New Mod


Apr 17, 2004
Just finished it this week. Like to know what you all think.


Thanks. After I got everything I needed it took about a week. The hardest part was cutting up the PSU and sleeving it.

Originally posted by deftone
Though i dont like what you've painted it looks nice and neat.

..... are you french? or communist?

Awsome paint job, not my first pick of cases but you definately made it look nice!
EXCELLENT PAINT JOB, it really looks incredible, is that motherboard a pt880? it looks strangely familiar considering i sent one off for an rma a week ago
Sorry pitbull if you don't think the pc is modded enough. It is a case wrap. I got it at Polygfx. I never tried to pass the case off as painted. The inside took some time to do and I don't think you can fine a stock pc like this at a store. The motherboard is a MSi NEO2 FIS2R.

Originally posted by ITjunkie
Sorry pitbull if you don't think the pc is modded enough. It is a case wrap. I got it at Polygfx. I never tried to pass the case off as painted. The inside took some time to do and I don't think you can fine a stock pc like this at a store. The motherboard is a MSi NEO2 FIS2R.


No dude, I like it. I just thought that you were gonna let people think you painted it when it's someone elses work. I like it btw ;)
Thanks pitbull. I wouldn't do that. It took me a while to repry to the posts. devildude, I got the case skin at It cost 50 bucks. There's not a very big selection out there but a few good ones.

I never liked those chenbro cases....but damn you made it looks so good..........good job....i like how everything stayed in a solid color and it is very neat inside............Hopefully you dont change anything.........

Awesome case man. Best theme ever you can use for a case.

I almost bought one of the Falcon Northwest machines because of the American Flag paint job they offer. Luckily shortly thereafter I found the [H] and built my own instead :)
Originally posted by Grizzy
..... are you french? or communist?

Awsome paint job, not my first pick of cases but you definately made it look nice!

errr sorry man , but french dont hate u , they just dont like how the things have been done.

nice job on the case :D
that is a great case and i think people should appreciate it instead of tellin you off but i m sure they didnt mean it in a bad way

anyways.. my opinions... i think ur wire organizations with the sleeving.. im sure the sleeving helped but theres still too many sleeved wires.. maybe you can try hiding some wires behind the back or something?... or resleeve those wires to get more wires into one sleeve?... i m sure the sleeving helps a lot but its still sorta messy.. no offense though... just suggesting you to maybe hide as much wires as you can...try hiding it behind the motherboard tray or behind the powersupply or behind the cddrive/hdd drive cages... or when you put on your side panel, make sure you see a minimum of wires thru the windows

i also see that you have the thermaltake powersupply... i just read about it on xoxide.. how is it?
That_Sound_Guy said:
:mad: , kinda makes me wonder what in the hell your a fan off....

Nice case btw

Because, you know, there's no such thing as being neutral. o_0
Where's the mod. Not to come off as a jerk but I don't see any mods. Unless you did the paint you just got a bunch of "pre-mods" and stuck them all together. Where's the skill in that might I ask. Cabling job is nice, even though it looks pretty less is more, hide the cables no matter what.
Grizzy said:
..... are you french? or communist?

Awsome paint job, not my first pick of cases but you definately made it look nice!

oh boy

don't you think it's a little bit to exaggerating to say things like that just because someone doesn't like the usa-flag theme on a case???
WOW there's a lot of STUPID COMMENTS in this thread. "New Low" comes to mind.

ITJunkie it looks pretty damn hot dude, the flag with the window right in the middle looks AWESOME. I would agree that more cables should be hidden though. I also think it would have been hotter if the stickers you put on the inside were on the outside, like the side panel, but too late now :p
america has the worst flag ever

but you did a really nice job on the whole case
That_Sound_Guy said:
:mad: , kinda makes me wonder what in the hell your a fan off....

Nice case btw

i forgot, the country founded on the idea of freedom doesnt take kindly to independent thinking. my mistake.
There's a big difference between independent thinking and stupid, useless, lame ignorant comments that lack taste, substance, and respect for others.

Way to keep the stupid comments coming.
Benny Blanco said:
There's a big difference between independent thinking and stupid, useless, lame ignorant comments that lack taste, substance, and respect for others.

Way to keep the stupid comments coming.

good, i hope i offended you.

blind jingoisitic patriotism has done more harm for this country than good. people like you sadden me.

i would hate to see this thread closed because you guys cant take your dispute elsewhere.........
jamestime88 said:
i would hate to see this thread closed because you guys cant take your dispute elsewhere.........

good idea

What are the stats on that? i notice some weird looking PCI cards