'No Man's Sky' Is Being Investigated For False Advertising

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I wish I could say that we didn't see this coming but, we totally saw this coming. In fact, I think everyone on the planet saw this coming.

By their descriptions, the ASA is assumedly comparing the final game to its E3 2014 demo, which is also the first one that appears front and center on the game's Steam page. Among those are disparities, like UI design, flowing water and aiming systems, that are the kinds of things that change during a game's development. But others are more severe: It's clear that the released version lacks several features displayed in the press video, like animals interacting and crashing through environmental underbrush or large-scale space battles.
So... I really havent had time to get into this false advertising... end of the line:. is this a good game or not?
I wish that I had believed enough in the game as described to feel disappointed now (it would have been a nice dream), but from the moment they said "thousands of procedurally generated planets" there was really only one way it could go: every planet would be like citizen from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. That's really all we can expect from current "massively random generated" technology.
All you have to do is look at the trailer they're using to sell the game and then play five minutes of the game. Its total false advertising. The game is nothing like the trailer. If they removed features, fine, but don't use a trailer to sell the game that is advertising those missing features or environments that you will never encounter. I'm so glad I didn't pre-order this mess. They deserve all the hate they're receiving.
Pretty damn sad, so much hype no delivery. I don't know how to feel about a lawsuit, but I am glad I did not pre-order this game. :stop:
what is really funny is to look at their twitter post over the past year or two. Since the game came out and had backlash they suddenly stopped talking to anyone.

I don't think they are going to fix a thing, or at this point release another game.
Leave the poor bastards alone.

How fucking dare anyone out there sue Hello Games after all they have been through!

All you people care about are your dank memes and making fun of Sean Murray and now making money off him.


What you don't realize is that Sean Murray is making you all these games and you already got your money back and yet and all you do is write a bunch of crap about him.

All you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE, MORE!.

LEAVE HIM ALONE! You are lucky he even developed for you BASTARDS!


I mean it.
False advertising would indicate some fraudulent deception.

Did people not get the procedural piece of shit that was advertised?
All you have to do is look at the trailer they're using to sell the game and then play five minutes of the game. Its total false advertising. The game is nothing like the trailer. If they removed features, fine, but don't use a trailer to sell the game that is advertising those missing features or environments that you will never encounter. I'm so glad I didn't pre-order this mess. They deserve all the hate they're receiving.
haha, they still have the E3 2014 gameplay video on steam store front :)
I've never seen a space battle like the one in that video, and I know that other than a certain mod; ain't no way to get that close to the ground in your ship.
I was sad to see all the bad reviews. I had been watching this game for a while - it sounded too good to be true. I never preorder and usually buy software after major discounts anyway. My logic:
1. I have too many games as-is, no time to play these. I am really an idiot for buying any new games, but alas...
2. By the time I buy a game, there are usually lots of patches and sometimes super-duper editions available.
3. I save a lot of money.
My process saved me this time. Someday, I might actually by this game. However, it still might be a stinker. I'll have to read the reviews and see how the patches go for it.
I can't believe this game hasn't hit the discount bin on Steam yet. I'd love to give this game a go for $20, but it's been at a solid $60 since release.
False advertising would indicate some fraudulent deception.

Did people not get the procedural piece of shit that was advertised?

As it turns out, no, they did not. Many features that were being touted even up to weeks before release, were not in the game at all.

But I agree with you. This looked boring from the start to me, but apparently not to many people who purchased it.
I'm a little split on this one... I see the advertising as being misleading, yes. At the same time, people that preorder know the risks - especially when it's a new company that has never released a game before. There are some things that throw wrenches in the works, though. Like the fact that Sony helped bankroll them and Sony isn't an unknown entity, or the fact that it's hard to argue that a trailer from 2 years ago can be used to judge anything in its current state (even if it is on the Steam page, the media is just in chronological order).

Personally I lean towards the 'don't preorder anything' argument. I wouldn't buy $60 worth of anything without reading reviews.
Look it's just a overhyped game that didn't live up to expectations. No reason to sue the people, just don't buy it. And if you did buy it... well... enjoy it.
Look it's just a overhyped game that didn't live up to expectations. No reason to sue the people, just don't buy it. And if you did buy it... well... enjoy it.

It's not just overhyped, Sean Murrary flat out lied about many features in the game leading right up to release. It's total bullshit.
Disclaimer: I do not own this game.

I am happy with this.

After all the fallout from release I decided to check out the details, what I found was blatant false advertising on behalf of the game's lead Sean Murray. He was not vague when he touted features such as multiplayer and massive space battles, while one can argue semantics over the creatures and environments being 'procedural generated' and part of their algorithm, you can't split hairs over the first two points.

This was all advertised, in various formats, from late night talk shows, reddit AMA's, youtube and trailers. Yes don't preorder, however MUCH more importantly, don't falsely advertise! Hello games knew what they had, and had every opportunity to correct their advertising prior to release, they chose not to because of money. Society should not reward this behaviour, regardless of who got away with it in the past, that is no excuse to continue shitty practices. Fix it now, and continue to do the right thing going forward.

Sadly, Sony's lawyers might just kick this because money.
whats interesting about this is that no one bothered to investigate Spore, Duke nuke em, star wars galaxies, oblivion , or any number of games that failed to deliver what was promised on release.

so why now and why these guys , I Know there is bigger pockets to go after, less they are afraid of the bigger lawers that bigger pockets usually carry.
Probably like many others I didn't actually read the article but only the blurb above. after having just watched a report on this, turns out this is not them being sued and if found guilty it actually means almost nothing. The ASA will only tell you that you did wrong and to change your ads. This is the same body that found Rockstar and Valve guilty last year of saying there was a 25% discount on GTA V when it was really a bundle that had an inflated price to start with that was normal price with the discount. They were just told after the fact that they couldn't ever advertise like that again. So anyone thinking that this will hurt them money wise it won't. This is only a review over the Steam page to see if Valve and Hello Games are posting misleading information and if the page needs to be modified to remove pictures and videos that are misleading to people still looking to buy the game.
whats interesting about this is that no one bothered to investigate Spore, Duke nuke em, star wars galaxies, oblivion , or any number of games that failed to deliver what was promised on release.

so why now and why these guys , I Know there is bigger pockets to go after, less they are afraid of the bigger lawers that bigger pockets usually carry.

Thats because they weren't marketted by Sean Murray.
Someone should investigate gamer tendencies to preorder games and then cry afterwards because they didn't wait for reviews or player feedback :eek:

Then who would do the reviews and player feedback? Someone has to take the bullet
There's no way that I can sift through all of everything. One of the guys was on Conan Obrians' show like two years ago, The game looked incredible.
Has anyone checked Peter Molyneux? His promises on Fable alone don't even touch NMS.