New PC problems - please help


Sep 21, 2005
I recently bought a new PC with these specs:

Albatron KM400 A Pro DDR400 Motherboard
AMD Sempron 2200+ Socket A 1.8ghz (Overclocked - FSB set to 400mhz)
512mb DDR400 OEM memory
ITALENT (??) ATi X800PRO ViVo 256mb
350w PSU
Maxtor 6Y080L0 80gb HDD
WinXp SP2

I brought it home thinking 'yes finally i have my own computer to play games on'. But when i turned it on and installed all the drivers etc, i installed a game and about 5 minutes into playing the game, the video card started making clicking and beeping noises sporadically - this made the game start freezing and making the computer seize up, i managed to close the game and find that it was still doing it in windows.

this was making the computer unusable so after many reboots trying to figure out why it was doing it i decided to re-format the HDD. After the format, i installed the drivers etc and installed FlatOut - it ran flawlessly all settings high on drivers and game for around an hour. I turned it off for a while, later on i turned it back on to find the card was clicking and beeping making the computer freeze again

I was getting really annoyed so i went to the shop's service department and told them about my problems and let them test it. After almost a week of them having it they said that THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!!! I couldnt believe it, they said they updated everything, ran benchmarking programs (3DMark 03, 05) and said that there was no clicking or beeping from the video card and no freezing.

After having to pay 60 bucks just because they found nothing wrong with it, i took it home, booted up and ran the 3D mark programs to see if it was in fact 'fine'. i was extremely annoyed and upset when the card started clicking and beeping and freezing.

guys please help me i dont understand why it was working at there service place and not here - im not running any games in case it starts to screw up again, it seems to be stable when im not running any games or 3D programs - i am suspecting it might be something else than the PC since they said it was working fine - please help if you can, thanks...
More info on the PSU? I assume x800pros need a molex/pci-e connector, is that plugged in if so? Is the fan on the video card spinning?
Sounds like either heat, or power issues. As said, could we get the specs of the PSU, and if possible, maybe try a quick temp monitor, like speedfan?
hignaki said:
Sounds like either heat, or power issues...

Or both.

You may want to check to see if the fan is on the PCB tightly as well...or that there is not a wire that is getting in the way of the fans which case could also cause heat issues.
Couple things are bothering me about this.
First off -- "video card started making clicking and beeping noises sporadically"
How do you know its was the video card? they hardly ever beep. :confused:
Second, if its a new PC then you ought to have a warranty,
Charging you ($60) even if they cannot find a problem isnt right. :mad:
In fact, if its new, I would just return it, or ask for a exchange.
If that is not an option for some reason, then I'd suggest that you take it down to that 'shop', hook it all up and run 3Dmark right then and there.
Run it till it makes noise or your satisified that its AOK.
If it does mess up then you know they hear it, and hopefully get it fixed or a new one.
(and give you your $60 bucks back)
If it runs AOK then you probably need to look at your AC power.
More details would be helpfull, Good luck
guys i was testing it out today and i tried a different PSU cable and a different monitor to rule out anything stupid like that, then i plugged the monitor and PC directly into a power socket to see if that made any difference regarding power.

I stuck my ear closer to listen to the clicking and beeping - its coming from the front of the computer, and everytime the click happens the red 'busy' light goes on then off - im suspecting maybe a faulty hard drive - that could explain why it freezes a lot

can anyone please give info if you think this is the problem too, i am almost certain they didnt test my PC with my video card in it, i suspect they took the video card out and ran it on their own computer becuase my 'problem' was linked to the video card.

and just to let you know they ask for 15% of the marked price just to refund it...

thank you - i hate this shop but they are the only local 'gaming' shop...
its over clocked
thats your problem

set the setting to the corrrect cpu settings, just select run optimised settings in your bios then restart and I bet you cash all your worries are over.

hard drives click sometimes its prolly a cheap one(you said it was a maxtor...I would check the label, they are ussually pretty quiet) but if it is a maxtor warranty it through them, and go to like best buy or frys and spend 50 bux on a new drive to use while you wait.

the beeping is the mobo not the vidcard and its likely a heat issue or just an issue of not being stable for extended periods of times with the overclock the shop did.

run prime95 or something similar and I would also bet cash it crashes pretty quickly.
I assume the clicking noise was coming from the speakers? If the harddrive is clicking...that can mean different things to many different people. When a harddrive does what I consider to be a "click"'s a sign of failure. Do you have SMART turned on the in BIOS? If not i'd turn that on and see if it detects a problem with the drive. If the sound is coming from the speakers during the lockup...i'd try the computer with the power cords connected to a completely different outlet....on a different circuit. This rules out the power problem and outlet wiring problem. If moving it to a different outlet seems to fix the problem...i'd go the Radio Shack and buy one of their $5 outlet testers so you'll know that the outlet is wired correctly.