on the sides? (this little rant doesnt impact this monitor specifically but rather any 16:9 or 10 display unit, but its just a point that concerns me).

Can anyone post a 4:3 video screenshot in full-screen on teh PC (i.e. NOT stretched)?

Thanks in advance, and DangerIsGo, you are the man for taking time away from playing with that monitor to answer all of our questions.
I'd just like to point out that the Dell 2407WFP A03 is a great monitor...with the general consensus being that the majority of the 2407's problems are fixed. :D
Thanks for the numerous screenshots Danger, I'll also buy the FP241W when NCIX will have it in stock...

I would also like someone to post some 4:3 pics without stretch... thanks :D
A lot of potential buyers will not be using it for PC-only so I don't see what's wrong with taking issue with an unnecessary flaw in an otherwise awesome monitor. None of us owe anything to BenQ so there's no sense in dismissing it as if it is not a valid concern. It's not just the ratio, it's the fact that yucky interpolation will now get to work on your perfect 1080p signal.

I don't think you have to be especially anal to notice the difference between the two ratios:
Yeah, its the interpolation that bothers me most. I'd much prefer to have a pixel perfect 1:1 mapping, rather than the interpolation required to stretch the picture.
Yes, the slightly distorted image won't be noticable. Hmm... I should rather say it would have not be noticable with CRT, but this is LCD and you 1080p singal will lost all of it's sharpness by imperfect interpolation to 1200. It will look worse than 720p, almost like 540p.