NVSilencer5 Rev3 Released

Personally I think the NVSilencer will fare better as it is better for case airflow overall. Passively cooling the RAM was a mistake that screwed up my 6800 Ultra... thus why i'm not a big fan of it =[
acaurora said:
Personally I think the NVSilencer will fare better as it is better for case airflow overall. Passively cooling the RAM was a mistake that screwed up my 6800 Ultra... thus why i'm not a big fan of it =[

u mean the VF?! it comes with ram sinks buddy
I was gonna get a Zalman, but I went ahead and ordered the AC, even though the one I installed on my X850XT was a major pain in the ass.

If I don't like it, I'll sell it off and get the VF-700 Cu
Isn't the VF700 essentially a "mini-CPU" cooler? I mean, no surprise is cools so freakin' well. Matter of fact, I'm debating on getting one myself for my Leadtek...but I'm a lazy guy.
Anyone know how well this performs? Temps of Idle/Load? Compared to Zalmans? What about how high of an OC one can reach on a GTX?
I chucked my NV5 cause they just make them so poorly (this is rev 1). This might fix the problem but unless they changed the motor through the series then itll just end up getting loud again :p. My NV5 was the loudest thing in my system, and ive got 2 raptors heh.

The build quality was the main issue. When i got my vf700, it was built so friggin well it was amazing it cost what it did. The surface was dead-flat and took barely any AS to get a perfect mate (no wonder i get 47C idle :)). I had to cake the shit on for the NV5 haha.

Either way, hope it turns out good but im not expecting to be changing my cooler back anytime soon.

Lastly, for people that dont like the Zalman cause you use ramsinks (i bought those vantec copper ones) it doesnt matter, the fan of the zalman cools them better than the nv5 did anyway. Plus you can add additional fans with the zalman to cool it down where as with the nv5 additinal fans did nothing.

Anyway, have a good one everyone
lithium726 said:
i have a rev.1

and the VF700cu is a far, far better HSF.

Eh i have a VF700 on my 7800 GTX and i used to have a Silencer on my X800 XT PE. The Silencer was a MUCH more impressive heatsink than this Zalman ever was. Cooling performance isnt that great (good, but not great), all the memory hatsinks changed colour, had to refit it once because the temps would increased alot after a week of use, no rear exhaust, etc. The only reason i brought the VF700 was because there wasnt a Silencer for the 7800 at the time, if there was i would have took the Silencer no doubt.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
u mean the VF?! it comes with ram sinks buddy
Passive cooling = No active means of cooling, aka, no fan that is drawing air across / on the ramsinks. I understand that the VF has an open design, but to me I cannot trust that the ramsinks will be cooled well enough by the "openness" of the fan.
I personally love my NV5. It is quiet as a mouse, and dropped the temp on my 6800GT from 72 under load with stock cooling to 61-62C under load. And it lowered my case temp 2 C becuase it vents all the heat out the back. I personally love mine. It will be sad when it gets replaced my a maze 4 in a few days :)
lethial said:
I also wonder what kind of thermal tapes and grease were pre-applied on these rev 3 ACs...

"There used to be a thermal paste (MX-1) included in the package, however, starting from the latest batch Arctic Cooling stopped including the thermal paste. This is because the thermal paste is PRE-APPLIED to the appropriate spots of the main unit that and therefore there is no longer any need for a proprietary thermal paste."
DarkBahamut said:
Eh i have a VF700 on my 7800 GTX and i used to have a Silencer on my X800 XT PE. The Silencer was a MUCH more impressive heatsink than this Zalman ever was. Cooling performance isnt that great (good, but not great), all the memory hatsinks changed colour, had to refit it once because the temps would increased alot after a week of use, no rear exhaust, etc. The only reason i brought the VF700 was because there wasnt a Silencer for the 7800 at the time, if there was i would have took the Silencer no doubt.
the silencer is just a glorified 6800U HS that exhusts air out ther back - its seriously just an aluminum block with some fins. also, you cant compare temps of an x800 and a 7800 and expect them to give you any sort of insight to how hte coolers are working. in my exp, the vf is a much better cooler than that silencer ever was. with teh silencer, i could run ~405/1.1 on my GT. load temps were in the mid-high 80's (and yes, i reseated and all taht jazz, its just a shitty cooler)

with the VF, i run 415/1.18 and load temps never break 75C

also, the VF is quieter.

