now that the 7800GT's showed their face......


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
I REALLY feel that my 2x 6800ULTRA SLI setup is old, and crappy now. I hate technology :( . My E-penis is getting curcumsized :p .
Word, i just console myself that my 6800GT's run better than a 7800GTX in 3d mark 05 and that makes it better...sometimes.
Krycek1 said:
if you sell them now, you can probably still get ok money for them.
I dont have any money to upgrade right now, After this FX57 buy (1 year intrest free credit card) that this new processor will make up for some performance. If I can get 3.4ghz+ on phase change cooling, gaming @ 1024x 768 will still be good with the 6800Ultra SLI setup.
1024x768? What in the world do you need SLI for? 1 Ultra will max that out with no problems.
newls1 said:
If I can get 3.4ghz+ on phase change cooling, gaming @ 1024x 768 will still be good with the 6800Ultra SLI setup.

uhhh WTF are you doing playing at 1024x768 with a dual ULTRA sli rig?

More importantly, WTF are you doing even considering higher end cards if you are playing at that res?
J-Mag said:
uhhh WTF are you doing playing at 1024x768 with a dual ULTRA sli rig?

More importantly, WTF are you doing even considering higher end cards if you are playing at that res?

yeah dude...

all he needs is a 6600gt
Well he did mention a 1 year interest credit card thing so he's probably planning to pay off the bill in increments. By that low resolution I assume he is talking about future games that would force a 6800U SLi setup to run well at such a resolution.
Noodle Boy said:
Well he did mention a 1 year interest credit card thing so he's probably planning to pay off the bill in increments. By that low resolution I assume he is talking about future games that would force a 6800U SLi setup to run well at such a resolution.
Right ON bro.....
I still say sell both of them and get 1 7800GTX. Then SLI those when you get more money. In the short term, you don't lose any or at least hardly any performance. And you break even at the bank.
we can laugh at how wrong Fuad was about everything. Remember: theinq is a joke.