Nintendo E3 2011 Keynote

- controller has motion sensitivity on par with Wii motion plus

That seems dangerous... I mean the little 5 year old children playing the first wii broke tvs with it and it was tiny. This new thing is the size of the small 5 year old children that will be playing it.
Seriously, just say it out loud "Weee You . . ."

sounds like something that someone would say after someone lifted up their hind leg and expelled an astronomous amount of flatuence excelente
Interesting idea.

Next year at Sony's E3

We're going to allow you to use the PS VITA as controller on your PS3. No one has thought of this.

Next year at Microsofts E3

You're Windows 7 Phone can now Control your Xbox games. Its going to change how you game.
What is this? I don't even?:p Interesting concept. Doesn't look terribly ergonomic to me.
May as well just call it "Wang". Another of Nintendo's messed up ideas (in execution). Expecting a site any time now since that "controller" will probably become frizbees.
I don't see how people are saying its too big, I was afraid it would be too small before today. They could always sell two versions though, this and a smaller res for $10 cheaper.
I think Wii all had this discussion when Wii all first heard the name "Wii" 5 years ago. There is now a U in the name. Looks to me like the Wii is still the awkward part of the name.
How on earth are folks going to play wii golf and bowling with that thing??

You didnt read the article/blog link? You set the controller down, the golf ball appears, and the built in camera tracks your swing and the ball shows up on the TV screen.

Overall, Im impressed. I loved the Dreamcast VMU. And the thought of having stuff like a tracker in Aliens on that screen would rock. Same with a scope for sniping. Picking plays in football or your pitch in baseball games, tracking/mapping or inventory screens for RPGs, etc...

Nintendo has always made good controllers (yes, even the N64 was a good one).
Of course I didn't read the article, I just looked at the picture of a frisbee controller and had thoughts of "Wii Ultimate Frisbee" . All sorts of new things that will get broken when people let go of it accidentally. So it's like its own kinect of sorts then? That would be neat, although I still think it's a bit unwieldy looking.
I think the controller is neat and what they're doing with it is interesting, but I want to actually hold it in my hands before I really judge it. Weight, thickness, simply how it feels to hold in your hand will all have a huge impact on what I think of it. If the rumored specs are remotely correct the console could be powerful, but we'll see.
I don't see how people are saying its too big, I was afraid it would be too small before today. They could always sell two versions though, this and a smaller res for $10 cheaper.

What? Are you serious?

Let me introduce you to the single best controller nintendo ever made.

Do you see nearly 7 inches of wasted space and weight there? Nope..

It is as big or bigger then this which was amazingly uncomfortable to hold. Heck it looks like it is a slightly larger GBA which was miserable to hold for any length of time. I find it amazing that anyone would even entertain the notion this is anything but a terrible idea. It is literally the size of a handheld game console without the benefit of playing games independent of the wii.