i encourage anyone with any cooler to run atitool's artifact checker - it will get your cards hotter than you ever thought. i dont believe your card is running at 60C load, bradyapba. nor do i believe it was running at 75C with the stock cooler. atitool's checker works on NVcards. it gets it much hotter than rthdribl. just like games will.
Passive cooling = No active means of cooling, aka, no fan that is drawing air across / on the ramsinks. I understand that the VF has an open design, but to me I cannot trust that the ramsinks will be cooled well enough by the "openness" of the fan.
of course to you can. that thing moves a ton of air.
spy_kitty said:
"There used to be a thermal paste (MX-1) included in the package, however, starting from the latest batch Arctic Cooling stopped including the thermal paste. This is because the thermal paste is PRE-APPLIED to the appropriate spots of the main unit that and therefore there is no longer any need for a proprietary thermal paste."

Yeah but I wonder what kind of paste is pre-applied. I ask because I wonder if there will be a need to replace what was applied.
lethial said:
Yeah but I wonder what kind of paste is pre-applied. I ask because I wonder if there will be a need to replace what was applied.

Yeah with AS5 or something better. But anyways, 3DXtreme has a review of it and here is a pic of the temps:

It seems they must have fixed the bugs from previos revisions and did some nice work on this cooler. I think Ill get one if they fit on a DFI Lanparty Ut SLI-DR Mobo so that way I know when i get SLI, itll fit.
I'd like to get a couple of these to exhaust the heat from my 2 7800GTX's out of my case .. the 2 zalman flower power heatsinks I got going now work good , ...but they dont get the heat actually out of the case ....
DangerIsGo said:
Yeah with AS5 or something better. But anyways, 3DXtreme has a review of it and here is a pic of the temps:

It seems they must have fixed the bugs from previos revisions and did some nice work on this cooler. I think Ill get one if they fit on a DFI Lanparty Ut SLI-DR Mobo so that way I know when i get SLI, itll fit.

Yeah, I need them to fit my K8WE before I'll get one.
acaurora said:
Passive cooling = No active means of cooling, aka, no fan that is drawing air across / on the ramsinks. I understand that the VF has an open design, but to me I cannot trust that the ramsinks will be cooled well enough by the "openness" of the fan.

those rams don't need THAT much cooling...

ppl with water blocks run them naked and they are fine
I am just speaking from my experience - I had a 6800 Ultra OC from BFGTech. Ripped off the cooler, put on a chipset block from Koolance (with RAMSinks), hooked it up to an EXOS Aluminum. About a year later my video card began to artifact during heavy gaming. The "ambient" temperature sensor was reaching upwards of 80 C (which I am guessing is somewhere near the ram). I concluded that it was due to the lack of cooling to the Ramsinks that it probably was the ram that had gone bad.
got mine today
haven't installed it, but I noticed something peculiar

I was told from a source that the Rev3 was supposed to be quieter, and bigger, and better. Apparently not, it looks exactly the same as the Rev2, in fact i think it IS the Rev2, just with that lame red tag -.-... what a disappointment.
acaurora said:
I was told from a source that the Rev3 was supposed to be quieter, and bigger, and better. Apparently not, it looks exactly the same as the Rev2, in fact i think it IS the Rev2, just with that lame red tag -.-... what a disappointment.
I'm wondering if they're just reusing the packaging.
The 7800 cards came out in June. I don't think it takes 4 months to slap that little sticker on the package.
i think they are -.-... I wish they had a review somewhere, (hearing us, [H]?) of a Rev2 vs Rev3...
to my knowledge based on Rev3, should come with 7800 backside heatspreader... maybe that is the only difference?
DangerIsGo said:
Yeah with AS5 or something better. But anyways, 3DXtreme has a review of it and here is a pic of the temps:

It seems they must have fixed the bugs from previos revisions and did some nice work on this cooler. I think Ill get one if they fit on a DFI Lanparty Ut SLI-DR Mobo so that way I know when i get SLI, itll fit.

I get the same cooling performance as that chart by taking the plastic shroud off and proping a fan against my GTX (40 idle/55-60load). Interesting.
How about overall case temps? I was thinking about this because I already have a pretty low flow case to keep noise down. Being that I have SLI 2 cards put some heat in the case. Did you notice any difference in temps?
Taken from a thread I made

First off, Im sorry if these pics are too large. I resized them down from 1920x1200, but maybe not enough for everyone.

