Oculus Rift Release 1.15 Allows Full Room Scale Tracking


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
So, maybe Facebook's Oculus isn't abandoning the high end VR headset market after all. The release notes from the latest 1.15 update show that the update allows your Oculus headset to utilize full room scale tracking much like the HTC Vive. This feature has been in beta on Oculus Rift headsets for a couple of weeks now, but with the 1.15 release it is now official.

Here at the [H] we are always in favor of more competition in the market, and look forward to seeing how the new Oculus implementation compares to the more tried and true implementation in the HTC Vive. With both room scale tracking and the relatively recent addition of Oculus Touch motion controllers, the Oculus is seeming like more and more of a viable competitor.

Improved 360° tracking and roomscale support.
We further improved sensor setup for multi-sensor configurations.
360° tracking with three sensors is now fully supported for sitting, standing, and roomscale play modes.
360° tracking with two sensors is still experimental. Learn more in our help center.
slight correction: Oculus has had room scale working with 2+ sensors since the hands shipped back in December of last year, OOTB. It just wasn't final code. I, personally, never had many glitches until Robo Recall shipped..that game wasn't ready for more than 2 sensors, it screwed up the orientation when you teleported around the world. Otherwise, however, room scale since Dec.
slight correction: Oculus has had room scale working with 2+ sensors since the hands shipped back in December of last year, OOTB. It just wasn't final code. I, personally, never had many glitches until Robo Recall shipped..that game wasn't ready for more than 2 sensors, it screwed up the orientation when you teleported around the world. Otherwise, however, room scale since Dec.

I'm curious how well a game like job simulator or fantastic contraption works on the Rift, because those games sometimes put you in positions where even the Vive can lose tracking. There have been a few times were I have accidentally launched that green cat into orbit, because the controller lost tracking while I was holding him.
I'm curious how well a game like job simulator or fantastic contraption works on the Rift, because those games sometimes put you in positions where even the Vive can lose tracking

That shouldn't happen with the Vive if you're not over extending the range and the controllers maintain a clear line of sight with the base stations.
Please use this pic next time you post any article on oculus

slight correction: Oculus has had room scale working with 2+ sensors since the hands shipped back in December of last year, OOTB. It just wasn't final code. I, personally, never had many glitches until Robo Recall shipped..that game wasn't ready for more than 2 sensors, it screwed up the orientation when you teleported around the world. Otherwise, however, room scale since Dec.

And they patched the game shortly after to include support for 360 degree setups for official leaderboards. Before that there were mods available to do the same (not scored).
I'm curious how well a game like job simulator or fantastic contraption works on the Rift, because those games sometimes put you in positions where even the Vive can lose tracking. There have been a few times were I have accidentally launched that green cat into orbit, because the controller lost tracking while I was holding him.

My guess is about the same, they're both line of sight devices.
I'm curious how well a game like job simulator or fantastic contraption works on the Rift, because those games sometimes put you in positions where even the Vive can lose tracking. There have been a few times were I have accidentally launched that green cat into orbit, because the controller lost tracking while I was holding him.

3 sensors sees more than two lighthouses. I setup both and 3 sensors is very solid, if you can live with the cable lengths.
That shouldn't happen with the Vive if you're not over extending the range and the controllers maintain a clear line of sight with the base stations.
Both of those games will put you in every corner of the play space, and if you are facing a non-lighthouse corner and bend over, your body can block the controller from seeing either lighthouse. It's only happened with those 2 games, though
Both of those games will put you in every corner of the play space, and if you are facing a non-lighthouse corner and bend over, your body can block the controller from seeing either lighthouse. It's only happened with those 2 games, though

Makes sense, the clear line of sight is the key. If that's blocked the tracking doesn't work. I've seen that when I've had controllers under a table and didn't realize it.
Can you add more lighthouses to the Vive setup? You can throw up to 4 cameras for a Rift, although word on the street says 4 buys you nothing but bus congestion.
slight correction: Oculus has had room scale working with 2+ sensors since the hands shipped back in December of last year, OOTB. It just wasn't final code. I, personally, never had many glitches until Robo Recall shipped..that game wasn't ready for more than 2 sensors, it screwed up the orientation when you teleported around the world. Otherwise, however, room scale since Dec.
This. I have had 3 sensors for quite a while now. It has worked great once I tweaked the cameras. What really helped was the CCTV camera mounts. They work very well.
This. I have had 3 sensors for quite a while now. It has worked great once I tweaked the cameras. What really helped was the CCTV camera mounts. They work very well.
Can you provide a link to the mounts you purchased? Thanks!
I was able to get 4 sensors on a rift working on USB 3 some months ago and I've never had an issue with anything roomscale
Granted it was a gigantic pain in the ass to get working due to needing multiple extra USB controllers, but it does work and works well. :shame:
As long as you mount the lighthouse correctly for vive you should never have problems with full roomscale. Put them in opposite corners up high and they'll always project on something, and of course, no stupid wires going into your pc.