New Motherboard = Reinstall XP?


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2006
So, I've got a dead board. If I go and replace it with a new one, is it possible at all NOT to reinstall the OS?
I've just got too many programs, settings, etc. in the current setup that if possible, I'd want to avoid the reinstall. Besides, I'm having a hard time locating my XP CD. I have the key, but can't find the CD.
Your xp installation is stored on the hard drive, theoretically all you would have to do is pop in the new mobo connect all your hardware boot up windows and install the drivers that came with the mobo.
Your xp installation is stored on the hard drive, theoretically all you would have to do is pop in the new mobo connect all your hardware boot up windows and install the drivers that came with the mobo.

But then again theoretically communism works
If its the same motherboard it should be no problems.If you try with a differant motherboard it might.Driver issues.
Sometimes XP will boot up just fine on a new motherboard, most of the time it won't. I've read that if you uninstall all the drivers before you switch out boards then you'll have better luck, but it doesn't sound like that possible in your case.

With that said, if you're replaceing the motherboard with the exact same model, then you'll be fine.
Depends on the chipset really. You can usually go from one similar set to another, but going from an Intel to an Nvidia or something will cause a lot of headaches.
Three solutions...

Sysprep usually works as long as you follow the procedure exactly...

You can delete the entire ENUM key in your registry and hope that Windows will rebuild your drivers correctly....

And the most foolproof and reliable method.... a clean install. It sucks that you'll loose all of your data/programs/games etc.... but back ups and images help ease the pain of a clean install......

And as said above, if your new board is identical (chipset) to your dead one, you'll be fine...
On my folding computers, I've essentially always used the repair function.....

I have three machines that have gone through two or three CPU upgrades (and thus entirely new MB upgrades) and the HDD has remained the same forever......

Granted all I want these things to do is fold like mad, but after repair and loading chipset and ethernet drivers, etc; I've not seen one conflict, plus Ive got all three overclocked to their maximum.

You could always use the backup function, load to an external HDD, repair, and then see if there are any least your data will be safe.
Thank you all for your advice/input.
Unfortunately the computer is about 2 years old using an Intel D915PBL motherboard. I was trying to find the same exact one, but I figured a new motherboard that uses a faster RAM would be better.
I'm currently looking at the Abit P35 motherboard. My CPU is a P4 HT 775 3.2 Gig. I'm hoping it will work with this motherboard.

I've done a complete motherboard and cpu replacement before without reinstalling the OS and it went fine, but that was using the same brand (intel) motherboard and CPU.

I was thinking about deleting all the drivers first, but honestly, don't know how I would do that.

Finally, "Repair Install"
Where do I find that? Is that in the XP installation CD?
Boot from your XP install cd, and when prompted, select repair and let it do it's thing...

And honestly, I had no idea that a repair install would do the trick.... guess I've been living under a rock for a bit too long:)
ok, we'll see how this works.
I'm out this week, so hopefully, I'll have some time next week to get this thing going.
crossing my fingers that it's as easy as it sounds. :)

Oh yeah, now I really have to find that XP CD. Yikes!
I replaced an unknown oem mobo with Abit NF7-S. I got so lucky since I think the unknown oem mobo also had a nforce 2 chipset. I didn't have to do anything at all. Just worked perfectly from the start. I was shocked.
when my DS3 broke and i switched to P5B-D i didn't have to do anything
Wow, I'm really hoping my switch will be as easy as some of yours did.

oh, also, I finally found my XP cd :)
Honestly, the repair installs I've done have been as smooth as silk. I never deleted anything, just added the proper drivers for the new MB.

If I recall, I did have to activate the repair install just as I would a fresh one. So have the key available.
So, one last (off topic) question before I get it.
For this basic setup (not planning on overclocking), but want a stable setup

Abit IP35-E
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L

It seems these two are neck-in-neck as far as features, with the Gigabyte having a couple more inputs in the back (serial, PS/2 Mouse). I "may" need a serial port, but I'm guessing they sell serial to usb adapter now days.

So, with that, is it basically a toss up?
Currently, I'm hoping to just use the P4 3.2 HT cpu with it, but I may just bite the bullet and grab a new Dual-Core CPU.

Thanks again.
Will be ordering one very soon.