Ok, this is my first AC Silencer ever. I bought one before for a 6800GT, but sold the card just after I got it, and never installed it. It has been 2 hours of very frustrating installation for this rev.3 model. There are two huge errors with this heatsink. The first I found was, there is no way to secure the backside memory heatsink. On the stock version, it screws to the main heatsink itself, thru the PCB. With the AC version, there are no screws, and no way to screw it to the heatsink even if there were. So I did a little reseach, I remember Asus having an AC heatsink on theirs.

Here are two pics from the Firingsquad review of the Asus GTX with the AC heatsink:



As you can see, there are plastic barbs that secure the backside heatsink. I got no such parts with mine. I looked on AC's website, and saw no such parts either. How does it attach to a 6800? Did they simply leave out the parts, or are they not supposed to be there? I asked this because in the instructions it has no mention on how to secure the heatsink.

In step 6, the last line after telling you how to apply the thermal pads is this blurb, "Finally press the cooling plate again firmly onto each memory." Again, there is no mention of any kind on how to secure the back heatsink. I pressed it as it said, but of course it fell off when installed in my PC.. so annoying. So it looks like I need some barbs like the Asus model uses, if anyone knows where to buy some, let me know please.

On to the second problem. This one cost me about an hour or so by itself. After installing the heatsink, I booted up to windows. Checked my temps, they looks pretty good. Put it under load, and the temps soared to almost 100c. I shut down the PC, was about to pull out the card to see if I messed up the plug some how. Then I thought I better check to see if the fan is even working at all. Suprise, it wasnt! So I took out the card, checked the plug, it seemed ok. Since there is only one way to plug them in, as anyone who has done it would know. I double and triple checked, I did it correctly.

My next step was hooking up a spare PSU, and rigging up a connection for the fan, to check and see if it was ok. Hooked up a 4 pin molex to a 3 pin fan connector, then plugged it into the AC fan. Worked just fine. So then I was a little confused. As my stock fan was just working fine an hour or so before. So I got online again, and check Firingsquads review once again. I wanted to check and see how the wires were in the plug.


Bingo! From this pic you can clearly see that the red wire, is on the inside. Mine was on the outside. I took a few mins, carefully changed how the wires were. Put the red on the inside, like the pic was showing. Booted up the PC, and the fan was now working.. :D

Ok, so after the problems I had, I was curious to see if it was worth it, or not. Before the heatsink came in today, I ran some tests with the stock cooler, at idle and load. Both tests were under the exact same conditions, just with the different cooler. rthdribl was a little bigger for stock, I didnt notice it until I was resizing the pics. I ran the test again real fast, results were the same at the same res.

Stock heatsink under load.

Silencer rev.3 under load.

So we can see, the stock heatsink was at 76c, while the Silencer was at 63c. Thats a pretty large difference to me.

Stock heatsink at idle.

Silencer rev.3 at idle.

Again the Silencer is much better. Strange its a 13c difference again.. 54c to 41c.

I hope this helps anyone who was thinking about getting one for their GTX. And maybe gives a heads up to the two problems I had. I have been waiting every since the first week they came out, and I got mine, for AC to get one ready. I didnt want the Zalman before someone tells me about that. I was the very hot air, outside of my case, not swirling around the inside, making the overall case temp hotter.

As I said, this is my first time using any AC product. I am thrilled with the performance, but not with the setup. I have a hard time believing that my wiring problem is limited to just mine. I hope its not an issue that will effect a lot of people. I also have to get something to secure the back heatsink. I will be emailing AC with my problems, hopefully they will help me out.

^^^ Made several days ago.

I have sinec gotten two emails back from AC. Willing to exchane my Silencer "at no cost to me", I said I would keep it. As switching the two wires worked fine.
I remember reading somewhere that this was a common problem and that AC would fix this in future batches as they send them out to retailers.
wow, this is fuckin' great
it takes them 4 months to come out with a slightly modified Rev 2 and they still can't get it right
I should have learn my lesson with the ATI Silencer I put on my X850XT, it was a major PITA
this will most likely be the last AC product I buy
i dont think imma get an AC. the one i got for my x800xtpe was a huge dust magnet and was clogged with dust after a month
i just got 2 of them and they both had the wiring problem

but other than that ...yay for lower case temps!
ThreeDee said:
well ..you could run one at least ... :)


On the bottom one? Probably, although I'd have to lose my Audigy 2 ZS. Which I think has a bad rear channel port on it.