NY Municipalities to Charge Miners More For Electricity

Sorry I haven't the faintest idea of what you are on about. But to address what I did get - business are not individuals but they employee individuals. Regardless, I'm not talking about businesses or individuals here. I'm talking logic.

Oh this will be a fun one.

Alright, here is your original post and I'm going to take another swing at it and see if I can do a better job this time;
IMO, this makes no sense. Say whatever you want about cryptocurrency but this has more implications instead of people going "rabble rabble, down with bitcoin, rabble rabble". What if you got charged more for your water usage of water because you took a bath in a bath tub? As opposed to all the regular folk who might take a shower instead (ignore the amount of water used; I'm talking about the rate of charge for a given measurement of water).

Sounds ridiculous now, doesn't it? Next, you'll get charged more for electricity because you use a SmartTV versus a regular TV.

Now you said that you are applying "logic" to the issue and that the city's reaction to the situation they are in "makes no sense". And in order to show your work, you are arguing that the city might as well start charging different rates for how people use their electricity.

Now here is the problem with your logic, how people use their electricity is not even at issue. It's not about cryptominers using electricity to mine, it's about how much electricity they are using. And logically, they new rates are established based, not on who is using the electricity or how it's being used, but on how much is being used.

A city government is in place to look after the health and well being of a city. It's efforts are supposed to support, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For these to available to it's citizens, they need healthy clean environments, education, jobs, health care, and some security and even bike lanes or libraries. Cities that do poorly regarding these things usually have problems, some even die off, everyone moving away for better cities to live in.

If a city allows small businesses, or even individuals, who do more harm than good, to the community to continue to do more harm than good, then that community and the city will suffer. If electricity is relatively cheap in a given community, it's for a reason. If someone moves in to take advantage of that cheap electricity then there is no reason anyone should expect the situation to change without some impact.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, or something like that. That is all that this is.

Is this setting better with you, is it logical enough?
Another HardOCP post in what seems to be a personal vendetta against cryptocurrency recently. Sad to see how much false information and fear is being spread by these articles.
That in context, cash and credit is far more energy expensive than crypto to produce and maintain. Yet we only see targeting on crypto? Omission of facts and context is a form of false information.

Also, just like news sources selectively picking only one side of a topic repeatedly, and focusing on that, is a specific choice made with an agenda.

Cash and credit are more expensive? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

And when I see a news source that promotes Crypto, it’s usually a shyster promoting an ICO or explaining how Crypto is going to save us all, from well, something.

In other words, it’s hard to find a news source promoting Crypto that isn’t full of shit.