Offical Call of Duty Black Ops Thread

Wow... and there's what, 78k on the PC right now I think? No wonder we aren't seeing graphics upgrades for the PC version :(.

EDIT: From steam stats:

Current Players -- Peak Today -- Game
70,820 -- 77,609 -- Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer

Yea... it's kind of depressing.

At least my friends are all getting it for PC. I think the weakest GPU my friends own is a 8800 GT (it's actually my old card hehe) and my roommate has a gtx 480 SLI surround setup. Good bunch of guys.
Wow... and there's what, 78k on the PC right now I think? No wonder we aren't seeing graphics upgrades for the PC version :(.

EDIT: From steam stats:

Current Players -- Peak Today -- Game
70,820 -- 77,609 -- Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer

I know people don't want to hear it, but you can't blame the companies for focusing on the consoles that is where the $$ is.
ya because current players on a game just released taken during a workday reflects it success :O, much less PC gaming in general. Yep no money to be made on PC i mean just look at how few bought starcraft II.
ya because current players on a game just released taken during a workday reflects it success :O, much less PC gaming in general. Yep no money to be made on PC i mean just look at how few bought starcraft II.

That wasn't my point, really... no one's insulting your honor, take it easy.
Xbox 360 vs. PC graphics, PC has definite advantages even in a 720/1080p video comparison on youtube ;).
I'm installing the game now. We'll see how things go.

prepare for some lag. it's difficult to have a fun round with stutter every few seconds. once that's panned out, the game will be excellent.
Looks significantly sharper, but it seems the haze effects are missing from the PC.

Yeah... it does :(. However I'd say the antialiasing, aniso, and sharpness is worth it.

ya because current players on a game just released taken during a workday reflects it success :O, much less PC gaming in general. Yep no money to be made on PC i mean just look at how few bought starcraft II.

Well day one is pretty indicitive of long term adoption on the platform from what we have seen in the last CoD series. Its not like this is a surprise or should have been where the PC made a come back. As said elsewhere, the money is in the console.

And comaparing it to a PC only title is just grasping at straws.
Yeah... it does :(. However I'd say the antialiasing, aniso, and sharpness is worth it.

- Higher Native res
- AA
- AF
- Eyefinity / Surround

Those are the reasons for PC personally. Although the first level definitely showcased some 2001 textures (my GOD were they bad...)
Well day one is pretty indicitive of long term adoption on the platform from what we have seen in the last CoD series. Its not like this is a surprise or should have been where the PC made a come back. As said elsewhere, the money is in the console.

1.8 million college kids can't be wrong.
Yep no money to be made on PC i mean just look at how few bought starcraft II.

Which consoles was Starcraft II offered on? None? Oh... :rolleyes:

Nobody is saying pc games can't be successful, but those 1.8mil on xbox are probably matched by another 1.8mil on ps3 too.

Anyhow, i'm not getting much stuttering any more, although it still happens on some of the servers. Hopefully i'll be able to play zombies soon, and be able to play with my brother without one of us getting disconnected every 4 minutes by the end of this week.
I'm having mad issues with it, the damned cut scenes jump and stutter...running a defrag of my drive now....
Which consoles was Starcraft II offered on? None? Oh... :rolleyes:

Nobody is saying pc games can't be successful, but those 1.8mil on xbox are probably matched by another 1.8mil on ps3 too.

Anyhow, i'm not getting much stuttering any more, although it still happens on some of the servers. Hopefully i'll be able to play zombies soon, and be able to play with my brother without one of us getting disconnected every 4 minutes by the end of this week.

To be fair, the PS3 numbers are probably a small fraction of the 360 numbers... but yea, the initial console investment is just too cheap / easy for the masses to shy away from.
I know people don't want to hear it, but you can't blame the companies for focusing on the consoles that is where the $$ is.

I agree with this post, if you look at Black Ops, it's nothing more than a reskinned MW2, which is a reskinned CoD4, there's no real difference in the games, they just squeezed a few more drops of blood from the same stone.

I would rather spend my money on a game that actually tries to go in a new direction graphically and gameplay wise instead of settling for being a half point reiteration in a series.

See, they know people WILL buy it, so they don't have any motivation to try to put out something better than what you have on your computer.

That's another thing, consoles are where they make their money these days, their games are optimized to run on CONSOLES, so us PC gamers get the shaft, but guess what? PC gamers are shelling out for the PC versions anyway, so why should they optimize the PC version to run better or look better? Half ass lazy ports sell just as well as they would have if they were fully optimized.

