Newegg's customer service.


Fully [H]
Apr 15, 2005
So a buddy of mine ordered the eVGA 7800GT and SLI motherboard combo to upgrade his MSI nf4 Ultra board and 6600GT, along with an Antec TPII-550 psu. The boxes arrived yesterday, and he called me saying that only the psu and video card arrived. He wasn't near a computer, so he had me check the order invoice online to verify he ordered the right part number for the combo. He did, but the invoice didn't show the motherboard.

After he made a quick call to Newegg, he called me back and said that they were sending out the motherboard and a corrected invoice so he could still take advantage of the MIR.

This is the kind of customer service I have come to love from Newegg. Kudos to them.

Anyone else have a short story expressing how great the egg is?
i ordered the wrong RAM once, it was the same model, but apparently they had two different voltages, and i ordered the wrong one, i called up and the nice american girl told me to just send it back (ill have to pay for shipping) by they would not charge me a re-stocking fee, and she ordered the correct one, and sent it out for me!

I love the egg! so nice.
a couple years ago i orderd a 9800 pro for like $254... a couple days later it dropped in price to $228.... for some reason i emailed them on a longshot and they actually credited me the difference :eek:
I had a good customer service experience as well. I really needed to get the order out even though it was past the time for speed processing. Ill called Newegg, talked to some guy, and voila my order was out that day.

Thanks Newegg!
newegg has a live chat feature thats pretty simple and useful. I used it to cancel an order. The order was cancelled no problems at all.
my A8N-SLI deluxe was shot right from the box! I called them and they sent me out a new one that day! Without me returning the old yet! It was in my grubby little paws in 3 days!!! AWESOME!
This happened about a year and a half ago: About 10 months after buying an XFX 5700Ultra, the thing up and died. I called NE and they gave me an RMA number but then sent an email a couple days later stating that the card was no longer available so a replacement was not possible. I've never dealt with a situation like that previously, so I thought they were going to pro-rate a refund amount for the time the card was used. I was delighted to see that a full refund was credited back. ...This led to the purchase of the MSI board and 6600GT I mentioned in my opening post.

Such an awesome company.

I've read numerous forum posts and heard many people bitch and whine that NE's prices are a little more than the competition nowadays. But I think what most people take for granted is that when you pay that little bit extra (usually only a few pennies to a few bucks depending on the product) and something should go wrong, you damn near guarantee that the service you will receive will be amongst the creme de la crop.
There was another time I ordered a couple of the PowMax Demon cases from them ($39.99 w/free shipping, couldn't complain) and one of the front panels arrived all busted up, which turned out to be the biggest complaint with that particular case. I made a call to the customer service dept and a new front panel was on the way that day via 2 day express.
I love teh egg. Loef it. 'Tis my precious. Sometimes they don't have the lowest price, but the customer service makes up for it. Monarch and newegg fuel my computer hardware, and drain my wallet. I think I'll have my next paycheck mailed directly to the egg. :D
Hello HardForum members,

We greatly appreciate all your kind words and comments. We are happy to hear that we have been able to delivery the quality service that we strive for on a daily basis.

Of course, if any issue due arrise with an order placed on our website please feel free to PM myself with your Sales Order number (SO#) and I will be glad to assist you. We can also be contacted by phone (800-390-1119), email ([email protected]), and our newest "Live Chat" feature on our website.

We look forward for the next opportunity to service our valued customer's.
Newegg Support said:
Hello HardForum members,

We greatly appreciate all your kind words and comments. We are happy to hear that we have been able to delivery the quality service that we strive for on a daily basis.

Of course, if any issue due arrise with an order placed on our website please feel free to PM myself with your Sales Order number (SO#) and I will be glad to assist you. We can also be contacted by phone (800-390-1119), email ([email protected]), and our newest "Live Chat" feature on our website.

We look forward for the next opportunity to service our valued customer's.

so we have confirmed that you are from newegg?
I recently sent back a bad Raptor 74 and then reordered a new one. At first they charged me a restocking fee. I sent an email telling them I thought that was unfair since the drive was not working and I had also ordered one to replace it. She credited the Restocking fee and my shipping fee on the one sent back. So, didn't start out too great, but ended up ok.
I love the egg, but recently had a bad experience. I ordered a set of parts for a complete build for a friend, and got charged and shipped two of every part. Not the biggest deal because I was able to sell the second computer. But the second LCD I recieved had bad backlighting issues. I was told that they would not replace it, and that I had to contact the manufacturer. This is a huge pain since I didn't even want it in the first place, and technically I bought it from them not the manufacturer.

