Newegg has the 5870 in stock! $379.99 + Shipping

Hat's off to the egg for not gouging prices at release... so far. :)
Hehe, it's normal for them as stock dries up, but at least their starting price is MSRP. :)

I'm taking your statement as sarcasm. We'll see reviews of this 5870 in a few but if it performs anywhere close to the rumors, paying 400 for a 285 rather than 380 for a 5870 would be super foolish
Very tempted but not Sapphire, if it was XFX or ATI made I would click buy now.

From that picture, it looks like the 5800 series chip either generates a lot less heat or they are able to run extremely hot.... look at the area where the air is exhausted out of the case.... soooooo small.

I bet these things will overclock like mad with just a little bit extra airflow to keep them cooler. :D

LOL at the XP 32-bit SP3 combo deal.... combo a DX11 card with an OS that only supports DX9.. what were they thinking? Trying to clear out the last few copies of XP?
Holding off as well for XFX I just hope they have their's for sale this week as well
If Fry's has it. My local Frys says they no nothing about the 5870
As much as I want to order a pair of these I think I am going to go ahead and wait until NVIDIA's cards are released, or wait to hear more information about a possible 5870 X2 card.

I hate this. I've had my 3 Geforce GTX 280's for a very long time now.
Pffft and there was a whole thread about this in the video card forums where people had "concluded" that the shitty artwork was "photoshopped."
Called around at Fry's and Bestbuy, and no one had any idea what I was talking about:mad:. I would order online, but I prefer to buy a video card from a B&M store. I'm tempted to get the Sapphire, but I've had a bad experience with that brand. I remember my old Sapphire 9700 pro (or was it 98?) went bad on me after about a year. Hopefully, they'll be in tomorrow!
i dont't buy anything but xfx ever since they started making ati cards.
Aren't the cards on newegg usually slightly overpriced at the time of release? Does that point to maybe a $349 MSRP?
not going to buy sapphire card...their support blows :(

waiting for XFX or ASUS or maybe Gigabyte....
Aren't the cards on newegg usually slightly overpriced at the time of release? Does that point to maybe a $349 MSRP?

Thats hard to say. Every MSRP that I have seen for the 5870 has been $399. I was quite surprised to see that newegg had it listed at $380. There is always hope but im not going to hold my breath.
Aren't the cards on newegg usually slightly overpriced at the time of release? Does that point to maybe a $349 MSRP?
yeah i was wondering the same. if it was $399 msrp then i would expect $399 for the very minimum price on there with maybe even 409 or 419 being asked.
As much as I want to order a pair of these I think I am going to go ahead and wait until NVIDIA's cards are released, or wait to hear more information about a possible 5870 X2 card.

I hate this. I've had my 3 Geforce GTX 280's for a very long time now.

You know you want to upgrade :D
I bought my 4850 for $5 under msrp with an additional $20 mail in rebate 3 days after release last year, so it isn't uncommon to shoot just under it at launch to try and sell all of their cards before the other brands.
I bought my 4850 for $5 under msrp with an additional $20 mail in rebate 3 days after release last year, so it isn't uncommon to shoot just under it at launch to try and sell all of their cards before the other brands.
yeah but there were no real issues with card availability either. 40nm didnt even get on a reasonable track until a month or so back. I guarantee you they certainly dont have a surplus of 5800 cards and therefore there is no need to really discount below msrp.
wouldn't be surprised if MSRP is $299 and newegg is charging more.

What makes you think that it would be that cheap? I mean that would be excellent, but every article that I have read as well as the 2 links to zipzoomfly both show $399 and $379. Have you seen an article or anything that suggests this price?
I hate this. I've had my 3 Geforce GTX 280's for a very long time now.

Yeah, that's too bad. You should send one or two to me to give my 280 some company. :D

I want a 58x0 too though :cool:.

I'm waiting for someone to write a review (on Newegg) for these cards in the next day or two. I guarantee the first few won't own it and give it a 5/5 or 1/5 and base their review entirely off of hearsay. Makes me want to track their IP, go to their house, and bash their face in with their card of choice. :mad:
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What makes you think that it would be that cheap? I mean that would be excellent, but every article that I have read as well as the 2 links to zipzoomfly both show $399 and $379. Have you seen an article or anything that suggests this price?


i think sapphire just wanted to out do other AIB partners, I am sure newegg got an ok from sapphire to sell the card, I am sure they have asus as it appeared earlier on their website, they probably weren't authorized to do so, Sapphire probably picked up a few sales before any other manufacturers go on sale.