Every dollar that's being spent on PC games infected by consolitis is another nail in the coffin for pure PC optimized games :mad:
I agree with this post, if you look at Black Ops, it's nothing more than a reskinned MW2, which is a reskinned CoD4, there's no real difference in the games, they just squeezed a few more drops of blood from the same stone.

I would rather spend my money on a game that actually tries to go in a new direction graphically and gameplay wise instead of settling for being a half point reiteration in a series.

See, they know people WILL buy it, so they don't have any motivation to try to put out something better than what you have on your computer.

That's another thing, consoles are where they make their money these days, their games are optimized to run on CONSOLES, so us PC gamers get the shaft, but guess what? PC gamers are shelling out for the PC versions anyway, so why should they optimize the PC version to run better or look better? Half ass lazy ports sell just as well as they would have if they were fully optimized.

Every dollar that's being spent on PC games infected by consolitis is another nail in the coffin for pure PC optimized games :mad:
Well if you paid attention to the features of black ops vs. MW2 you'd realize it's not a reskinned MW2.

That said, it's pretty much a reskinned WaW.
The major problem for the COD series shafting the PC players is the fact that COD progressed through mods from the community. Nearly every single major change to gameplay was included due to modders.

Kill streaks, knives, cookable grenades, classes, artillery, basically every single upgrade from the original COD was introduced and beta tested by the modding community.

The modding community which MW2 killed off. I wouldn't expect COD to do much more than reskin its game year after year at this point, they not only lost the people whose ideas drove its progression, but IW is basically defunct now and Treyarch is just a modding company, so the engine is probably never going to change right up until it gets too old and the COD series goes the way of the MOH series.
You missed my point greatly, so I will be more specific. Comparing gaming populations between PC and console on this game with one sample taking during working hours is greatly flawed. Why? because most PC gamers are older and work, ie they aren't taking a day off for just about any game. Console gamers tend to be younger and in school. It is easy to miss classes for a day.

Furthermore while MW2 was awesome for console gamers, it was horrid for Computer gamers due to iwnet fail and constant hacking. Imagine populations for PC game following a horrible game experience for its predecessor being low during working hours on its first day? So the idea of anyone taking this as a example of profitability for computer gaming is flawed at best.

This why I cited Starcraft II as a example. Make a game that is good for the PC gamer demographic and it makes boatloads of money. Make a steaming pile of crap console port and ignore what PC gamers want and make very little money.
Anyone else getting weird latency, jerky, action online so far? I am having pretty low ping times, 30-50's but seems like the gameplay is not smooth online so far. My rig easily handles this game balls to the wall so i know its not that.
To be fair, the PS3 numbers are probably a small fraction of the 360 numbers... but yea, the initial console investment is just too cheap / easy for the masses to shy away from.

Why would they be? PS3 is probably 80-85% of the 360 numbers. They are only 2.5mil total consoles behind the 360 at this point. honestly cant believe folks still try to bring that up since there is such a small discrepancy in the installed userbase now.
ARGH! I am seriously tee'd off I bought this thing... runs badly, plays badly... just a horrible purchase overall. The animations are poor/juddery on characters, textures are low-res (worse than COD4 MW1 from what I see in my old screenshots), movement feels like I'm sliding around a small dune buggy or something (very poor inertia feeling), gameplay is worse than COD4 MW1 since the recoil is basically nil. Performance sucks too (50fps or so) even with the .cfg tweaks to fix multicore usage.

It honestly should have been called a COD 4 map pack and sold for $10 :(. I've contacted Steam in hopes of a refund if I complain enough but I'm not holding my breath. Trust me, wait for the bargain bin on this one guys... it feels and plays just like the old one as though time stood still both gameplay-mechanics-wise and graphically. Complete waste of $60... really hope I can get a refund on this.
Wait, what? If there's one thing you can't complain about, it's recoil. It's substantially higher than MW1 or MW2.
Wait, what? If there's one thing you can't complain about, it's recoil. It's substantially higher than MW1 or MW2.

I could be misremembering the recoil in MW1 but it's very low in this game compared to most.
You missed my point greatly, so I will be more specific. Comparing gaming populations between PC and console on this game with one sample taking during working hours is greatly flawed. Why? because most PC gamers are older and work, ie they aren't taking a day off for just about any game. Console gamers tend to be younger and in school. It is easy to miss classes for a day.

Furthermore while MW2 was awesome for console gamers, it was horrid for Computer gamers due to iwnet fail and constant hacking. Imagine populations for PC game following a horrible game experience for its predecessor being low during working hours on its first day? So the idea of anyone taking this as a example of profitability for computer gaming is flawed at best.

