Newell: We Have to Convince EA to Come Back

i really don't think EA will come back to steam. Sadly, $$$ is more important then anything else nowadays and i fully believe that BF3 and even ME3 will have a crap load of microtransactions in the game...

Of course $$$ is the most important thing. They're not a charity.

But they are not making money from me because of this. I just don't want to hassle with another client.
Funny that the man standing to lose large sums of money on this situation is a hell of a lot more reasonable than the haters here on the boards. Of course, big daddy Gabe's gotta eat...
Half life 3 !! Hell, how long have I waited for Half Life 2 episode 3.....Damn! Episode 2 came out in Oct. 2007. It will be 2012 soon and still nothing. Is this going down in the annuals of vaporware like duke did?
When EA made it a requirement to have an account with your games registered to keep your games validated, I wasn't completely okay with it. BUT, knowing some assjack could never EVER steal my CD key was nice, so I figured it was a decent trade-off.

The way they're doing it now with Origin, I hope they have a hard-on for the Jolly Roger, because they'll be seeing it a lot.
This is what I like to see. This is how you are supposed to run an American business. Instead of hanging onto pride and arrogance, to me I take it was a indirect "we messed up" and "we want to earn your business".

So rare these days for a company as big as Valve to set pride aside and strive to earn business.
I really don't get the people who say "i don't buy it because it is not on STEAM", "Origin sucks because EA sucks"...

I have both installed and jesus christ, together they occupy a incredible 154MB of RAM! (85MB for Steam and 69MB for Origin). Our computers can't handle that big memory requirements!!!

My only issue with Origin is that it doesn't have "Start minimized' feature. I'm just not a "STEAM RULEZ!!! EA SUCKS!!!!" fanboy.

If you don't get Battlefield 3 or Mass Effect 3 because you don't like EA/Origin, then i'm sorry for you. But it is your choice, you are the one who will lose on this, not EA. Few thousand "rebels" will not ruin them financially.

It's more than a few thousand and it's growing every single day.
I really don't get the people who say "i don't buy it because it is not on STEAM", "Origin sucks because EA sucks"...

I have both installed and jesus christ, together they occupy a incredible 154MB of RAM! (85MB for Steam and 69MB for Origin). Our computers can't handle that big memory requirements!!!

My only issue with Origin is that it doesn't have "Start minimized' feature. I'm just not a "STEAM RULEZ!!! EA SUCKS!!!!" fanboy.

If you don't get Battlefield 3 or Mass Effect 3 because you don't like EA/Origin, then i'm sorry for you. But it is your choice, you are the one who will lose on this, not EA. Few thousand "rebels" will not ruin them financially.

Network effects. Prediction of long term survivability. Places to look when deciding what to play.

Fact is, it took Steam a long time to get where I trusted it to buy games. After the HL2 unlock fiasco, I wasn't keen on it, and was ready to abandon it. It took a couple years before I was willing to try it again. After that, it took sales to really draw me back. Now I have 151 games on Steam (about 130 of which I plan to play, some were bought in packs) and have been amazed how they've done with the service.
Valve sees their blood in the water. Without an exclusive blockbuster in the pipe, and 2 headed to Origin, there really is no reason to continue being a Steam fanboy. Steam is like a console with no exclusives.

Well, only if you only play EA games. Steam basically still have other big titles coming up like MW3 and Skyrim, apart from their own Dota and CS:GO

Origin isn't going to sell any of those games, or any games outside EA.
If EA has a perfectly fine digital distribution channel that costs zero surcharge when they sell games (Steam costs 30%), then why would they be interested in using Steam?
If EA has a perfectly fine digital distribution channel that costs zero surcharge when they sell games (Steam costs 30%), then why would they be interested in using Steam?

To give their potential customers more options, to reach out to more potential customers?

DCS are selling their games on their on website too, yet they also feel the need to sell their games on Steam as well, for example.
I say this in every Steam vs Origin thread but feel it bears repeating when you get the typical dipshit posts of "youre just a bunch of fanboys".

I don't think there would be a backlash against Origin at all if 1) EA had not pulled their top games, current and upcoming, off Steam and 2) had at least half the features of Steam.

That's the rub, not that EA is trying to cash in on the digital distribution market but that they're forcing us to use their half ass imitation of Steam in order to play their games.
gabe reminds me of the fat guy in Gamer


I say this in every Steam vs Origin thread but feel it bears repeating when you get the typical dipshit posts of "youre just a bunch of fanboys".

