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  • Sent you a message on heatware.
    its pending locally tomorrow. If the guy no shows ill let ya know and its yours
    U still want the 3090ti? Lmk. I can get it shipped today. You cans send the $850 friends and family and then she the half of shipping when I ship.
    U really need to start posting, lol.
    Yeah I still want it. Let me know the email to send on Paypal. If you dont wan't to post it on here you can reply on Heatware. I know I need to start posting on here. New years resolution :p
    If you still have the nouvolo steck send me a PM, i have a low post count but lots of feedback on ebay/reddit and some on heatware as well
    Man i shipped this am to that address
    No worries man, I still know the people that live there
    I’ll just give them a heads up that I should be getting a package there, did they give you a tracking number so I could go to the house on the day it’s going to arrive
    tracking info added to paypal
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    Hey I sent the money for the sf450, but let me know when you’re gonna ship to give you me address
    And my post office closed a bout 5 minutes ago. You will have to Contact your old post office and have them hold it for you there.
    i headed to the post office as soon as you paid.
    Hi found your post about the xfx vega card. Just wanted to know if you still had it? And if so I would be willing to trade my strix 1080 for it. I also have everything it came with new box and all.
    Interested in the 750gb Wd black 2.5” hard drive that you have for sale. Any chance you will do $25 for it? I will pay through Paypal ASAP if that works for you. Thanks! Nick
    Hey bufodr, I'm super new to this site, but my friend's dad recommended it to me to find a gpu for my first pc build (because of those pesky bitcoin miners buying all the cards). I was wondering if that 1050ti was still up for sale, and whether it was dual fan
    comes with the box and manuals
    hey bufodr, sorry for the long time for my response, but i won’t know if i can dedicate to buying your 1050ti until saturday night, don’t hold it for me
    Sold it today. Thanks for the interest
    Heya, I'll take that 980ti have paypal ready and heatware under zaphear. I can't bloody post on the forum because my original "zaphear" account got lost, I can verify email/cell phone/whatever... been on this website for ages.
    If u message Kyle he can unlock your account for you.
    hea man i have msged you several times about your camera items. can you email me or pm me here? im looking for your d5100 and your Nikon 55-200mm lens. the camera post was only a week ago, but the lens post was 4 months back, so you might have sold it. PLEASE contact me as im in need of a DSLR camera with a couple lenses. my email is ralph39@hotmail.com , or pm me. thanks
    Sorry budfodr, was busy at work , I went to pay and my account did not have 250 in it available. Sorry about that man. I have less, go ahead and repost
    just wondering if you read your PM's as I sent you one yesterday with feedback concerning your for sale thread also I have 24 posts to go until I can post in the for sale thread.

    just a heads up and happy holidays...
    I found you via a google search for the AT&T/ZTE/Nokia F160 cell phone. I tried to post but I don't have 50 post. I sent a message to you via the forum email system but it shows I sent no message. So I am trying this way now.

    Ok so how do I buy this phone from you? Do I go to Ebay somewhere or?

    Does the phone come with any warranty from AT&T?
    Does is come with the user manual?, Battery?, Sim?

    Hi, I'm looking for a mk3029gace harddrive. I read your post :

    i have a toshiba mk3029gace 30gb ide 2.5 inch drive..just shoot me a price

    Do you still have it?

    Grtz Wicher
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