This why I cited Starcraft II as a example. Make a game that is good for the PC gamer demographic and it makes boatloads of money. Make a steaming pile of crap console port and ignore what PC gamers want and make very little money.

You're logic is flawed- it's now 8:30 pm eastern time and people should be home from work and there are a whole 40,000 people playing Black Ops on steam- down from 70,000 earlier. Apparenty all those adults must have second shift jobs?? I'm a PC gamer too but I at least can admit what's getting all the attention from the developers now. You have to face the fact that console games are keeping some developers in business so they can make PC games. PC gamers need consoles right now or the only games on the PC would be Farmville and MMOs. There is enough room for both PC and consoles. I just wish people would chill and stop getting all fanboyish when it comes to the PC.
I've played MW1/2 recently and I can say with 100% certainty that Black Ops has the highest recoil. In fact, a lot of people (mostly console) are complaining that it's too much.

Of course, compared to other games, the recoil is almost nothing.
That wasn't my point, really... no one's insulting your honor, take it easy.
Xbox 360 vs. PC graphics, PC has definite advantages even in a 720/1080p video comparison on youtube ;).

The split screen areas show it all, even on a compressed youtube video you can clearly see the xbox version looks absolutely terrible, the texture are incredibly low resolution, it's just a blur of mushy brown soupy crap.

Don't get me wrong, the PC version looks pretty awful as well but a lot better than the console version, compare this to something like Crysis and there's no competition. And Crysis is a good 3 years old now.

I could have sworn it was 2010, maybe I'm just going mental.
Just got done playing some SP and some MP and I am not having any of the issues people are talking about. Everything is working fine for me.
I've played MW1/2 recently and I can say with 100% certainty that Black Ops has the highest recoil. In fact, a lot of people (mostly console) are complaining that it's too much.

Of course, compared to other games, the recoil is almost nothing.

Agreed. Recoil is far more, at least to my senses, than in BC2 which is my only other real shooter right now. Less than Blacklight though.

EDIT: Any idea if I can edit classes mid game?
Agreed. Recoil is far more, at least to my senses, than in BC2 which is my only other real shooter right now. Less than Blacklight though.

EDIT: Any idea if I can edit classes mid game?

nope cant edit classes or buy contracts mid game. you have to leave. My main complaint. also the friends list dont work right.
You're logic is flawed- it's now 8:30 pm eastern time and people should be home from work and there are a whole 40,000 people playing Black Ops on steam- down from 70,000 earlier. Apparenty all those adults must have second shift jobs?? I'm a PC gamer too but I at least can admit what's getting all the attention from the developers now. You have to face the fact that console games are keeping some developers in business so they can make PC games. PC gamers need consoles right now or the only games on the PC would be Farmville and MMOs. There is enough room for both PC and consoles. I just wish people would chill and stop getting all fanboyish when it comes to the PC.

I'd say if there are only 40,000 people playing Black ops then PC gaming is in dire straits. This is just the new reality as PC gamers and computer users adopt a new set of priorities. Those priorities are battery life, small, portable, energy efficient mini computers with touchscreens, ect.

Fortunately, we have three major players in the console business and at some point one of them is going to have distinguish itself from its competitors by pushing the state of the art forward again.
I'd say if there are only 40,000 people playing Black ops then PC gaming is in dire straits. This is just the new reality as PC gamers and computer users adopt a new set of priorities. Those priorities are battery life, small, portable, energy efficient mini computers with touchscreens, ect.

Fortunately, we have three major players in the console business and at some point one of them is going to have distinguish itself from its competitors by pushing the state of the art forward again.

The consensus is Nintendo will be the first to leap because of the Wii basically running nine year old hardware with tweaks.
The split screen areas show it all, even on a compressed youtube video you can clearly see the xbox version looks absolutely terrible, the texture are incredibly low resolution, it's just a blur of mushy brown soupy crap.

Don't get me wrong, the PC version looks pretty awful as well but a lot better than the console version, compare this to something like Crysis and there's no competition. And Crysis is a good 3 years old now.

I could have sworn it was 2010, maybe I'm just going mental.

No you're not mental. It's 2010 and were still getting games fresh out of 2007. While many textures are sharp and at times the game looks good, there are sprinklings of ugly abound.
I am loving it so far to be honest. The lag issue is kind of a meh point but I am sure it will be fixed soon. I really am liking the SP a lot.
Is there a way to join a server with a friend? Or is that just not allowed in black ops?