So newegg rocks but beware their LCD policies!
yeah, that's too bad to hear. I've also noticed how incredibly SLOOWWWW thier site is! For what they do, you would think they would have a better site!
Standpoint said:
I love the egg, but recently had a bad experience. I ordered a set of parts for a complete build for a friend, and got charged and shipped two of every part. Not the biggest deal because I was able to sell the second computer. But the second LCD I recieved had bad backlighting issues. I was told that they would not replace it, and that I had to contact the manufacturer. This is a huge pain since I didn't even want it in the first place, and technically I bought it from them not the manufacturer.

So newegg rocks but beware their LCD policies!
For many parts, Newegg states right in the product description that it will be warranted by the manufacturer only.

I can understand this policy for LCD's. They are very prone to failures and defects and handling that kind of RMA volume would be a headache in itself. If I were to buy an item, I wouldn't mind that I have to send it back to the manufacturer. After all, it's the manufacturer that designates the type and duration of the warranty for their products, not Newegg.
Well I too=, must say I have had nothing but, good experience with them. They always shipped out on time and, got me my parts on time.
I love the egg, but the only time I had to deal w/ customer service it was kind of bad. I signed up for the Preferred account and used it to purchase my system, and it said it wouldn't ship until the account was setup which would take 2-3 weeks! I called them up and basically they said they could do nothing about it so I had to cancel the order and reorder, but I got it the next day!
IntoBlue said:
yeah, that's too bad to hear. I've also noticed how incredibly SLOOWWWW thier site is! For what they do, you would think they would have a better site!

I agree completely... seems to crash every half hour or so
PCBliss said:
a couple years ago i orderd a 9800 pro for like $254... a couple days later it dropped in price to $228.... for some reason i emailed them on a longshot and they actually credited me the difference :eek:

damn i am unluckly. I did the same thing with ram I ordered a couple of years ago and they told me it was policy not to credit me the difference. :(
99% of my service from NewEgg has been wonderful. I do have a couple of minor bones to pick:

1. I ordered a 3Ware 9500-8 RAID-5 card. They sent me a 9500-4. It's a pretty hard mistake to make when you see the boxes :) They fixed it, but my server rollout was delayed a week because of it.

2. Their box packers suck. I bought $1900 worth of MB, processor, PS, sound card, HD, etc... last month and it all came in one box, with each box stacked up on top of each other, and no padding. The bottom box was up against the bottom of the packing box, and the upper box was up agains the top of the packing box. No protection. Luckily, nothing was damaged.

3. Hard Drive packing - Don't EVEN get me started. You guys know the tale.

Like I said. 99% perfect but their packing is the pits. They should look at how Amazon does it.

I can understand this for monitors with a bad pixel or two. They need to let the user fight it out with the manufacturer or they would spend all their time swapping LCD's.

However, a complete, out-right DOA should be taken care of by NewEgg IMHO. It's not a case of perception. It's not a case of meeting a warranty policy for pixels. It's an outright DOA.

If they ever did that to me I'd probably do a charge-back on them. Unacceptable IMHO.


DejaWiz said:
For many parts, Newegg states right in the product description that it will be warranted by the manufacturer only.

I can understand this policy for LCD's. They are very prone to failures and defects and handling that kind of RMA volume would be a headache in itself. If I were to buy an item, I wouldn't mind that I have to send it back to the manufacturer. After all, it's the manufacturer that designates the type and duration of the warranty for their products, not Newegg.
Ok, so I have one more gripe.

I gave them a 99% score so I'm allowed :)

When I placed the order to build my latest computer last month, I _almost_ got scammed by that pre-checked PC magazine order thing on the right-hand side.

That whole deal is slimy to me. Reminds me of the pre-checked "Install Yahoo Toolbar" that's popping up everywhere.


If I want something, I'll telly you dammit :)

I agree that the RMAs for LCDs would be enourmous, but I still didn't like to have to experience a bad LCD from them. One of their competitors, Tigerdirect, offers a no exception 30 day return on LCDs, which beats newegg in my book. Ill buy my parts from newegg, and my LCDs from tigerdirect. Prices are almost the same, though tigerdirect seems to be beating newegg these days in shipping time, averaging two to three days from order to delivery. Newegg has been averaging one to two weeks for me.
2. Their box packers suck. I bought $1900 worth of MB, processor, PS, sound card, HD, etc... last month and it all came in one box, with each box stacked up on top of each other, and no padding. The bottom box was up against the bottom of the packing box, and the upper box was up agains the top of the packing box. No protection. Luckily, nothing was damaged.

I concur. I think their packing could use some improvement...Newegg Support are you out there?