I don't think there would be a backlash against Origin at all if 1) EA had not pulled their top games, current and upcoming, off Steam and 2) had at least half the features of Steam.

That's the rub, not that EA is trying to cash in on the digital distribution market but that they're forcing us to use their half ass imitation of Steam in order to play their games.

Previously, EA restricted their games from my region in all other DD except for Steam. I would have been more than happy if EA sold their games on Origin AND Steam, so that I now have a choice.

Instead, they started pulling their games from Steam. And my only option now is Origin. Some big fat improvement that is:rolleyes:
i really don't think EA will come back to steam. Sadly, $$$ is more important then anything else nowadays and i fully believe that BF3 and even ME3 will have a crap load of microtransactions in the game...

They probably will be back. Valve and EA are both businesses and where there is money to be made, they will be there.
Bah, I hope they get back on Steam. I actually want EA to give Activision some competition in sales this year.

From what I have read, EA/Dice has a blockbuster PC title on their hands(finally). A game that might actually give the CoD series some MUCH NEEDED competition. Why screw it up with this greedy pissing match?

BF3 should be available everywhere. Let the customers choose their prefered purchasing method.
FACT: read all the posts on this on hundreds of boards. more posts about not buying it as its not STEAM then postatives.. Im sure many of those "not" people will still pick it up.. but that speaks volumes about your customer base who you are ignoring. They want it on STEAM, and you wont give it to them.. Whne you have already had success on STEAM.. its just pure greed. I wont pay to grease a EA big wigs pocket when I have stated I want it on steam and they COULD easily have it there. Simple to me..

beside halo16/MOH12/COD7 how many times can I shoot a guy with a gun?(alright, a few million more times... )
we did it in the past, we did it in the now, we did it in the future.. I cant wait for COD:BC Im carring a bitching CLUB that I preorderd to get.. My unibrow has thick hair.. i can take a few extra clubbings!
MOH:amoba I will devide and conquor, no really! HALO the early years: my baby bottle will squirt you in the eye!

get a new franchise?.. you beat madden into the ground.. you shut the servers down on hundreds of players..
I ...AM....KROGAN!!!!

Cant fucking wait!

I will be buying this day one. As much as I think it sucks I have to use Origin and wont be able to keep up with my time logged and so on, Ill still be sending EA $60 of my hard earned dollars for this one.
If EA has a perfectly fine digital distribution channel that costs zero surcharge when they sell games (Steam costs 30%), then why would they be interested in using Steam?

If they bring in more total revenue after the 30% (or whatever it is), then that's why they would be willing to do it. Not everyone wants to jump on board the Origin wagon.
Cant fucking wait!

I will be buying this day one. As much as I think it sucks I have to use Origin and wont be able to keep up with my time logged and so on, Ill still be sending EA $60 of my hard earned dollars for this one.

lol...i'm you with man. Love Mass Effect. I was thinking tho that Gabe looked like a krogan. I guess no one else sees it. It's in the eyes. :p
Sometimes a monopoly can be a good thing. In the case of digital distribution I think it is good there is one place I login to and get everything. I want it to stay that way.
I have purchased 30+ games on Steam. I can say this: Valve needs to improve their customer support, especially for Steam users. Buyer beware.
If EA has a perfectly fine digital distribution channel that costs zero surcharge when they sell games (Steam costs 30%), then why would they be interested in using Steam?

That's a naive outlook on the situation. Running a game distribution requires servers, bandwidth (lots, and lots, and lots of bandwidth), some level of support, developers for the client, developers for the servers, IT, etc...

Which is largely the problem, because I think EA is too damn cheap to actually fork out the money to build a good system. I think they'll dick around with it for a while, then close it up when they realize it's hard or expensive or just not delivering the returns they want. I am not convinced that EA is in it for the long haul, whereas Valve has more or less earned my trust. Steam has pretty consistently gotten better over time.
I wonder how he will manage to do that, or how Valve will, actually. I'm honestly kind of surprised that EA would cut off Steam yet go with every other digital retailer out there, doesn't really make sense, they should just pull it from all e-tailers and then stick with Origin and see how that works out for them.
Sure it does. EA does not want Valve to become a monopoly of online game distribution. Takes one to know one. ;)