Nvidia WHQL Driver 266.58

Driver 262.99 -> 266.58 GTX 580
3dmark Vantage Performance GPU score 22652 -> 22732
3dmark Vantage Extreme GPU score 12535 -> 13046
3dmark 11 Performance GPU score 5685 -> 5667
3dmark 11 Extreme GPU score 1822 -> 1828
Bad Company 2 Vsync-ON 54.3 -> 59.6

Looks good so far. BC2 is now pegged at 60fps with vsync on. 1920x1200, 8xAA, 16xAF max settings.
I just installed these drivers along with my second GTX 470. When I configure the bezel correction in NV surround, I can't apply the bezel corrected resolution without the drivers auto reverting to the last applied resolution. I haven't tried the 260.99 drivers yet, but has anyone else been seeing this behavior? Are the bezel corrected resolutions only applicable in game?
Hmm, no matter what I do, even after clean install + driver cleaner, I get less in everything.

In folding, I lose 1 second per frame. Went from 1:04 (850 core) to 1:05.

In 3dmark11, I lose an average of 200 points at 900 core (better than the 400 points it was before I used driver cleaner, but still less than what I get with 260.99).

In Heaven (900 core) I lose about 1~2fps off my min/max (better than 2~3 before driver cleaner, but still less) in 1900x1080 extreme tessellation, 16AF, 8xAA.

In SCII my min FPS is the same, but my max FPS is down a bit.

Guess I'll stick with 260.99 with my 480 until my step-up is done.

EDIT: OTOH, the gpu utilizes less of the cpu so folding a -smp client and a gpu client at the same time has a smaller hit on the -smp client.
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I can no longer adjust overscan on my tv, but I can on my monitor. Guess which one overscans... :mad:
I can no longer adjust overscan on my tv, but I can on my monitor. Guess which one overscans... :mad:

Interesting. These last two drivers are the ones that brought back the ability to use different scaling methods for me.
ever since i installed these BFBC2 wont run more than 5 minutes, it just locks up hard and simply disappears ...only a "Display driver stopped responding" message

same thing was happening with Crysis too

just reinstalled 260.99 and everythig is good to go......on Win 7 x64 here and a 460GTX...so i dunno
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My GTX 570 sux with WoW. But all my other games are wonderful at 1440p.
My GTX 570 sux with WoW. But all my other games are wonderful at 1440p.

Why does your 570 suck with WoW? The Tom's Hardware WoW guide shows the 570 raping WoW. I'm running a 580 and it seems to be noticably better than even my 6970. Then again, it's only been one day's testing. I'm in that pins and needles place of waiting for my spontaneous reboot issue to come back. Every time I play a game for more than an hour I'm tabbing out to check temps and error logs... :p
Why does your 570 suck with WoW? The Tom's Hardware WoW guide shows the 570 raping WoW. I'm running a 580 and it seems to be noticably better than even my 6970. Then again, it's only been one day's testing. I'm in that pins and needles place of waiting for my spontaneous reboot issue to come back. Every time I play a game for more than an hour I'm tabbing out to check temps and error logs... :p

Probably CPU limited, and not a GTX570 issue.

I have never played WoW, but I understand it uses a ton of CPU, much more so than most other current games.

SRT8: What CPU do you use?
Zarathustra[H];1036803221 said:
Probably CPU limited, and not a GTX570 issue.

I have never played WoW, but I understand it uses a ton of CPU, much more so than most other current games.

SRT8: What CPU do you use?

That would make more sense. Love the name, BTW. ;)
Zarathustra[H];1036724982 said:
the term "input lag" is defined as "lag occurring after the input to the monitor", which can not - to my knowledge - be caused by either video cards or drivers.

Has someone redefined your reality in the last few years or so?

Input lag to me was always lag starting from the time you move the mouse and could be anything causing it, including the mouse driver. Slow video performance is usually the cause of most of it, background apps taking up CPU time/cycles as well. It's also greatly effected by how many frames are rendered ahead in the video card and impacted directly by frame rate, etc.

Yes, monitors that do refresh doubling or that have poor response time can cause the effect too, but that's monitor lag, not input lag. Just put a shit video card on a high res fast monitor and you will see input lag...nothing to do with the monitor itself. I can even demonstrate this with my 3ms monitor and old PC.
Zarathustra[H];1036725689 said:
Looks like his definition of the input in "input lag" is different from what I ahve heard in the past.

He defines input as "human input to the computer, by pressing a key or moving a mouse", I have heard input defined as "input to the monitor from a computer or other device capable of displaying an output".

Go with Anand...he is old school and knows. :D
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Input lag is a bendable term. It's referred to in games as a delayed output from a keyboard/mouse input. In other words, any part of the process, the keyboard itself, the calculation/rendering of the image in the PC, to the final image output on the monitor, could be responsible.