
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Here is the trailer for No Man's Sky Visions which launches with game version 1.75. The patch notes for the update are found at the bottom of the page in the link.

Discover a more varied, more diverse universe in the Visions update. Introducing new environmental biomes, new planet types, more colourful worlds, new fauna and flora, archaeology, salvaging, and much more.
so can you run into other players in the game now or is it still single player?
Haven't been following it too close, but seems like they have brought the game a lot closer to their original concept with all these updates. I'm actually impressed they're continuing to work on it, I think most larger companies would just cut their losses and move on.
The thing is that the game itself was never actually bad. It just wasn't even close to what they said it would be.
Yeah but isn't the core problem the Fallout 76 situation? Its a massive universe to explore.....with almost nothing to do but find enough junk to get your rocket to fly to the next planet to...collect fuel to fly to...etc? Or has it expanded beyond that sandbox-only concept?
Yeah but isn't the core problem the Fallout 76 situation? Its a massive universe to explore.....with almost nothing to do but find enough junk to get your rocket to fly to the next planet to...collect fuel to fly to...etc? Or has it expanded beyond that sandbox-only concept?

That's the premise of the game, though there is some basic generated quests and a main storyline. The difference in this and FO76 is twofold. 1. NMS isn't a Fallout game, and didn't come with all of the expectations of the Fallout series when it launched. 2. NMS is much more vast and fun to explore (subjective) than FO76. The worlds have more character.
At it's core, though, it's purely an exploration game. Everything else is added for flavor.

Haven't been following it too close, but seems like they have brought the game a lot closer to their original concept with all these updates. I'm actually impressed they're continuing to work on it, I think most larger companies would just cut their losses and move on.

I bought it a couple of months ago, and have only taken a break to play other games. I was part of the initial bandwagon of not liking NMS or Hello Games, but I saw a news article about the NEXT update (the one that added multiplayer) and that got me looking, and they had released something like 5 major updates with some total reworks to various systems to make the game look and feel a lot more like they promised than what launched. If you were interested in the vision that was sold, but disappointed by the product given at launch, as I was, I'd recommend looking in to it again. It's worth at least giving a second chance to. Too many people are scoffing at it just because it's named No Man's Sky. I understand the frustration and anger at launch, but I don't feel bad at all supporting the game in it's current state.
That's the premise of the game, though there is some basic generated quests and a main storyline. The difference in this and FO76 is twofold. 1. NMS isn't a Fallout game, and didn't come with all of the expectations of the Fallout series when it launched. 2. NMS is much more vast and fun to explore (subjective) than FO76. The worlds have more character.
At it's core, though, it's purely an exploration game. Everything else is added for flavor.

Understood, thanks for the explain....
250hours in the game and I'm still trying to find an Earth-like planet. Its good they're still working on it though.
Understood, thanks for the explain....

If you enjoy exploration and space, go for it. If exploring for the sake of exploring isn't for you, don't. I like it because it's a low-stress game where I can find some accomplishment in finding the perfect planet to make a base on.
i tried it out when they had the last big patch and was left.. meh.. with the graphics. tried the "game" first but got annoyed being shot by the wondering patrols all the time for trying to collect things. tried sandbox mode to explore the game, but everything looked the same.

might have to try it again after this patch
I actually like this game, even if "game" can at times not really be the right word.

It's relaxing after some stressful days to sometimes just go look around, see the sights a bit. And as a developer, I am actually very impressed by the procgen. It's pretty amazing. It just can't be the entire "game" if you want broad appeal. But I knew this going into it, having played the early elder scrolls games (which I also liked, even though they also had the 'miles of different but really the same' issue).
I hate the look of this game, it's way too arcady, proportion are all out of context and movement is just clunky. I've spent money on worse though.
The thing is that the game itself was never actually bad. It just wasn't even close to what they said it would be.

IMO (and apparently others) it was pretty bad on launch. The grinding for resources was (and still kinda is) tedious and boring.

They have certainly added a lot of content post-launch which is great, but the core gameplay loop is still boring. If all you want to do is fly around and see weird things, then sure, game's alright. If you want to do anything else, it's a bit of a slog.

FWIW I bought it for ~$20 awhile back and I probably just barely got my money's worth.
It is not bad in its current state, but I found after a dozen hours or so, I started seeing some repetition in the worlds. Once in while I would find a nat shit crazy one, but most were pretty bland.
I'll grab this one of these days - when the price is down to like $10. By then, the game will have all the content + bug fixes. I can then add it to my Steam backlog. In the meantime, I'll play me some Subnautica.
Picked it up on sale after NEXT and really like it. Fun to relax and put some music on and play.

Looking forward to the update!
The game is far better than it's launch state now. The new update coming tomorrow looks nice and should make it even better. I recently started playing it after a year and it feels like a proper game now with helpful guidance on screen telling you what you need to do, etc until you get the hang of things. Eventually this will be a fantastic game if the devs keep adding to it.
I like how the team didn't just give up, they accepted the criticism and the truth to the criticism face on and worked on improving on their shortcomings. kudos!
The amount of effort they've put into this game after release is insane for anything but games relying on a subscription model or large expansion packs.

Even if the game is not the kind you prefer, I think you have to be fair and acknowledge that.

Though I don't play it often, it's arguably the best gaming purchase I ever made. The value is outstanding.
The amount of effort they've put into this game after release is insane for anything but games relying on a subscription model or large expansion packs.

Even if the game is not the kind you prefer, I think you have to be fair and acknowledge that.

Though I don't play it often, it's arguably the best gaming purchase I ever made. The value is outstanding.

I bought the game after the Atlas update, not because it's realy my type of game nor is it typically something I would buy, but mainly to support a developer that offers this type of support after release.
I tend to support any new game is this genre.

Already purchased x4

One of them might be good. One day.
I am pretty impressed with companies that stick with one game and have the focus of making it better. I have to wonder how they continue to survive since... there is no recurring revenue and it can't be bringing in that much from new sales... anyway I think I'll pick it up since... boredom with existing.
If all you want to do is chill out and explore a plausibly realistic procedurally generated universe without tedious resource gathering look up Space Engine.

It's free. Cruising around the universe looking for cool planets and views is fun.