NVIDIA VRWorks - 360 Video


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
NVIDIA is catching up with AMD on the 360 video front. At its GPU Technology Conference (GTC), NVIDIA announced its new VRWorks 360 Video SDK that supports stitching together 360 video for VR headset hardware. The SDK can support up to 32 inputs from 360 camera arrays. Its 360 Video is compatible with Maxwell, Pascal, and Volta GPUs.

Check out the video.

Real-time stereo stitching is particularly challenging. The basic process generally involves ingesting, decoding and calibrating multiple high-resolution streams, stereo stitching, and encoding. The entire pipeline has to be executed in real time while maintaining the highest level of image quality. To accomplish that, NVIDIA has developed a new set of motion based algorithms for superior-quality stereo stitching, optimized for real time. Using consecutive frames, the algorithms estimate the motion of objects in a video stream, noting how they match and move across a seam while accounting for stereo disparity.
I imagine this type of stuff will take off in Japan. New way of getting fans to view more idoly goodness for a fee.