Norton Corporate, or AVG?


Sep 25, 2004
Hey guys,

Quick question. Being I just got my new rig up and running, I'm going to have to re-install a anti-virus program and a Security firewall program.

In the past I used NAV 2005 and NIS 2005, but it took up way to many proceses (9!) and was just bloated.

I've heard that the only good Norton's to use is the Corporate edition . .. but I also heard AVG is good as well.

Now price is NOT a problem. I do not mind shelling out the cash for NC . . . so please don't pick AVG just becuase it's free . . .

Any opinions is greatly appreciated. I'm looking for something that will offer high protection against viruses, act as a firewall, and NOT kill the performance of my computer!

Thanks guys :).

I have had some connection problems with avg for the past couple weeks, so I just switched to Avast AV. Norton takes up alot of system resources and slows my pc down. AVG is good when it's working correctly also. Seems the 7.0 version now has problems. Between the 2 antivirus's: I would have to say avg would be better, but you should look for something better.
I have cleaned several computers that were running Norton and full of viruses. I installed AVG for those people and it detected/removed the viruses. I have also had sucess with Antivir , I am trying it on my home computer right now. It caught a virus that AVG, Trend Micro and Panda all missed. Both AVG and Antivir seem to have a fairly low overhead system wise.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Any other opinions are more than welcome!

I ran NIS02 and 04 and zonealarm. NIS was just a greedy program and zonealarm seemed to work well as far as the anitvirus goes, but I had a real problem with it not letting Firefox out into the world. A buddy of mine had this same problem. I currently use NAV-Cor and am satisfied.
if you're not going to have a stand-alone antivirus server to manage other machines in one/many domains, then you don't need norton corporate. it has tons of features that you simply would not use for just a single machine.

as for the comments about norton being bloated, i can agree with that to a certain extent. i have solely relied on norton antivirus (not the internet security or system works suites) along side zone alarm for years without issues. the internet security suite is really over-filled for more intuitive users, but provides a one-stop utility for antivirus/firewall/spyware for the "i just want to check my e-mail" computer users.

if you got the time, i say play around with all of them. i'm currently evaluating avg v7, but so far i still prefer norton. do a search through "pc magazine" or other pc software review sites online b/c they usually put out a yearly antivirus brand comparison.

as for claims that _____ antivirus program cleaned up ____ number of viruses when ______ antivirus was already running, there are at least a dozen likely scenarios that make this possible.

just my thoughts.
Consider Kaspersky Antivirus Personal or Personal Pro. Kaspersky has excellent overall detection rates and the definitions are updated several times a day. Visit their website here
NOD32 if you are going to pay $$, or AVG if you want something free and good...
We use Symantec Corp 8/9 across our whole campus and I love it. I even run it on my own systems and it has minimal effect of the system speed, inc. benchmarking and gaming.

That does give me an idea though. I building my new system (in sig) today and Ill do Pcmark2004 before installing Corp 9 and then again after and I'll let you guys know (if I dont forget :p)

Edit: It would be a cold day in hell before I ever even considered installing NIS. I hate that crap. The firewall is horrible, wants to own your computer, while the antivirus is a bit slow for me and the interfacce... don't get me started on the "User Friendly" interface.
Well, I've been using Panda for about 6 months now and haven't had any problems with it. Now whatever you do, don't get Mcaffee is a piece of CRAP!
Alright. Just got my system setup in Windows and installed drivers. I ran PcMark2004 and go 4025 with 3200+ A64 and 1gb pc3200 Mushkin @ Cas2-3-3-6 Dual Channel. I ran again after installing Corp 9 and allowing autoprotect and dropped to 3998 so there isnt a big drop in performance.

Edit: Btw, this is with a vnc server running in background.
Every industry magazine or trade publication that does an all out test, always puts Symantec Corporate at the top of the list. If you notice, most enterprises use it because it flat out works and does it's job. If we are ignoring cost, Symantec Coporate is the best solution available. Ask anyone in a corporate IT setting, and that's what they'll say. We've done testing will all kinds of products, and still go back to Symantec.
My vote is for AVG. It found that trojan on my machine that Norton completely missed. I also don't like to have to pay for Norton and then pay their yearly subscription fee. In a corporate place Norton might be the better bet, but for home users, my vote is for AVG.

STrAYeR said:
Norton takes up alot of system resources and slows my pc down.
Norton corp. != Norton personal.

Lyquist said:
My vote is for AVG. It found that trojan on my machine that Norton completely missed. I also don't like to have to pay for Norton and then pay their yearly subscription fee. In a corporate place Norton might be the better bet, but for home users, my vote is for AVG.

Security is security is security. I can appreciate the cost analysis, but how is Norton better for corp use but not home?
I dont depend on AV Scanners to look for specialized malware
once you catch something the first thing its going to do is compromise the AV and the firewall,
a point that everyone should keep in mind

I also run a filechecker on my security aps (checksum comparisions for changes)
Process Guard (like an internal firewall for the kernel)
TDS-3 for trojan Scanning
and remote port and exploit scanning (Nessus)

if a root kit has been sucessfully run on your box, nothing much is going to help short of detecting the traffic
anything that will "tip the hand" has been removed
next up a "true" IDS system, Im trying to learn SNORT
I certainly seem to be in the minority, but I use and tend to recommend Mcafee. Now, I do get it for free through my school, but I find that its virus definitions are updated quickly, and it catches everything that ever arrives on my system.
i have symantec corp running on my personal computers and it hardly takes up any resources at all.. if you set it to "unmanaged" then it will run fine without a server copy.. i find it very unbloated, but it still has real time protection.. now it won't give you firewall though.. but sp2 gives you that if you have xp.. also almost any router has a decent firewall in them these days..
Ice Czar said:
NOD32 followed by Kaspersky (IMO)_

Avast is one of the worst at actually catching stuff, but it has a great GUI. :D

Norton works, but it is as bad as Incredimail or AOL as far as strewing registry keys around everywhere. Personally, I hate it. I would prefer a virus. :rolleyes:

The new AVG is maybe their best so far, but it isn't THE best by some considerable margin. They seem to be working hard to improve the program, however, so it may be one to keep an eye on. They are getting a lot better lately.

NOD32 is light on resources, and works. Add to that TDS3 to watch for trojans, Wormguard to watch for worms, and you are fairly secure...within the context of this thread.

Kaspersky gets great marks from the pros, too. I have no personal experience with it, except to repeat what the pros say.
I've been running Norton (Symantec) Corporate since version 7, and I've had no problems. I used to use their home stuff, and it was much too bloated. Currently, I'm using version 9, with minimal affect on performance. It takes about 30 MB of your resources to run with all options turned on. I highly recommend it.

Side note: anyone know the resources AVG takes up?
theubergeek said:
Side note: anyone know the resources AVG takes up?

AVG runs pretty damn lean. When it's in passive mode just monitoring a system the amount it takes up is 2-8 MB. Right now it's doing an active pc scan and is taking up ~22MB of system resources.
avgamsvr.exe = 6MB
avgcc.exe = 6MB
avgemc.exe = 1MB
avgupsvc.exe = 1MB
avgw.exe = 6MB
arock1_3 said:
Well, I've been using Panda for about 6 months now and haven't had any problems with it. Now whatever you do, don't get Mcaffee is a piece of CRAP!

Panda is awesome. Its what I use. Very little resources.
i recommend AVG. AVG 7 is always downloading updates every other day and it can get annoying, but well worth it. AVG keeps me nice and safe. :)