NTLDR is Missing Error??????


Jan 5, 2005
I just built my new computer and I go to install Windows Xp Pro and I get a message that says "NTLDR Is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I have tried to use XP and 2000 and I get the same message.
do you get that message AFTER you finish installing xp or when you first boot up without an OS?
Either format the Hardrive using the disk that came with it when you bought the hardrive.


Go into the BIOS and set the computer to read or boot from the cd before any other disk drives or devices on startup.

Put the XP Disk in the drive and boot the computer. Windows XP Setup should start and you can install. Be sure to format your disks as you want them.
This may sound condescending, but it's not....do you have a floppy disc inserted in the FDD?
from what you posted it SEEMS like your not booting to the cdrom....
Hmm i had that last week twice in a row. It also happened after a fresh format+reinstall, and during the restarting of installing things.

I got past it, the nearest thing i accuse is installing too many things that 'require a restart' at once, you know what i mean? Such as installing 10 things that need restarting until you actually DO restart.

Just my theory, I have nothing to back it up.
NTLDR missing means the NTLDR.com (windows NT file) is missing or damaged. If this is before you have installed an OS, you need to. I am giong to assume you are trying to install an OS and get this message. This is because your boot order is probably set to floppy, HDD, CD-Rom. Go into your bios and make sure your booting the CD-Rom before the HDD and try again. Should work like a champ. Install your OS and then switch the order again, otherwise you get that annoying "Boot from CD:" crap every time you boot.
if you have screwed around with new HW recently, take it out, disconnect any usb device and try to boot again