Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?


Sep 25, 2004
Over at the IGN boards, in the Revolution forum, there's talk about nintendo whipping something HUGE out tomorrow, to REVOLUTIONIZE gaming. Something that will make it the superior console of the 3.

At first people thought it was a hoax, however, more "clues" are coming out, showing that it may acutally be true. People are speculating about 3D gaming, and something about Aries???

Anyone heard of this?

What if what we saw as the "Revolution" is actually the seperate DVD player to the console? I'm going out on a real limb, but suppossedly, tomorrow will be the revolution, making this the best E3 ever.

Comments? Thoughts?
i think ill wait till tommarow. maybe i should get trashed and pass out till then. hmm
it would be cool.

Imagine if it was like: "And the Revolution will be 18 times more powerfull then the gamecube actually, thansk to 4 4.0ghz cpus, and a video card 8 times more powerful then the R500"

*Massive chears, crying in joy*

"Oh ya, and it will be released in one week"

Hate_Bot said:
it would be cool.

Imagine if it was like: "And the Revolution will be 18 times more powerfull then the gamecube actually, thansk to 4 4.0ghz cpus, and a video card 8 times more powerful then the R500"

*Massive chears, crying in joy*

"Oh ya, and it will be released in one week"


LMAO! I could just imagine everyone pissing their pants right now over that.
I think that they are going to reveal something really revolutionary, but its going to be revolutionary to the point that it isnt practical.
Actually, what if it will be shown tomorrow . . . just not at E3.

Something else "HUGE" is tomorrow. Can anyone say Star Wars? People think that "The surprise" will be revealed in the previews BEFORE SW Ep. III
Naldo said:
I think that they are going to reveal something really revolutionary, but its going to be revolutionary to the point that it isnt practical.

my thoughts exactly! if it is some gyroscope contraption, watch it interfere with 3rd party games by giving it more funky controls. or making it tiresome by making it TOO interactive, like constantly having to move around
Conker said:
Lots of rumors going around that the big N day is tommarow. :)
i wouldnt trust that site at all

Nintendo is just following too many steps:

1- Talk about "Revolution" on a mistery way.
2- Unimpressed all nintendo fans
3- Boom! Did you are unimpressed? and now?

To can create a great boom, Nintendo needs to create a poor boom to can counterattack again and impress all their nintendo fans.
<3 grammar....

ahh...just noticed its a blog..nvm...still wouldnt trust it now even with perfect grammar...
And how revolutionary is better performance :rolleyes:

Nah really that wouldn´t impress me a bit if they say Revolution will be 3 times PS 3 or anything.

However VR, headtracking, make your own games or whatever they come up with will be far more impressing in my book :)
Been hearing on other nintendo forums and stuff that it's most likely tommarow. So i think there is gonna be something big. I remember at the end of the conference of nintendo they said they were gonna reveal something later. It might be tommarow.
bench261 said:
my thoughts exactly! if it is some gyroscope contraption, watch it interfere with 3rd party games by giving it more funky controls. or making it tiresome by making it TOO interactive, like constantly having to move around

The word on the controller is that you can use the features or you can simply go past them. That way it makes dev's who want to use it amazingly happy and those who dont want to use it happy still.
all these revolution stuff reminds me of something i saw in comedy central...sorta like it gets to the point where it's so realistic and interactive u'll be physically fighting your friend at a fighting game in real life.. coming home with bloody mouth or face
jnick said: about nintendo whipping something HUGE out tomorrow...

Kind of like the sherrif on "Blazing Saddles"? :eek:

Sorry...obscure comedy reference.

Waiting to see what the announcement is...
Its gonna come with a Hot Naked Blonde that will service you in any way you want, forever. Go nintendo. Them things will sell like hotcakes
Damn, you marines are so sharp. You already figured it out. I don't know if I should hug you, Nintendo, or the blonde. :(
Aye. Same happened to my VB. I can't even find the battery pack, so it is doomed for all eternity to the dark confines of my closet. :( Could've gone for some more Mario Tenis, too.
ryanrule said:
virutal boy is fun. too bad my ac adapter got owned. i wonder if they will send me another

SNES power adapter works with virtual boy also. :) Have like 5-7 games i think on virtual boy. Red Alert is fun still and so is wario world thing.
Conker said:
SNES power adapter works with virtual boy also. :) Have like 5-7 games i think on virtual boy. Red Alert is fun still and so is wario world thing.
i need the thing that plugs in where the battery pack plugs in
If we did have a VR headset then we wouldn't need a 4000 dollar HD-TV to show its full potential. :)
So, anything happen? I haven't seen anything on any of the gaming sites. Though, they all seem to be IGN run, and have that same bias. lol

you got that off where?! ive been scouring their site all morning, the boards are definintly on fire.
Isn't that Starcraft Ghost or something? lol
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