Number one controller throwing game.


Aug 24, 2004
Pretty self explanitory title. What is the number one controller rage inducing game you have played?

I'm going to have to say Contra 3 for SNES. That game made me buy guns and shoot myself/others. Street Fighter 2 as well. New controllers were purchased after me and my brother rented that game.
street fighter 2 for SNES like you said. its the only game that made me throw controllers. but i didn't really break them beyond use, they just had some screws loose inside heh

When I saw the title of this thread I laughed, its funny because it is true.

Another game where I Found the controlled taking flight, more often then not was .... any Megaman title.

EDIT : Rel1c beat me too it :p
Replace controller throwing with mouse slamming and my choice is CS.
I remember back in the day, When I played Space Quest 1 or 2, Or kings quest or Police quest ..... the wall would get a good boot, when I died.
I am going to have to say Strider, Super Mario Bros. and Contra for the Nes, they were un-fricking believable hard. Back then I wouldnt even throw my controller, I would just cry (I was like 7 or 8). Later on with SNES and Genesis is when I started abusing my controllers. I remember kicking the hell out of my Genesis during a session of Shadow Dancer. I think I would have been a perfect case for games making kids violent but not from what I saw just frustration. Sadly not one game does that anymore.:(
Street Fighter 2... Think I actually twisted a controller to death over that game.
Mortal Kombat - See number one.

Most frustrating game ever: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES (Not the arcade version). No save points, very easy to die, very easy to lose weapons you tried for hours to aquire. I finally beat that game about a year ago, on a Nesticle Emmulator with the save function. Too damned hard for a person to deal with.

The bosses in almost any SNK fighting game, especially King of Fighters et al.
The Legend of Zelda.

Nothing like Spending hours on end leveling up and stuff then to have your NES dump out on you the next time you power the thing up. I remember Almost completely losing it on my sister because she tried to remove the Butterknife I had wedged into the Cartridge slot so the game wouldn't "Deek" out on me when you turned it on.
I recently demolished a mx510 playing Cs:s... my father ruined 2 trackballs back when he and I would play quake2 and I would drill him to death time after time with the chaingun... damn he was angry. hehehe
Rumble Racing from EA. I went through two controllers and one fishtank. (fish were ok, girlfriend wasn't happy though)
so_cal_forever said:
Agreed. That and RC Pro AM.
After level 24, the yellow car would smoke everyone and I almost threw the controller through the TV.
Original X-Wing *joystick almost went through the wall*
RC-PRO AM *Some of the worlds cheapest AI*
Bermuda Triangle
Sled Storm
Mortal Kombat 2 *Cussing and controller smashing like you wouldn't believe*
DAOC *oh boy....just thinking gets me rilled up*
Super Mario Kart 64 *DIE TOADSTOOL DIE!!!!!!!!!**
Madden Footbal for NES *Ever see a friend go insane on piece of equipment like that before*

I know there are others, but I can't think of them
I remember several people from id Software tell me stories from the old days of Doom where Jon Romero would literally tear out his keyboard and throw it across the room. Yeah, there have been times when I wanted to do that.

In fact, when I have a vault full of cash I plan on destroying mice and keyboards a regular basis as a cathartic way of dealing with defeat.
top gun for the NES...

the refueling part would just boil my fucking blood... it would get sooooooo gawd damn frustrating to refuel the fighter in mid air.. GAWD.. just thinking about it, makes me feel angry.. and this was years ago ... :mad: :mad:
How about CS? I've broken mouses by slamming it down on my desk.
Damn, now I know why I was so full of angst as a kid. I had virtually all the games mentioned above - Stree Fighter, TMNT, Top Gun, Ninja Gaiden, Contra, and MegaMan. Never realized they were the most frustrating games of all time.

Here's to bottling up your feelings! :p
super mario bros and tmnt 3 for NES. i was about 8 and would slam my fist down on the top of the system, making the cartridge pop up. :) also, last boss in kingdom hearts made me break the arms on an office chair, and dragon ball z budokai tournament made me throw my controller at the floor. they made me do it. :)
For me it was always Duck Hunt. I had this little 10" tv and I'd try and play, and being as i was all of 7 I had a horrible time. Damn that dog laughing at me... there were quite a few light guns in my house as my dad loved that game.

I had quite a few run-ins with the original Final Fantasy. The most frustrating part was getting the floater from the Ice Cave. Once you had the floater, you knew you would be so close to getting all the cool loot and shit. Well, you go marching through there, fighting for how damned long, only to have your entire party killed by those FUCKING WIZZARDS!!!!:eek: :mad: One hit from them could kill you if you weren't wearing a bracelet. And you couldn't run from them either.
I would almost have the floater, or have it and be leaving the cave, heart pounding like mad, then all of a sudden BAM! Everyone's dead. FUCK!!! :mad:
I would throw that controller across the room, and I would puch the front of the NES or give it the old donkey-club.

It wasn't so bad when it happened after I beat the game a few times. But the first few times through....damn that sucked.

I never broke an NES controller though. Damned finely crafted products.
SNES controllers on the other hand......I went through about a half dozen. :eek:
Marble Madness For Apple 2. Still have it.
Some starwars 3rdperson shooter for the n64 .I nearly killed someone. Smashed the controller into the tile floor after losing that same part 30 times. Then I taped it together with duct tape and rubberbands and beat it.
F-Zero GX for the Gamecube is definitely one of the most frustrating games I've ever played.

The Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter Bosses were frustrating at times.

Oh and one of the cheapest bosses ever is the last guy in KOF: Impact (the new 3d one on PS2). He might be even more frustrating than F-Zero...
Trying to get the invincibility cheat on Goldeneye 64 on the facility level in under 1 minute 50 seconds resulted in 3 busted N64 controllers for me. . .and 2 more were broken playing 4 player multiplayer on Goldeneye.
Eprops for the cool thread :D Id say the orginal contra for NES. Argh that game was so hard.
I broke a Macintosh keyboard clear in half playing the first Prince of Persia on my Mac Classic II (the black and white version). some f***ing sultan or some shit would KEEP killing me and I couldn't beat him (i was 9 or something). i got so pissed that i picked up the keyboard, rotated it 90 degrees, and slammed it as hard as I could on the corner of the desk. Keys rocketed off the keyboard into my face and were raining down for what seemed like minutes. the "board" in the keyboard was splintered into a million pieces.

it made me feel so good. i piled that mess up in the corner and just whipped a used KB out of my closet and continued to play. i beat that asshole soon after. TAKE THAT JAFFAR YOU FUCKING PANSY.
Super Mario RPG, nothing like running into a monster when you had 2 fainted characters and the last one with all of 3 HP, without any syrups/potions. This was all after spending 2 hours in getting to the point you did without saving :mad:

Megaman2, SMB3, and Mortal Combat all made a flying rectangle :eek: