Nvidia 7900 GTX and Dell 3007 WFP ?


Jun 29, 2006
Hi all,

I would like to know whether an Inspiron XPS1710 powered by one Nvidia 7900 GTX will enable me to plug, as an external monitor, the Dell 3007 WFP 30" monitor and reach its full resolution (2560x1600). I don't play game ; I just do some office work and watch some movie.

Thanks in advance,
Are you really sure ? The 3007 requires a dual link dvi connection and the (desktop) Gefoce 7900 GTX has a dual link dvi port but the Geforce Go 7900 GTX that's on the M1710 seems to only have an ordinary DVI port :

dual-link is different than dual-dvi. Dual-dvi is two DVI ports.. dual-link dvi will be a single dvi port but there's no way of telling whether it will hold that resolution other than contacting dell and asking. Unless there's something on the spec page of your laptop. I'd just call Dell technical support and ask. Make sure you make it clear that you're asking about dual-LINK dvi as opposed to dual-dvi.
eleanor said:
Thank you tim-x. I asked Dell but the answer wasn't that convincing...
What did they say?

That's a dual-link DIV-D port in the picture. It should be able to handle it.
RazorWind said:
That's a dual-link DIV-D port in the picture. It should be able to handle it.

Just because it is a DVI-D port doesn't mean it is dual-link. I have a DVI-D port on a motherboard with a 6150 integrated and that is definitely not dual-link.
Notebookforums had a long thread on this. It does not work. The 1710 has a dual link connector but the card internally does not support dual link. The desktop 7900GTX does. The mobile version does not.

Sorry :(
yeah Dell sucks like that sometimes.......Thats why i build my own now......I say that and im typing this on a Dell laptop :D
Actually in this case its Nvidia who sucks :) Dell built it to support dual link physically. However that feature was not enabled on the mobile 7900 Go GTX is the ONLY reason it doesn't work. The wiring is in place. The connection is in place. If Nvidia had made it possible (mind you it doesn't work on ANY 7900 Go GTX module) we'd be all set.

Oh well. The reason it took an entire thread was because there were so many clues in place that it should be enabled. It took a long time to track down what, exactly, was not working in the chain that brings a dual link connection to life.
