Hi found your post about the xfx vega card. Just wanted to know if you still had it? And if so I would be willing to trade my strix 1080 for it. I also have everything it came with new box and all.
Interested in the 750gb Wd black 2.5” hard drive that you have for sale. Any chance you will do $25 for it? I will pay through Paypal ASAP if that works for you. Thanks! Nick
Hey bufodr, I'm super new to this site, but my friend's dad recommended it to me to find a gpu for my first pc build (because of those pesky bitcoin miners buying all the cards). I was wondering if that 1050ti was still up for sale, and whether it was dual fan
Heya, I'll take that 980ti have paypal ready and heatware under zaphear. I can't bloody post on the forum because my original "zaphear" account got lost, I can verify email/cell phone/whatever... been on this website for ages.
hea man i have msged you several times about your camera items. can you email me or pm me here? im looking for your d5100 and your Nikon 55-200mm lens. the camera post was only a week ago, but the lens post was 4 months back, so you might have sold it. PLEASE contact me as im in need of a DSLR camera with a couple lenses. my email is ralph39@hotmail.com , or pm me. thanks
Sorry budfodr, was busy at work , I went to pay and my account did not have 250 in it available. Sorry about that man. I have less, go ahead and repost
just wondering if you read your PM's as I sent you one yesterday with feedback concerning your for sale thread also I have 24 posts to go until I can post in the for sale thread.
I found you via a google search for the AT&T/ZTE/Nokia F160 cell phone. I tried to post but I don't have 50 post. I sent a message to you via the forum email system but it shows I sent no message. So I am trying this way now.
Ok so how do I buy this phone from you? Do I go to Ebay somewhere or?
Does the phone come with any warranty from AT&T?
Does is come with the user manual?, Battery?, Sim?