New Shield FW update

can you still only stream with an nivida card?

Its a Nvidia device , you will only EVER be able to stream off of Nvidia cards. Wouldn't make any business sense for them to let AMD do it plus its designed around Nvidia GPU's , it would take lots of extra time coding and developing.

So unless you have an Nvidia GPU , you are SOL.
It works with any video card as long as it is a nvidia GTX650 or better. :D
Its a Nvidia device , you will only EVER be able to stream off of Nvidia cards. Wouldn't make any business sense for them to let AMD do it plus its designed around Nvidia GPU's , it would take lots of extra time coding and developing.

So unless you have an Nvidia GPU , you are SOL.

Your just streaming video, how is that going to take extra time coding and developing?
Your just streaming video, how is that going to take extra time coding and developing?

Its encoded on the GPU and its only on the 600 series on up. Seriously go read up on Shield.

Better yet.

For the lazy
NVIDIA uses the H.264 encoder built into GeForce GTX 650 or higher desktop GPUs along with special streaming software integrated into GeForce experience to stream games from the PC to SHIELD over the user's home Wi-fi network with ultra-low latency. Gamers use SHIELD as the controller and display for their favorite PC games as well as for steam big picture. This enables gamers to get a GeForce GTX PC gaming experience anywhere in their home Wi-fi network.
I wonder if you could use splashtop with shield and AMD GPU.

I don't really see a reason why it shouldn't
I wonder if you could use splashtop with shield and AMD GPU.

I don't really see a reason why it shouldn't

Can you connect the controller on the Shield to the PC? That's the only way I see it working.
Same BS as ever from nvidia, you act like AMD does not have an H.264 encoder.

First off its obviously hardware driven. Secondly even low end GPU's have an H.264 encoders but shield likely requires a special instruction set that's built around low latency (you know because of the whole DELAY thing..). Could AMD cards encode the video? Of course , but .. can they do it with extremely low latency? Unlikely. I've used AMD's encoding engine when it first came out and it barely was faster than my quad core CPU however the CUDA encoder was actually quite a bit faster than my CPU. More than likely unless AMD were to retool their own H.264 codec for their GPU's for low latency output then it could easily run shield. But also considering Shield itself has a Tegra 4 GPU and that it was built for the ground up to work with Nvidia GPU's and their special codec instruction set you would still not be able to get it working. Why would AMD waste its time trying to get it working even if they wanted to?

All of this is moot anyway , Nvidia will never build a business model that they have to share with AMD.

Shield is and will always be a Nvidia only product. And I doubt we'll see something close to as nice as it for streaming PC games.
Its a Nvidia device , you will only EVER be able to stream off of Nvidia cards. Wouldn't make any business sense for them to let AMD do it plus its designed around Nvidia GPU's , it would take lots of extra time coding and developing.

So unless you have an Nvidia GPU , you are SOL.

LOLWTF you have no idea what you're talking about. :D Also, you're saying it wouldn't make business sense to open another source of revenue for negligible cost? LOL I don't think anyone wants Shield so bad that they're gonna dump their 7970 for an Nvidia card.

Just like Phys-X couldn't be run with ATi card until NVidia put an end to that right? :rolleyes:
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LOLWTF you have no idea what you're talking about. :D Also, you're saying it wouldn't make business sense to open another source of revenue for negligible cost? LOL I don't think anyone wants Shield so bad that they're gonna dump their 7970 for an Nvidia card.

Just like Phys-X couldn't be run with ATi card until NVidia put an end to that right? :rolleyes:

That was my sentiments exactly..

whats funny is some people buy into the "only our cards can do that" type of business marketing that they then come here and parrot it out.

Unless Nvidia is losing money on Shield and needs it to help push sales of desktop graphic cards, it only makes sense good business sense that they should open it up.

its pretty simple, if my pc doesn't support the remote game playing then i wouldn't bother buying the SHield.. plenty fo Android devices play the same games just as well and there are plenty of controller options for them.
LOLWTF you have no idea what you're talking about. :D Also, you're saying it wouldn't make business sense to open another source of revenue for negligible cost? LOL I don't think anyone wants Shield so bad that they're gonna dump their 7970 for an Nvidia card.

Just like Phys-X couldn't be run with ATi card until NVidia put an end to that right? :rolleyes:

Sure , why not give up tens of millions of dollars into R&D and attempting to enter the handheld market and altogether to hold hands with your competitor.

You obviously know nothing about the business end of things , neither do others in this thread it seems. And its not about the Android aspect of it , its about streaming games to it from Steam.

Corporations don't give two shits about "creating an open source revenue" because its not profitable enough for them to do so. If there was even a tiny possibility that they could double their profits by sharing I still doubt they would because they would rather keep their tech internal to them and sue later on when someone attempts to recreate the same kind of capability. I'm also sure there are people who probably will dump their AMD cards for shield because they love the idea of being able to play Steam games in other parts of their household without needing a entirely different PC to run them even if you think that's "dumb".
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If Nvidia was less of a dick, PhysX might have done better, and more people would purchase Shield.
If Nvidia was less of a dick, PhysX might have done better, and more people would purchase Shield.

For the nth time. nvidia offered physx to both AMD and Intel. Both declined. Blame them, not nvidia.

BTW where's havok hw accelerated physics? its been years since it was firtst announed. Heck it was supposed to be out BEFORE physx
I'm not convinced that AMD would be even slightly interested in making their GPUs work with the Shield, even if they were asked to. What motivation would they have to help sell a competitor's product? The last thing you want is to have your loyal customers develop an affinity for a rival brand.

AMD is focused on consoles and they don't care at all about this stuff, and have totally kept their feet out of the consumer embedded / mobile pool.
That was my sentiments exactly..

whats funny is some people buy into the "only our cards can do that" type of business marketing that they then come here and parrot it out.

Unless Nvidia is losing money on Shield and needs it to help push sales of desktop graphic cards, it only makes sense good business sense that they should open it up.

its pretty simple, if my pc doesn't support the remote game playing then i wouldn't bother buying the SHield.. plenty fo Android devices play the same games just as well and there are plenty of controller options for them.

There are many different people who view things many different ways. For sure their are some who as you say buy into it. What this does is creates a positive feedback loop. IE if one person buys into NVidia they might influence friends. ETC, so it grows. For instance 2 of my recent GPUs were NVidia, why? Light boost. AMD hacks didn't come along till after that. That's a GTX780 and 770. Not bad really over $1000 just for a single feature. Shield I have no interest in, but some people probably do. That's how exclusive abilities and content work.